How are you doing?



  • Sveid
    Sveid Posts: 37 Member
    Today is my Day 3. Haven't done it yet, but will shortly.

    My thighs are finally okay, but now my calves are on fire. I finally have calf muscles~
  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 360 Member
    Just finished Day 3 - My DVD arrived today so thankfully I had no dodgy internet connection to deal with.

    Finding the push-ups (the easy version!) and the bicycle crunches at the end terrible, but managing everything else much better. Funny, my abs haven't been hurting so I was doubting whether I was doing the ab exercises I made extra effort tonight and am hoping I am doing them right. I was a bit stiff today - not too bad, and I am hoping that I will be better tomorrow and hopefully find the workout a bit easier. At least I am getting through it even if at times I am finding it a bit unpleasant. I guess that because it is only 20 minutes or so and is broken into 3,2, and 1 minute sections helps you to push to the end of each as if the end is always in sight and lots of mini-ends if that makes sense. Well done to everyone who is doing this - whatever day you are on. The main thing is that we are sticking with it!!! Good luck for tomorrow!
  • kgilbert75
    kgilbert75 Posts: 70 Member
    Today is day 4 for me. My husband does the workout with me as soon as he gets home from work and it's nice having him motivate me. The first 3 days I was so sore, but today my body is feeling better. Now I'm just looking forward to seeing results!
  • starkers80
    starkers80 Posts: 14 Member
    Just finished Day 3 - My DVD arrived today so thankfully I had no dodgy internet connection to deal with.

    Finding the push-ups (the easy version!) and the bicycle crunches at the end terrible, but managing everything else much better. Funny, my abs haven't been hurting so I was doubting whether I was doing the ab exercises I made extra effort tonight and am hoping I am doing them right. I was a bit stiff today - not too bad, and I am hoping that I will be better tomorrow and hopefully find the workout a bit easier. At least I am getting through it even if at times I am finding it a bit unpleasant. I guess that because it is only 20 minutes or so and is broken into 3,2, and 1 minute sections helps you to push to the end of each as if the end is always in sight and lots of mini-ends if that makes sense. Well done to everyone who is doing this - whatever day you are on. The main thing is that we are sticking with it!!! Good luck for tomorrow!

    oh I hate the push ups! I can't do all of them yet. I think this is what will hold me from moving on to level 2.
  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 360 Member
    Just finished Day 3 - My DVD arrived today so thankfully I had no dodgy internet connection to deal with.

    Finding the push-ups (the easy version!) and the bicycle crunches at the end terrible, but managing everything else much better. Funny, my abs haven't been hurting so I was doubting whether I was doing the ab exercises I made extra effort tonight and am hoping I am doing them right. I was a bit stiff today - not too bad, and I am hoping that I will be better tomorrow and hopefully find the workout a bit easier. At least I am getting through it even if at times I am finding it a bit unpleasant. I guess that because it is only 20 minutes or so and is broken into 3,2, and 1 minute sections helps you to push to the end of each as if the end is always in sight and lots of mini-ends if that makes sense. Well done to everyone who is doing this - whatever day you are on. The main thing is that we are sticking with it!!! Good luck for tomorrow!

    oh I hate the push ups! I can't do all of them yet. I think this is what will hold me from moving on to level 2.

    So glad I'm not the only one starkers!
  • phoenix8633
    phoenix8633 Posts: 137 Member
    I really can't do the push ups not for that amount of time anyway, I do try to keep going with them by sometimes it's a case of not getting all the way down, my favourite part is the last section with the chest flys and side lunges I look forward to that part most in level 1.
  • dejatyja
    dejatyja Posts: 109 Member
    This is day 4 for me. My thighs are still sore but not as much. I think my body is finally trying to get use to this. My body probably is trying to figure what in the world I'm doing.

    In addition to 30DS, I've also been walking/jogging. It too is getting better. I only do 1 1/2 mile. When I get that down packed then I will increase.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • dejatyja
    dejatyja Posts: 109 Member
    Just finished Day 3 - My DVD arrived today so thankfully I had no dodgy internet connection to deal with.

    Finding the push-ups (the easy version!) and the bicycle crunches at the end terrible, but managing everything else much better. Funny, my abs haven't been hurting so I was doubting whether I was doing the ab exercises I made extra effort tonight and am hoping I am doing them right. I was a bit stiff today - not too bad, and I am hoping that I will be better tomorrow and hopefully find the workout a bit easier. At least I am getting through it even if at times I am finding it a bit unpleasant. I guess that because it is only 20 minutes or so and is broken into 3,2, and 1 minute sections helps you to push to the end of each as if the end is always in sight and lots of mini-ends if that makes sense. Well done to everyone who is doing this - whatever day you are on. The main thing is that we are sticking with it!!! Good luck for tomorrow!

    oh I hate the push ups! I can't do all of them yet. I think this is what will hold me from moving on to level 2.

    So glad I'm not the only one starkers!

    The pushups, I use to hate. And just to know that a little over a year ago, I did them the regular way. NOT NOW. I'm all knees until I can build my strength back up. I usually get all but the last two pushups and bicycle crunches but today I actually did ALL the pushups and all the bicylce crunches at the end. Yay go me!!!:bigsmile:
  • wendy8883
    wendy8883 Posts: 50
    Hi everyone day 3 for shoulder blades are killing me and i have bloating and a few stomach cramps from the crunches but overall i think its worth it, im going to push through it!!!! I wish everyone the best
  • wendy8883
    wendy8883 Posts: 50
    Oh yea i hate the push ups
  • underthecherrytree
    underthecherrytree Posts: 532 Member
    Finished day 3 today and I still cannot do the full 20 minutes without taking breaks. Hopefully I will still lose some inches. I also find that when I do the jump rope part, my shins start to hurt. Even though I take breaks, I am proud of myself for exercising since I haven't in a long time.
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    The worst for me, I think, is the "jump rope" movements. My feet absolutely KILL ME! I can't make it through it for more than fifteen seconds! It's so upsetting. I need foot warm-ups. :laugh:

    Those bicycle crunches kick my booty. I try to overdo it and literally move my legs as if I'm on a bicycle instead of following the girls. :ohwell:

    Good luck tomorrow girls and boys! :flowerforyou:
  • sonal150
    sonal150 Posts: 36 Member
    Finished my DAY 3 and DAY 4.
    I still cannot do much on push up. I need to really work on those.
    One thing I noticed. At end of DAY 1 I was pretty sore and during the DAY 2 workout I had some control over my movements (during strength and abs)!
    I was not sore during my DAY 3 workout and I had to try very very hard to keep my form.
    May be being a little sore is actually good. May be it is the muscle-memory which helped me!
    I have to take breaks in between and try not to take more than 5 seconds....
    Looking forward to DAY 5....
  • timmiegirl
    timmiegirl Posts: 7
    I did day 8 yesterday, had to miss a day because the munchkins wouldn't go to sleep but I really feel great now. I find my stamina and endurance is so much better since I started. I watched levels 2 and 3 last night out of curiousity and I may stay on level one a few extra days till I feel I'm a little more ready. I'm not in a hurry to be finished, I actually really enjoy doing this workout and like how I feel!
  • bonboncito
    bonboncito Posts: 210 Member
    Just finished Day 3 - My DVD arrived today so thankfully I had no dodgy internet connection to deal with.

    Finding the push-ups (the easy version!) and the bicycle crunches at the end terrible, but managing everything else much better. Funny, my abs haven't been hurting so I was doubting whether I was doing the ab exercises I made extra effort tonight and am hoping I am doing them right. I was a bit stiff today - not too bad, and I am hoping that I will be better tomorrow and hopefully find the workout a bit easier. At least I am getting through it even if at times I am finding it a bit unpleasant. I guess that because it is only 20 minutes or so and is broken into 3,2, and 1 minute sections helps you to push to the end of each as if the end is always in sight and lots of mini-ends if that makes sense. Well done to everyone who is doing this - whatever day you are on. The main thing is that we are sticking with it!!! Good luck for tomorrow!
    I love that 3,2 and ! it really helps to get trough it :)
  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 360 Member
    Hi! Sorry, I am in a rush. Just gone midnight and I have to be up at 4.30am ...flying over to London for the day tomorrow. Yay! I will get home after 10pm so really doubt I will have the energy to do my 5th day til Sunday. I did day 4 this evening. I do think I am stronger and the stiffness is easing up. Good luck to all for tomorrow. I'll check in on Sunday.
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member

    I had put the video on hold with my library cause I wanted to try it out before buying it. When it came in the other day and I did day 1 and 2 I didn't think about the fact that we are going to Hawaii next week and movies can only be kept out for 1 week. So I had to return it. I was soooo sore after day 1 that I had to wait a day before trying day 2. I could barely walk or more my arms and after sitting for a few minutes my legs hurt to stand up. I had to modify the jumping jacks, pushups, and fake jump roping things. I was sad. I used to be able to do 150 pushups in less then 3 minutes :(


    When we get back from Hawaii I am going to get it again and start again and actually buy the weights (that was another sad part that it was so hard for me and I didn't even have the weights). Today we went to Ross to get a couple new shirts for our plane trip to Hawaii and Tshirt to wear around the island. My SO found this pink Hurley Tshirt that he really likes and wanted me to get but it was only in 1x and I wear 2x in shirts (I am well endowed up top lol) I tried it on and its really doesn't flatter my stomach at ALL. So I am going to take a before picture in that shirt and do the whole 30 days and then hopefully the after picture in that shirt will look better. Hopefully. I rarely buy new clothes unless I absolutely have to and when I do they are usually cheap whatever I can get on clearance at Walmart clothes, so buying a $9 shirt from Ross that I can't even wear yet is a big thing for me and darned if I let that money get wasted, lol. Maybe that will work for motivation for me.

    Oh and it was also discouraging that my HRM said I only burned 221 calories during all of that. I felt like I was going to pass out and I only burned 221 calories What?!!!! A 30 minute hike burns 300 at least for me so feeling like I am going to die should definitely be more then that or so I thought.
  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 360 Member
    I didn't do this yesterday as I was up at 4.30am to fly over to London for the day and arrived home at 10pm after walking around all day so I was too exhausted. I soooo didn't feel like doing it tonight because I was tired, but I did - and I was glad I did. It didn't hurt much but I am not sure if that is because I had a break and will be sore again tomorrow, or maybe I am used to it now. I do think I got through it better this evening despite being tired (bad pms at the moment so I am very low energy). For some reason the push-ups worked better for me too. Maybe my hands were positioned better - could I be getting that much stronger after 5 sessions? I don't know, but it was better tonight. I hope you are all doing well and starting to see or feel results. Talk tomorrow :smile:
  • dasblondie
    dasblondie Posts: 100 Member
    Just got my 30DS today!!! So i will be starting really looking forward to getting back on track after the my last few days...been eating like crap and havent exercised for 2 days :( i will be going on vacation next thursday so i may not be able to do the video friday, sat or sun (unless i do it sunday night) Well i will post how i feel tomorrow night...SO EXCITED!!!!
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Hi everyone. Day 2 for me today - Sore tonight! I felt a little tightness up the front of my thighs today and from my underarms stretching across towards my chest. Tonight I am really feeling it. Going up the stairs is sore. Coming down is even worse, lol! I am looking forward to my body becoming accustomed to this stress and finding it all easier. Tonight was difficult as my internet connection kept freezing so it was hard to keep up the continuity....I also ended up doing extra of several of the exercises as I kept going back a bit when it got stuck. I am looking forward to my dvd copy arriving. I'm glad to be doing this though :smile: How is everyone else doing?

    I felt the same way about stairs. A couple hours after the first day, I found going down stairs was soooo much more painful than going up them. I never thought I would hurt so bad going down stairs! You'd figure it would be vice-versa.

    Anywho, I started it last Saturday and also did Jillian Michaels - Banish Fat, Boost metabolism 20 mins worth). Sunday, I did a different workout (The Biggest Loser - At Home Challenge). Monday- sore I could barely get out of bed. Tuesday - Same way, but took a walk. Wednesday-Friday - nothing. Saturday - Did the 30DS again. Didn't feel sore after. I got through the workout with only about 2 five second breaks. I was so proud of myself. Today - Did a different workout (Jillian Michaels - Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism). It's a 40 minute workout. I think it has several different circuits. I can only manage to get through 2 of them so far which is 20 minutes. The thing about this workout is that it's kinda fun! You do some punches and punch combinations. Needless to say, I bought her kickboxing fastfix..have yet to try it