Daily Shredder Motivation



  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    We can do this!

  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    So, level 2 begins today for most of us...Don't forget why you decided to do this. Don't forget why you chose Jillian
    Michaels for your training...but just in case you forget, here's not so friendly reminder...


    And most of all, don't forget to come back here for that much needed push

    Here's your moment of motivation:

    A sore body today is a strong body tomorrow.
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    We can do this!


    I agree, pain is soooo overrated. Pride, on the other hand is your inner strength that we have the privilege to see on the outside.
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    We can do this!


    I agree, pain is soooo overrated. Pride, on the other hand is your inner strength that we have the privilege to see on the outside.

    I totally agree with you. For some reason Jillian always makes me want to prove myself to her. At first I was like who is the b*atch but now I really grown to love her. I still yell not nice things about her when she make my abs burn but I really do love how much she motivates me.
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    It's Friday! You've made it this far and you're on Day 2 of Level 2 and you're kicking some major butt out there. Good for you. Because, you know that you will not get anything just by wishing for it. You know, that you have to earn it by your blood, sweat, tears and a few good pointed cuss words at Jillian. (It's ok, I think she can handle it).

    And it's the weekend....Don't let your weekend, be your weakness. Don't let all the good, hard work you put in this week be destroyed....Maintain your focus, log your food in, and if you do have fun (as you should) make sure you log that in as well and never beat yourself up if you go over...that's why you paid Jillian.

    Here's your moment of motivation:
  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    Good morning! I like this one. I'm definitely guilty of wanting to be healthy and fit but not doing anything about it. But not anymore! I know I'm capable of getting to where I want to be and this time I'm going to actually accomplish my goal!!!

  • jetsgirl
    jetsgirl Posts: 50
    Definitely a good one from both of you this morning. I was so bummed out I couldn't do the shred last night. I have allergies and my head feels like its going to pop right off but I don't care....I'm SO doing it tonight regardless!!!
  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    Definitely a good one from both of you this morning. I was so bummed out I couldn't do the shred last night. I have allergies and my head feels like its going to pop right off but I don't care....I'm SO doing it tonight regardless!!!

    Ugh I feel ya. I have just recently developed really bad allergies to trees, cats and dust. I get allergy shots once a week and they have really helped. :). Hope you feel better soon!
  • mom2teebee
    mom2teebee Posts: 76 Member
    So, level 2 begins today for most of us...Don't forget why you decided to do this. Don't forget why you chose Jillian
    Michaels for your training...but just in case you forget, here's not so friendly reminder...


    And most of all, don't forget to come back here for that much needed push

    Here's your moment of motivation:

    A sore body today is a strong body tomorrow.

    I love this one. At one time I considered putting a picture of her in front of my treadmill for motivation.
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    I let her kick my butt this morning ... normally I do my workouts after work. Won't have time tonight so I got up and did it. My arms and butt hurt while typing at my desk today >.< LOL
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    Definitely a good one from both of you this morning. I was so bummed out I couldn't do the shred last night. I have allergies and my head feels like its going to pop right off but I don't care....I'm SO doing it tonight regardless!!!

    Ugh I feel ya. I have just recently developed really bad allergies to trees, cats and dust. I get allergy shots once a week and they have really helped. :). Hope you feel better soon!

    I suffered from allergies and still do. I got an Ionic Breeze from Sharper Image years ago and that along with vacumming twice a week makes the biggest difference....I have two cats and though, i'm busy and tired...I have to make time for it. If not, i'm suffering bad and the allergies in the Mid-Atlantic has been fierce this year.
  • jetsgirl
    jetsgirl Posts: 50
    I tried Claratin which didn't work so I'm trying Allegra now. I vaccuum almost daily (I run a home daycare) and sweep and mop every night. I usually don't even get them but every few years they come along.
    I made it through! Had to stop to blow my nose a few times but I did it. L2D1 DONE!
  • AdiposeRapture
    "Sweat is fat CRYING"

    "I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday"

    Change your mind
    Change your BODY."

    "In moments of doubt, close your eyes and picture yourself a year from now. Then get back to work"

    *** I wish I knew how to add pictures**

    And now it's time to let Jillian kick my fatty *kitten* for the 4th day in a row. Praying to the chubby Gods that today is the day it gets a little easier.
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    Ahhh, Saturday...your day to relax. Not! Haven't done your 30 day shred yet? Get to it!

    Even the kitties know that they need to exercise...

    Here's your moment of motivation.
  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    JM kicked my butt today. Sweat was literally pouring off me during circuit 3 ab plank move from hell. But I did it and I'll do it again tomorrow. I want this shirt!

  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    Happy Mother's Day! But just because you have a special day, it shouldn't excuse any of us from our Daily Shred. It just means that you'll be more special while shredding today.

    A very special thanks to all the Moms in this group, it's because of you we get our strength and our determination to never give up and to keep on. You were our first Hero and continue to be a strength to us all. And for that, this is your moment of motivation:

  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    Mondays! Ugghh, I can't stand Monday. The beginning of the workweek. Weekend over, but it's also a fresh start. If you had a great weekend (for you Mothers out there, hope it was great!) and you maintained the course! Fantastic job! For those of you who might have just a little too much of the weekend. It's ok...Time to get back on track and let Jillian kick our butts.
    And especially for you early morning risers who have already done your workout...this is for you.

    Here's your moment of motivation.
  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    Here's your moment of motivation.

    So true! Especially when you really did not want to get out of bed but pushed yourself to do so and pushed yourself to kick *kitten* for 20 minutes! I can't wait til my body looks like this. :)
  • jetsgirl
    jetsgirl Posts: 50
    I missed yesterday bc of such a hectic day but I did some major grass cutting and yard work. Was soaked in sweat and pretty sure I burned way more cals doing that than the Shred. Back on track today!
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    Well, believe it or not, we have reached a milestone in our journey. We have passed the 15 day mark. Some of you have achieved some NSV (non scale victories), some have achieved measured and weighted victories and some are still staring at the scale asking yourself, 'WTF?'
    Remember that this is part of the process. You could very well be losing inches and weight, but with the toning and weight training...you are putting on muscle. That's a good thing. Besides...the scale lies. It's not the true indication of who you are and who you want to be. We have 14 days more to kick it into overdrive and really burn. We are not trying to just lose weight...because, I know none of us have any intention of finding that weight again. We are changing and training for life. And with that you will do well.

    Here's your moment of motivation...