Welcome everyone! Come and introduce yourself!



  • lizbuzz
    lizbuzz Posts: 6
    Hi all!

    I'm Liz. I'm 27, and 257 pounds, and have tried several other sites to try and lose the 60 pounds I want rid of, but I keep failing. I'm a grad student at Carleton, and trying to balance the stress/emotional eating that I know I am prone to with enough exercise to keep me happier and healthier. I just try and keep it one day at a time, without any time-frame goals, as I don't want to set myself up for failure. I am married, but my husband isn't taking part in my weight loss journey. He's comfortable with his weight, and supports me as he can, but it can be hard sometimes to be supportive *without coming across as nagging or negative* when you aren't in on the weight loss.

    I'm looking for support and encouragement so that I stick with it this time, and *finally* succeed, instead of giving up when I feel like I'm in this alone.
  • Hi everyone,
    I'm Kay and I'm a 19-year-old student at Ottawa U studying Health Sciences. I recently put on about 25 lbs in 6 months because..well..I was living and France and wasn't able to resist all the baguettes, cheese and wines :( But since getting home around Christmas, I have gotten back on the wagon. February was an unfortunate "break" month for me, so I'm hoping to stick to it from now on. My goal is to lose 30 pounds by my sister's wedding in October.

    I am new to message boards, groups and friends, so please add me if you are looking for more. I could use the help and motivation :)

    P.S. Nice to see so many from Newfoundland - while in France I was working at Beaumont-Hamel WW1 Memorial!
  • virgcm
    virgcm Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all!
    I'm new to the group! Been on MFP for over a year now. I fell off the mfp wagon for a bit as I was pregnant with our little girl. I'm now back and stronger than ever. Ok not really, but I'm on my way to being stronger!

    My favorite exercises include running, hiking, yoga, calistenics (sp) and whatever ab, or cardio workouts I can find on Youtube.

    Feel free to add me on your mfp aps as well!
  • Erin_McCauls
    Erin_McCauls Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All!

    My name is Erin, I was born and raised in Ottawa. I'm 32, and 181 pounds. I gained about 20 pounds since moving in with my other half last year. He doesn't care what size I am, but I do! I've joined to lose about 40 pounds, and meet like minded people to help on my journey. I am determined to make this a lifestyle change, that's the only way to do it!

    If you need support or encouragement don't hesitate to friend me, or send me a message. I know how hard this can be, I've been on a weight roller coaster since I was a teenager.

    Good luck everyone!
  • chinashopgirl
    chinashopgirl Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I really enjoyed reading all the posts, nice to meet others who have similar challenges. My name is Monica I am 47 years old have lived in Ottawa for over 20 years . I have struggled with my weight since the age of 10, I have lost and gained several times over . I am a nurse and since starting to work rotating shifts between 12 hour days/nights I have been unable to lose any significant amount of weight. I decided after attempting several different programs that I need a eating plan that I can live with, not trying to fit my life into a eating plan, off course using healthy guidelines as a guide. Looking forward to meeting others for support, inspiration and friendship.:smile:
  • clouxles
    clouxles Posts: 71 Member
    Hey – My name is Mark… 55 and although I am originally from TO I have lived in Ottawa long enough (30 + years) to no longer support the Leafs. I work out regularly but had (have) a bit of a party life style always thinking that that extra piece of whatever or that extra pint or (2 - ?) was OK. So I went on a diet(Ideal Protein) lost 45 lbs and now I track everything I do. I still party, love Zaphods & Mavericks Ritual etc (I’m the old guy in the Zappa shirt) but a little less beer and eat much better… and by using this site I have an idea what I do to myself. The support is great and nice to be with likeminded people.

  • jbrow2487
    jbrow2487 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi all :) I'm Jess (insert that New Girl show song here). I've been living in Ottawa since 2006 when I came here for university at Ottawa U. Currently working 2 jobs, part time at Health Canada and part time at an optometrist. Thus, me sitting around all day sucks! I decided that because I'm turning 25 this year (in 2 weeks from today) that it is was time to get my butt in gear and get back to being healthier. I'm also heading back to school next fall at Algonquin for a post grad program, so I would love to loose the weight before then :) In high school I did competitive figure skating and was in pretty decent shape. I didn't gain the freshman 15, it was more like the 2nd, 3rd, 4th year and beyond weight add on lol. I joined MFP in January but didn't quite get serious about logging and exercising until about a month ago and I must say that I am feeling FANTASTIC. While I have only lost about 6 pounds so far, friends and family have noticed that I am looking healthier :) So that is my little blurb, just wanted to say hello all and cudos to everyone and their dedication :)
  • stardustfan
    stardustfan Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Chris, and I was born and raised here in Ottawa. I've been overweight since I was a teenager, but it wasn't until this year that I decided that I had to stop making excuses for myself, and really get my butt in gear. Physical activity has always been my biggest challenge, but I've made giant steps to remedy that situation. I'm currently learning to run, and hope to run my first 5k race in the next few months. I could probably do it now, but I'm still very self-conscious of the fact that I run/walk, and would ultimately like to be able to run the entire thing, or at least only walk for a short period. If there are any new runners in this group (or experienced runners who wouldn't mind helping a newer runner), I would love to find a running partner!

    I was really excited to discover this group mostly because most of my friends are slim and don't understand my struggle with my weight, and my quest to change my lifestyle. They're supportive of me of course, but I would love to find a few local people (and new friends) who might want to join me for a run, a class, a workout, or even a healthy lunch.

    Feel free to add me!
  • Hi, My name is Missy and Im 29 years old and 20 weeks pregnant. Upon finding out we are going to have our second child I learned that I am still the exact same weight I was full term for my first child who will be 4 in September. Determined to not weigh 300 lbs by the end of this pregnancy I have obtained a dietician recommended by my doctor to some how loose weight safely and/or maintain current weight till I have given birth.
    As my mid section is growing and my cravings are crazy this is going to be a long 5 months...lol
    Wish me luck!
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    Just saw this.

    My name is Lyne, i'm 32, live in Gatineau and work for the government in Ottawa. I want to lose 45 pounds, but i've been on and off sick lately, it's so hard to keep myself on track. Moving to a new place in 2 weeks should help (mold issues in the current apartment).

    That's all I can think of for now.
  • Hi, I'm Kaleigh. I grew up in Cornwall, and lived in a few different cities over the years but I love Ottawa :) I work in Arnprior and live in Barrhaven. I want to get fit and healthy. I need to lose about 20lbs. I am on a mission to become stronger, smarter and more energized. At 29yrs old, now is the time to take charge of my life. Party days and junk food are in the past lol. I am now addicted to spin class and MFP.

    Its nice to meet you all!

  • Equinox1424
    Equinox1424 Posts: 13 Member
    Francis here from Ottawa..looking to shred a few pounds

  • CLJC55
    CLJC55 Posts: 8
    Hey All, My name is Claude just joined the group. Have been on MFP for 51 days now this is so addictive. I have been on my weight loss journey for a while now started Jan 3 2011 on another site you may of heard of it Body For LIfe. Lost 39 # so far since my daughter told me when I mentioned to her that I wanted to loose my gut. " Dad All the old men your age have a Beer Gut. So it's been game on ever since. Motivation or what. lol. She was 17. I have made alot of friends on the bfl site and some of us have migrated to mfp. Currently on the WARRIOR thread there. I like the idea of having people close enough to meet with and what better way to make new friends and maybe find a workout buddy or two.

    Happily married with 2 teenagers 18 soon to be 19 girl and the boy 15 soon to be 16.

    I'm born and raised here currently for the past 20n yrs. living in Orleans/ the new Ottawa. If you want to friend me please do we can learn from one another.

    As my friend says Eat Clean and Workout DIRTY!

    Cheers! Claude
  • CLJC55
    CLJC55 Posts: 8
    Hi Emma,
    Where is everyone? I hope this thread gets more active. It's kinda late so will check back later.
    Have a good night
  • happyhealthydiana
    happyhealthydiana Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Diana. I'm originally from Vancouver, but Ottawa has been my home since 2008. Moved here for work. I'm in my late-20s... okay fine, I'm turning 30 later this year.. so I'm at the very end of my 20s. I was about 30 lbs overweight at my heaviest (I suddenly gained this weight out of nowhere over the course of a year and half). But I've ALWAYS been about 10 lbs overweight. I've lost and gained back the same 10-20 lbs since forever. This is my second time around on MFP. Hope it sticks this time! I'm doing some strength training, fitness videos and am planning to sign up for a running clinic in June. Umm... okay, that's it from me for now!

    Good luck with your weight loss journey everyone!
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Hey all,

    My name is Amanda. I've lived in the Ottawa area most of my life (originally from Winchester/Chesterville area but now living in the city.) I joined MFP a few weeks ago and am only now discovering the message boards. I'm learning that until I started exploring the site I've missed out on the big perk of having this supportive community of people focusing on their health. So feel free to add me and all that.

    My "career" up until this point has been in the realm of radio. I spent 3 years on a morning show and whoooo boy what it did to my body. Not enough sleep, feeling like I was eating all the time (and not good stuff) because I would be awake like 18 or 19 hours during the day. I had joined a gym and lost 40 pounds before I relocated for that job and before I could enjoy my new body that I had worked so hard for it was gone, lost due to the fact that I couldn't cook and thus resorted to take out pizza most nights and Tim Horton's garbage for most breakfasts.

    My life hit a breaking point last September when I got fired from my job and my boyfriend dumped me all within a few days of each other. I was living in northern Ontario for work so, with no work, I eventually swallowed my pride and moved back home...with mom...to sleep on a cot in her bedroom. Now back at home at 26, feeling hurt and lied to by the man I trusted, and jobless I went through a very low period where I ate my feelings (worse than I had been before all this happened anyway) and literally burned only the amount of calories it took to get out of bed and walk to the couch every day. Eventually I said "enough is enough" and decided to not only take my life back but make it what I want. It's going to be a long process but I'm stubborn so I WILL do this.

    Anywho whoo boy did I ramble lol :noway:
  • KristineJ86
    KristineJ86 Posts: 23
    Hey Everyone :)

    I'm Kristine 26 and unfortunately single mom to 3 wonderful boys! Originally from Ottawa but moved away for work. 2 years ago the military sent me back! woo hoo however I am now at a desk the majority of my day and that has really hurt my efforts. I am close to sooo much amazing food working right down town.. there are potlucks all the time, good by luncheons you name it. Also my co workers all seem to be amazing bakers and bring in the most yummy stuff lol

    I have been going slow and steady with plenty of "cheating" but my eyes are still on the prize and I do keep progressing towards my goal. (Maybe not as fast as I hoped but that is my own fault) I can't wait to loose the last 20 or so and I am well on my way.
  • Sbris011
    Sbris011 Posts: 2
    Good morning!
    I'm Shelley, 36 years young and I've lost a total of 75 pounds since I've had my daughter 5 years ago. I'm down to my last, stubborn 10 pounds. :)
    I'm a positive, easy-going and energetic gal looking to meet new, like-minded people for some laughter and encouragement.
    I try to live my life with balance...to still have my wine and cheese on weekends but exercise regularly to sincerely enjoy that indulgence without feeling guilty or compromising my health.
    I've just taken up golf and would love to meet up with other female beginner golfers to hit the driving range or an easy par 3 around town. I've only hit balls at the range so far, and taken lessons....never actually played a real game of golf. Feeling a bit intimidated by that, so looking for a buddy to brave that new sport with. :)
    On a final note...to everyone....have fun with this and let's enjoy summer since it's so short.
  • Jim_Hancock
    Jim_Hancock Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Jim and I've been living in Ottawa since 2000. I'm originally from God's country, aka Newfoundland & Labrador, a married father of a 13 year old boy and a member of the Canadian Forces. Being in the Military requires me to maintain a specific level of fitness which does help with motivation but my biggest hurdle is my strong love of food. Especially, and I'm sure most of the men here can attest to, wings and beer!

    I came across this site, and its smart phone app, some time ago and found it really helpful and I was off like a bullet losing about 7 lbs in the first month and a half or so, but the past few months have seen me really stray from that routine and i've gained it back. I'm hoping that I can be more accountable now for my work and get to where I really want to be.

    Best of luck to everyone on here!!!
  • phillipsak
    phillipsak Posts: 22

    Name is Amanda and I'm brand spankin' new to MFP. Hoping I get hooked and make it part of my everyday routine. Looking for some local support and/or friends in the area.