Help...Day 2 and failing

rds532 Posts: 109 Member
So, it's only my Day 2 on C25K and I quit half way thru. My ankles hurt and my calf muscles feel like they are going to tear. I don't want to be a quitter. Please give me some tips on stretching or whatever! I feel like I'm the only person that cannot do this program. I use the elliptical and treadmill and do 30 Day Shred so I'm used to exercise just not jogging.


  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Are you sure you rested enough in between???
  • Wendy595
    Wendy595 Posts: 28 Member
    Keep at it! Is there anyone who will run with you who will keep you moving? Not in a mean way but encouraging. My husband has been awesome. He decided to run the program with me and he keeps me going. I finished Week one last night and I so didn't want to finish Day 3. Day 1, I wanted to stop at minute 16. Yesterday was at the beginning because i couldn't get my breathing under control. He would get me breathing correctly and I would feel better. It was a constant struggle. He makes me run through the burn and I hate every second of it but I do it. I say a lot of I can't and am pleasantly surprised when I hear the ding for the end of the run.

    From one beginner to another, Keep at it! Good luck!!
  • morgan9
    morgan9 Posts: 22
    Perhaps you are pushing yourself too hard. Don't confuse pain for progress while you're running - take it slow! Run as slow as you can, you have the rest of your life to get faster.

    Enjoy the journey! Quit when you're feeling your best so you can look forward to the next time you run!

    Also, check your shoes for support and tread. See where it is wearing the most. A bad shoe can do bad things to your body! Even if it is a new shoe, you may have the wrong one for you. Maybe check this out? < >

    Good luck!!
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    I agree with morgan9 - don't go too fast and make sure you have properly-fitted running shoes!
    It does get easier, I used to have all sorts of calf ache, thigh ache, lower stomach ache, stitch....not injury, just my body getting used to doing something I hadn't really done since school (whoops). Now I can run up to 10 miles with far less bother...and it all started from C25K! :happy:
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If you are sure that this is muscle fatigue (though perhaps extreme fatigue) and NOT joint related...

    -Regulate your breathing. Slow shallow breaths, try counting 1-2-3 in and 1-2-3 out. Focus on the breath.
    -Make sure you are stretching before and after your run (try massaging your calves too!)
    -Take a full day of rest in between runs
    -Be well hydrated LONG before you start running... Muscle fatigue and cramping is often due to dehydration
  • rds532
    rds532 Posts: 109 Member
    I was going very very slow and took a day off between my first run. So, I will just keep trying. I don't want to give up this early on. I keep thinking maybe I just can't run and should just walk. I will try, try again. Even if I stay on week 1 for several weeks.