Welcome! Forty Isn't Fatal...it just stings a bit...

Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
So glad you found us. Tell us a little about yourself!
In this youth obsessed world, we fortysomethings have to stick together! :- )
This is a place to encourage each other to stay in the race and get healthy.

Forty Isn't Fatal...it just stings a bit... :- )


  • Your group made me smile, LOL. My name is Stephanie and I'm 43. I have 3 children, aged from 12-16...one is driving and that was cause for some stress eating, haha. I've been married almost 18 years and put on a lot of 'content' weight over those years. I have problems with my back and have to be creative in exercises. I don't go to a gym but rather use what I have at home and outside to get my exercise done. I live in Northern Ontario, needless to say, our weather is not always favorable, but I make the best out of it. I started this weight loss journey weighing 171lbs and am 150.8lbs now. I lost all my weight a couple years ago but do to a back injury, loss of motivation and mobility, I gained it all back. Now I'm back, motivated, very focused (sometimes to the point of obsession) and ready to take care of me.
    I've been on MFP for a month and a half and have only now reached out to online friends. I find that friends and family are not always the most motivating and actually a little sabotaging at times.
    Since turning 40+ I have noticed that my metabolism is different, slower and harder to get going. But my willpower and focus is much better now that I'm older...and wiser :)
  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    Hi everyone. I love the title! My name is Tracy and I am 40. (Sounds a bit like AA!) Funny enough I was actually sadder to turn 30 than 40. I am divorced and have 1 daughter who is 14. Thank goodness they can only start driving at 17 here, so I have a while to wait. Mind you just having a teenage daughter is enough to drive 1 to comfort eating! Looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • Hello all you 40 gals! I cannot tell you how exciting it is for me to have found this group. I work in a long term care facility. I am surrounded by elderly from the time I get up, until I go to bed at night. My co-workers are pretty much all young enough to be my children accept for one who is almost 20 years older than me. I have 7 children who are 24, 19, 16, 14, 11, 8 and 7. Two years ago, we all moved in with my parents to help take care of them....More elderly, LOL! I love my life but I realized that I don't love myself and that is why I am here. Turning 40 was the worst feeling in the world for me. I had made a promise to myself that by the time I hit this age, I would have the weight off. Well, it didn't happen and you know how we say we are our own worst enemies. I am now 41. I have watched my children put on weight year after year and that made me sad. How can a mom sit back and not just watch but allow her own children to develop bad habits? Talk about depression. My oldest son, the 24 year old started it. He decided he wanted to lose weight and he did it. A year and a half after he started he is down more than 80 pounds. Then my 16 year old son got inspired by him and lost almost 50 lbs. Then my 19 year old son, and he's lost almost 30. You want to talk about being PROUD! Now they are encouraging me and I am ready to get this party started!!!!!!! That's where this group comes in. I am asking for all of your support, encouragement and every now and then a good swift kick in the keester to keep going! My kids will support me, yes but how does a mom keep up with three BOYS?? :o) There will be days they don't understand and I hope to find strength here. I in turn will do the same for all of you. Together or far apart, we CAN do this!!! I look forward to sharing my stories with all of you. Julie
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Welcome All!
    So nice to meet you. I will share a bit about myself and what led me to start this group. When I was younger I played all kinds of sports... volleyball, basketball, softball. I played a couple of sports in college and even afterward, I ran road races.
    I say this to say that... I knew better! Lol!

    It's not like I had been raised in a home which put no value on fitness... we were fit! So where did it go south! Hmmm, actually, it was when I moved... South! :- )

    I took a desk job and had moved away from my support system. I had no one to politely tell me "step away from that donut".

    But, I've come to the conclusion that I am a bit of a late bloomer. I have really come into my own since turning 40. I even wrote a book "Ready to Dream: How I Found My Purpose After 40". It was cathartic.

    We're fortysomething, we're not 80. So, let's make the most of it and get fit!

    Some of my family and friends joined MFP and encouraged me to join as well. I am loving having my support system back.
    Yesterday my sister patted me on the back for merely eating breakfast. LOL!

    While my family has been incredibly supportive (and will doubtless continue to be) I have a longer journey toward being fit than they do. Hence the start of this group. I thought it would be helpful to encourage and be encouraged by others who at this stage of our lives, simply want to be healthy and feel great.

    So, let's encourage, prod, poke and otherwise help each other along this crazy ride!

    Aunt Zip
  • magicherry
    magicherry Posts: 81 Member
    Oh, it's right around the corner. Turning forty in August. Yikes!

    In my 30's I came to terms with the limitations of my body and weight in relation to my current career (desk job, long days) and my goals are realistic. I will never have my 28 year old body because I will never be 28 again. MY goals now are health and fitness. I want to be able to play a full round of 18 hole disc gold with me friends. I want to be able to walk miles & miles on the beach. I want to be able to manage my yard and garden with having to hire someone. I need to be able to shovel my own stairs at 5:30 in the morning in the winter.

    The bottom line: weight down, activity up, enjoy life.
  • pattyk0517
    pattyk0517 Posts: 5 Member
    Glad I found you. I'm married and a mother of two kids ages 11 and 14. I work in an office where I sit all day and am lucky if I walk 2000 steps all day. Slowly I've gained about 25 lbs. EEK!! OK time to take it off. I joined the gym this week and have fully submitted myself to losing the weight. I have worked out everyday for the past 5 days. I'm meeting a trainer today - I need to tone up, but I'm pretty good at doing the cardio on my own. Need motivation and cheerleaders along the way - so please add me as a friend, if you'd like. I figure the more we cheer each other, even if it's just small steps, we will get there.

    At almost 45 years old - I'm finding the weight is harder to take off now. I'm worked out every day last week and didn't see one ounce come off. I hope it comes off soon so I get some encouragement. Thanks for creating this group! :-)
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    We'll all walk, jog, run and bike our way along the road to fitness...with the help of our new friends~ :-)
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    It's Monday morning! What are your fitness goals for the week?
  • Good morning (well, afternoon here now). Looks like a thunderstorm here shortly, getting very dark out. Looks like I'm going to be active inside today. Having nerve surgery on my back tomorrow, boo! Have to be in Toronto for 7:15am, thats and hour and a half away from me....with no traffic. Hopefully be back up and good as new by Thursday, there a new trail in the bluffs I haven't checked out yet. :)
    Anything special for you?
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Hope things go well with your procedure! My sisters, niece and I have a new fitness challenge this week. A couple dozen strength training exercises...along with our regular cardio. Should be a nice little challenge! :- )
  • That sounds great! You'll have fun, its always more fun when you're doing it with friends or family! :)
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Hey Gang, anyone interested in doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Challenge?
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Tomorrow is the start of a new month. Any goals for May you'd like to share??
  • nenniesmith
    nenniesmith Posts: 20
    Well I'm close to my first goal of 145lbs, sitting at 148.8lbs right now. If I hit that I may set a new goal of 140. This month though I'd like to focus on toning. I'm finding as I lose weight, my skin is not firming up as I once remember, lol! Inner thighs and back of my arms (or the wing as my daughter calls it) is my target area. I have reduced strength in my right hand from an old nerve injury so I'm going to try the kettle bells for my arms, I'm thinking the handle may be easier to hold on to, rather than a normal light weight dumbell. I'll let you know if I drop them, LOL!
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    That's a great goal! I've been thinking of adding that to my workout too.
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    It's May! Any specific goals for the month? :happy:
  • EsceeT
    EsceeT Posts: 6
    I am a relatively new forty and trying to get myself back into shape after realizing that I have quite a few years left to live in this body, so I better start taking care of it.

    I liked the tone and humor of the posts. I have thought similar things to myself. Just because books, magazines and media are telling me I'm middle aged, doesn't mean I have to cut all my hair off, don black, and wear comfortable shoes. I do not "feel" middle aged, whatever that is!? In ways I like myself much better now than I did when I was in my 20's. :wink:

    I took up running last August and it is going alright. Went from a couch potato, to having a 10 minute mile. It did not happen overnight, and "No...I was never a runner before." It took me 7 months to get there and I am having trouble increasing my endurance and the distance, but I am out there every Mon-wed-Fri pretty much rain or shine...mostly rain, since I live in the Pacific Northwest.. I hope this group is a good place to make some fitness friends to inspire motivation and a good accountability.
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    So glad you found us!
    Sounds like you've made quite a change in your life. That's fantastic. :- )
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    New week! Wahoo!! :- )

    Anyone want to toss out a weekly challenge for the group?
  • nenniesmith
    nenniesmith Posts: 20
    I need a challenge badly! I can feel my will power slipping away. The pool is now open which means there will be a lot of bbq'd food....and buns....and pool side food. :( Quick, whats a good challenge?