Chris' (Gerbies) 90-day journey with JM...



  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Thank you for all of your posts! I am finishing Phase 1 on Saturday with a nice day off on Sunday. SOOOOOO looking forward to starting Phase 2 and doing Cardio 2!!! (not a fan of Cardio 1, but have gotten better at those RUNNING MEN lol) Congrats on all of your results and keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks! Congrats on finishing Phase 1! You'll like Phase 2 (I'm only 4 days in, but I now think it's great) adds just enough challenge to be doable :). Running men comes back, but for just one cardio interval in workout somehow felt almost too easy, if that's
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Week 5 is almost done! I completed workout 6 for the second time and liked it much better. I felt stronger than the first time and had better form. I actually liked the interval with Statue of Libertys, Chop Lunges and Running Man. I think that was my I'm still certainly not at their level in terms of range of motion (i.e., there's no way I can get my knee within an inch of the ground for any lunges, much less wood chopper lunges), but I didn't cry :). I did the supermans with a single 5 lb weight and I barely got my arms/chest off the ground, but it was an improvement. I am going to try and do the FastFix Kickbox DVD tonight for extra cardio and then will finish the week tomorrow with Cardio 2 (LOVE IT) and a yoga class. I'm hoping for a good weigh-in this week with all of the additional cardio, but my "monthly friend" is about to arrive, so who knows? I already feel bloated, so I'm not going to sweat it (no pun intended). Looking forward to how much better I get with these workouts next week.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Week 5 is almost over. Last workout (cardio 2) is in the books. I didn't go to yoga today (ran out of time this morning). My family and I will be walking in tomorrow's March for Babies walk in memorium of my baby angel born at 23 weeks (in 2009) and in celebration of my 2 year-old son, who was 10 weeks early. The walk is like 3 or 3.5 miles, so that will be an added workout. I feel great about how the program has been the last 5 weeks. I LOVE cardio challenging, but in a great way! Looking forward to doing it all over again, starting on Monday...
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Week 5 is over...I've lost 17 lbs so far. I weighed myself on Saturday and lost 1.1 lbs and when I weighed myself this morning, my weight was back to what it was last week. Considering I'm now bloated due to time of the month, I'm going with yesterday as my weigh-in (I need that for my motivation). Overall, I'm excited to do workouts 5 & 6 next week again...
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I just realized I haven't posted since Sunday. Oh boy! I'm sure a part of that is because my eating has NOT been on track this week. I'm not sure what my problem is, but I have just been making the wrong choices. What I have been doing is my workouts. I have not missed one! Unlike last week, though, I have not added any additional cardio or yoga yet. I will try to take a yoga class tonight or do some sort of extra cardio, to help compensate for my terrible eating. Workout 5 felt better than the last time I did it...although I still can't do everything the same way as JM's peeps in the video. I still don't have great form with the wood chops, but I read that I'll get more practice with those in upcoming workouts. Two more workouts and then I'm off to week 7. Wow!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Overall, I had a rough week last week, eating-wise. I completed all workouts, though I didn't add any additional workouts. My eating was terrible. Everyday, I woke up and worked out...all with the intention of making healthy food choices. Somehow, I allowed myself to go down a different path. Positive aspect of the week: I did all workouts. Negative aspect: I ate like I was on vacation and probably gained weight; I didn't weigh myself yesterday. Based on my week, I decided not to move ahead to week 7 workouts. I felt like I wanted to have "clean" weeks for all of my workout weeks, so I'm "redoing" the second week of workouts 5 & 6, and Cardio 2. I will move ahead next week. Fortunately, workout 5 was still a challenge this morning, though I found myself to be stronger and better at the exercises. I was still VERY sweaty at the end and was out of breath throughout.

    Just wanted to use this post as a place to share my thoughts, honestly.

    O.k., on to a good week!!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Another workout 6 is done...I am happy that I decided to repeat another week of week 5/6. I feel really strong, though the workout is still really challenging. I still am terrible at the wood choppers. I continued with 10 lbs, but my lunges are not as deep as I'd like. Overall, I'm feeling great.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I continued with my extra week of workouts 5 & 6 by doing Cardio 2. LOVE this workout! I didn't workout this morning; I was so tired, I just couldn't get up. My monthly friend finally arrived, so I thought I'd weigh myself. I didn't gain any weight from last week's eating frenzy (or I already lost it during the first few days of this week). In fact, I was .1 lbs less. I'll take anything...especially feeling crampy and bloated. I worked out after work and I really felt great (working out later has the bonus of already being warmed up and you can go even harder). I still prefer working out in the morning, because then you're done for the day.

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow's workout...
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Two more days have gone by and I completed workout 5 (yesterday) and workout 6 (today) for the last time. I'm sort of sad to see them go (even though I did them for an extra week. I am excited about starting week 7 on Monday. This weekend will be a challenging food weekend, but I will do my best. Maybe I'll add an additional cardio workout just to help offset.
  • julsinfinite
    Hi Chris, keep up the good work!
    I do not have much to lose, I'm just trying to overcome my yoyo dieting situation, recycling the same 20 pounds for the past years. But BR's program has done wonders for me! I have finally broken my plateau! I am more about adapting to a new lifestyle and committing to cooking for myself nutritionally.

    If you'd like to see how I prepare my foods and keep up with my workouts, hop on over to my blog at

    I think cooking for yourself helps a ton. I follow her Fat Burning Meal Plan as closely as possible.

    Good job, Chris! Do not ever turn back!!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Hi Chris, keep up the good work!
    I do not have much to lose, I'm just trying to overcome my yoyo dieting situation, recycling the same 20 pounds for the past years. But BR's program has done wonders for me! I have finally broken my plateau! I am more about adapting to a new lifestyle and committing to cooking for myself nutritionally.

    If you'd like to see how I prepare my foods and keep up with my workouts, hop on over to my blog at

    I think cooking for yourself helps a ton. I follow her Fat Burning Meal Plan as closely as possible.

    Good job, Chris! Do not ever turn back!!

    Thanks so much for the encouraging words! I am going to check out your blog. I love any helpful tips!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Week 7 is complete. I added a few extra workouts this week, during my "extra" week of workouts 5 & 6 and I feel the difference. I also knew I'd have a few extra dinners out, so it helps keep me honest. I'm nervous and excited for Monday!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Though I'm technically in my 8th week, I just started week 7 on the schedule. It was INCREDIBLY helpful to preview the workout before doing it (I reviewed workout 7 yesterday and reviewed workout 8 after I worked out this morning). When I transitioned to week 3/4 and then to 5/6, I had a hard time. It's incredibly frustrating to me not to feel like I know what I'm doing. Today, because I had some sense of what things were, it wasn't as bad. In fact, may I dare say that today's workout was challenging, but not gnarly? It didn't feel like that big of a jump from week 6, if at all. Now tomorrow may be harder...I saw those side squat to cross lunch combo and because it includes 2 of my least favorite exercises, I wasn't that excited. But at least I know what to expect! I will never go into a new workout blind again!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    First time with workout 8...I'm not sure how I feel about it. Other than circuit 3, it was doable. Of course, I am learning the moves and will hopefully increase my range of motion (especiallly with the front/back lunge with knee raise and reverse curl). Circuit 3...gnarly. Between the deep crescent pose with reverse fly and the weighted Warrior 3 pose...I was dying...but in a good way. I do not have 3 lb. weights, so I held a single 5 lb weight for Warrior 3. Overall, it was a solid workout and I hope to increase my challenge the next time.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Would you recommend getting 3pound weights? I only have 5 and 8. Will I need 3s in the upcoming workouts. I am just about to start week 3.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I didn't need 3 lbs until week 5, though I still don't have them. She recommends 3s again in another workout. They aren't that expensive, so they are worth the investment, in my opinion. I will be going to pick up a set tonight.
  • willow3eb
    willow3eb Posts: 161 Member
    Though I'm technically in my 8th week, I just started week 7 on the schedule. It was INCREDIBLY helpful to preview the workout before doing it (I reviewed workout 7 yesterday and reviewed workout 8 after I worked out this morning). When I transitioned to week 3/4 and then to 5/6, I had a hard time. It's incredibly frustrating to me not to feel like I know what I'm doing. Today, because I had some sense of what things were, it wasn't as bad. In fact, may I dare say that today's workout was challenging, but not gnarly? It didn't feel like that big of a jump from week 6, if at all. Now tomorrow may be harder...I saw those side squat to cross lunch combo and because it includes 2 of my least favorite exercises, I wasn't that excited. But at least I know what to expect! I will never go into a new workout blind again!

    I ALWAYS preview any workout DVD before I do it. It really helps to see how things flow, and if there are any moves that may need to be watchful of or modified. I'm kind of scared to see what 5&6 are like, so I am holding off on previewing those until next week when I am half-done with 3&4.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Yes, I don't know why I didn't do it before. You really just get a better workout because you can always "try" the exercises while previewing just to get the right form down...
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Just finished my final workout in my "official" week 7 (though it's really my 9th week, after repeating week 6). Today's cardio was tough, even though it's my third week with cardio 2. Normally I do my workouts in the morning and today I did my workout in the afternoon...and it's in the 80s today. The warmer weather made the workout A LOT harder. I had planned to add an additional circuit/interval, but by the third circuit, I was a wet noodle. I suppose that's how it should be anyway :). Again, eating has not been great this week (WHAT IS MY PROBLEM??!!??), but I will keep plugging along. What I can say is that I have not missed a single workout!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Workout 8 again :). It's week 2 of workouts 7/8. I still feel so challenged in certain areas. I'm fairly certain I'll add an additional week of workouts 7/8. I also did one of the sections of Jillian Michael's Fastfix Kickboxing workout for some added cardio (to compensate for too much eating this week). I have been challenged this month with eating. I need to get it together. I still have not missed a single workout, which I am definitely proud of.