Have ONE 10# dumbbell... exercises suggestions?

JenniferMuriel Posts: 48 Member
Hey there NROLFW'ers!
So I have TWO 10# dumbbells, but stupidly I brought one to work thinking I would do some exercises there... but now I only have one here at home and one at the office (silly move :-/
So until these two dumbbells meet later today, what exercises can I do with just one dumbell??
(ps. didn't get THE book yet/or buy more weights... had to rush home last night after work w. meds for hubby)



  • JenniferMuriel
    JenniferMuriel Posts: 48 Member
    oooh! Found one- the Goblet Squat: http://www.livestrong.com/blog/never-grow-old/
  • JenniferMuriel
    JenniferMuriel Posts: 48 Member
    And the Hinge! And I have a rubber rope that I can do seated rows with! :-D
  • Evelynandchris
    Evelynandchris Posts: 140 Member
    Concentrated Bicep Curls came to mind. Triceps could be done with one weight too, although 10 pounds may or may not be too light. Good luck! What awesome motivation!
  • JenniferMuriel
    JenniferMuriel Posts: 48 Member
    A pal, who isn't a member of this group, posted " wanted to let you know that yesterday my sister had us spelling out the alphabet with arms straight out holding a medicine ball :) "