Please introduce yourself! :)



  • huracan_mery
    huracan_mery Posts: 47 Member
    Hi, I'm Meredith. I'm 33 years old and live in Texas. I'm an atheist ("not religious" in polite company) and my husband is a Christian. We do not, contrary to popular belief, fight about this. There are so many other facets of life that we can take advantage of and spend our time enjoying. I come from a secular family and he comes from a religious family, so we are products of our upbringing. To me the specific beliefs behind the morals are secondary to the morals themselves.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I'm Deidre. I'm an atheist. Well, more accurately, I'm more of a pantheist, because while I don't believe in deities and divine intervention, I can't discount the fact that energy is shared and connects people with animals, plants, and the earth in general. I don't believe that energy is divine, or has anything to do with gods. It simply is, exists through all the electricity that cells use to live daily, and I respect that balance.

    I was raised Episcopalian, and my grandfather was a Reverend, but I never had any sort of spiritual connection whatsoever to the idea of Christianity. I remember praying when I was about 5 years old, and wondering who or what I was supposed to be talking to. So I was never religious, even though my family was, and for a long time, I called myself agnostic, because it just seemed less hostile. Finally, though, I came to terms with the fact that people are just going to be who they are regardless of how I label myself, so I decided to finally come out and "be" an atheist, since that was just who I was.

    I have nothing against religion in general, though. I think that people need some sort of connection with the world around them, and they explain that connection in ways that make the most sense to them. The only issues I have are when people take their ideas and use them to subjugate others. Religion should be about sharing, connection, and exploring humanity. It's the institutions and government that twist the messages, and use them for the wrong purposes.
  • AFreeheart
    AFreeheart Posts: 87 Member
    My name's Arthur. I'm 54. I first identified as a Wiccan in 1973. I am a deeply spiritual agnostic.
    I've studied many different paths. I'm participating in a Sufi ''Universal Worship'' clergy training program right now. I have ministerial credentials through Temple of Isis and teach through the Fellowship of Isis. I am very interested in Buddhism.
    I am also a Unitarian Universalist.
    I am up for having people in this group as friends if you'd like to send me a friend request.
    Everyone have a great weekend!
  • smaugish
    smaugish Posts: 244 Member
    Hi, I'm Hannah. I'm nearly 22, and I'm an Asatruar (Norse Paganism), Heathen Reconstructionalist and modern Völvic Shaman.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    Hi, I'm Pete and I'm an anti-theist ( I believe that organized religion is dangerous to the continued existence of mankind on earth). I am married to a conflicted Christian, and am having reservations about her taking my 4 yr. old daughter to church. I believe that your legacy lies in the good deeds you leave on earth.
  • VeggyGal
    VeggyGal Posts: 25 Member
    Hi I'm Tiffani and though we were raised with Catholicism when I was growing up, my mom taught us to be considerate and curious of all religions and types of belief systems so I've actually studied many different types of religions and philosophies. I think wiccan and paganism are closest to my beliefs. I believe that the sun and earth and universe have tremendous power and I'm still discovering what works for me. I don't go to church currently but I'm not opposed to it and feel grateful for the large variety of beliefs that are on this earth including Buddism.I do believe in the power of prayer.
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    Hi, I'm Fred and I'm a submitter to God Alone. While some people call this "muslim", I strongly feel that "submitter to God", is more appropriate. It describes how i feel about God, rather than simply being a "label".

    So what does Submission mean from the religious stand point? Simply that: I recognize God's absolute authority, and that God alone possesses all power; no other entity possesses any power that is independent of Him. In line with the first commandment in all the scriptures, I believe I should devote my worship to God.

    Contrary to popular belief, this does not mean an exclusive belief. Instead, to quote from Quran:
    [2:62] Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and the converts; anyone who (1) believes in GOD, and (2) believes in the Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
  • kfink426
    kfink426 Posts: 16
    Greetings everyone. My name is Keith. I'm 32, from NY, and a practicing Pagan. It's mostly Wiccan influenced (Celtic and Norse), but I give and take from other genres of worship having been raised Jewish and interested in Buddism when I was in college. My wife runs a circle in NJ in which I'm her acting priest - but she's the boss. I'm not very good at leading people. Since marrying into her Catholic family, I have adopted the celebration of Christmas and Easter - mainly for the quality family time, food, and presents, not the religious stuff. We make it a habit to have a feast at every Pagan holiday with our friends, which never gets logged on here because there are no calories in circle :) I'm always interested in meeting like minded people.
  • SkinnyMountainWitch

    My name is Karen, but I go by "Rain" in the Pagan Community. I live in the mountains of Colorado, and love it...most of the time. Now that the kids are grown and out of the house, I would like to move to town so I can actually enjoy the seasons! Up here we have spring and winter.

    I have been a practicing Witch for almost 10 years. I was invited to join an Advanced Pagan Studies Group about 3 years ago and from that group we formed a coven. I love these people. We are very close and enjoy oneanother's company. We get together to perform rituals and learning and social events, but I still do most spellcrafting on my own.

    I am very much a Kitchen Witch, but our group is very eclectic and we enjoy the company of all Wiccans/Pagans.

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments. I am looking forward to MFP.

    Blessed Be,
  • heberlonghurst

    My name is Heber, I am a bit of a wierd animal when it comes to religion and belief. I study and read a lot and the questions are never far from my mind. I participate in the organized religion into which I was born, but I find some the claims of absolute truth and about -this particular religion being better than that one- to be quite tedious and annoying.

    I am (usually) more Theist than Agnostic, although I think any self-respecting Theist has to have questions at some point in time. While I read The Bible often (including apocrypha) I also read a lot of philosophy (including Atheist and Agnostic ideas) and I practice Buddhist meditation as well as other non-Christian religious practices.

    When I teach adult bible study courses I make a point to shy away from specific sectarian topics and I try to keep it as close to the broader topics which any spiritual (and/or moral) person should understand and try to live.