HOw much execise is best?

burbanum Posts: 38 Member
Hi there. I am trying EM2WL and have always been an exercise junkie..mostly because i want to lose weight...which seems almost impossible. I also was eating 1400 calories most days and found out my TDEE is 2422 if i chose moderate BMS is 1563 and I had been burning 700+ cals 4 or 5 days a week...nuts i know...but desperation got me there and ironically it did not even work haha!
So i am now adding in more weight training and trying to figure out how much HIIT cardio to do..i really only do cardio at a high level...and since i have been doing it for a few years at this intensity i wonder if my body has adapted... I have done the insanity program, jillian michael's workouts, running, and bootcamp, not to mention spinning, get the picture!
Can anyone help recommend how much i should do? I have about 15 lbs to be at a healthy BMI, and am focused on fat loss with hopes that it will at somepoint reflect on the scale :)

Today I ate 1958 calories and lifted for 60 minutes heavy and ran hard for 10 minutes...felt like i am cheating eating so much, but had to be above BMR. My 20% cut value is 1938 by itself but i have not made it there until today. I have always been at best 1800 which is a huge improvement...i am scared but trying this. Only been really doing it for a week so i am in the nervous stage still.
Thanks to all those who help out here. I so appreciate you and will be helping others with this when i see results and get it down...i have to say it is weird to actually not feel ravenous, weak, hungry, and tired all day...God bless you for showing a better way and starting this group lucia...i have been praying and asking God what i can do next as i have tried to lose weight ALL my life from age 12 on and have always been up and down between eating 1200-1400 cals to blowing it due to being SO hungry!



  • burbanum
    burbanum Posts: 38 Member
    Can anyone even tell me how much they do? and what has and has not worked for them?
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    I think it's going to be so varied from person to person. I've chosen to run because I like the way it makes me feel. So for me I run. Right now I'm doing four days a week because I'm training for a half marathon. I'm only doing one day a week of strength training right now. I would definitely recommend more when it comes to strength training and less when it comes to cardio. Once I'm done with my half I plan to cut my cardio days down to 3 and increase strength to 2-3 days a week.

    So, long story short, I say find some things you love and a schedule that's feasible. Don't kill yourself going cardio cardio cardio all the time - it's not worth it and you can lose weight just fine without living at the gym!
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    Bumping for you....

    But I must say, you are doing LOADS of exercises!!!
    I think the lifting when starting should be about 30min and then you can do the cardio if you want like you did.
    Then a days "rest" where you can do some more cardio like running for 20min. And then weights again the day after...and so forth.
    And then the 1900 cals you eat sounds good, definitely not too much! (actually...I think Lucia and the others might tell you it should be more). Your cut should actually be 15%, for more long lasting results and healthy weight loss. :)

    Hope one of the experiences ladies will answer too!! Good luck!
  • burbanum
    burbanum Posts: 38 Member
    THanks I will take your advice and hope a few more will answer too..I know this is a busy board...i watched all of the videos and it answered some questions...but i guess i am hoping someone can take a look at what i am doing and see if they have further advice..i am so tired of not losing..and chronic dieting..i am able to help friends with exercise and weightloss but my own advice doesn;t work for i realize it may be i have it all wrong...BUT i am willing to learn and relearn and then reteach... Fitness and nutrition is a hobby for me :) I hope to be a trainer actually...but gotta get my body to respond first!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Since you are asking for suggestions...I suggest doing the heavy lifting 3 times a week for the hour and the other two days do 30 minutes of HIIT training...a good interval is 30/60.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    What does your weight training time at the gym consist of? Do you do a range of muscle groups or the same exercises? How long between sets? do you just lift heavy at the same weight or do you increase? I can offer some variations to your workout that might help you, as for the cardio if you run on a treadmill all the time, maybe switch it up and do one of the machines you never do.. that will get your body away from your normal cycle of exercise. If you go at a high intensity, make sure you adjust accordingly (meaning dont set the machine at 1 resistance or do a manual program and not do resistance).
  • newve
    newve Posts: 82 Member
    Bumpity bump for later.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Its part of the "diet" mentality to think you need to workout like a maniac in the gym 6 days a week for hours at a time. We are programmed to believe we have to sweat like there is no tomorrow and eat like a bird.. But its not true.
    You workout.. you eat. Ask any athlete what they do after working out, and they will say EAT!!:)

    It takes a bit of getting used to and to have the mental shift to eating more, but once you realize it makes sense and IS what normal should be, you let go of the scared feeling, and stop worrying.. You dont have to worry about a day where you ate a few hundred cals more... or feel guilty at all about a treat here and there.

    As for exercise, everyone is different. I started of with 5-6 days a week cardio based.. and I dropped to 3 days a week NROL4W and 1-2 days cardio (running). Im only into week 2-3 of lifting so its still new, but I am enjoying it. Plus at this point NROL is only about 30 minutes total for me.. so its nice and quick. I often feel like I should be doing way more at the gym during that time too:)

    Keep at it. work at eating your Cut value and let the diet mentality go:)
  • burbanum
    burbanum Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you for all the suggestions I really appreciate them all. I
    just started heavy lifting about 2 weeks ago...and upped my calories
    Last week. I do back and legs one day usually and chest and arms
    Another...then a more full body with less sets if I do a third day.
    Lucia what is 30/60? I know what hiit training is..and love it...just
    Have to teach myself not to overdo it. Thanks for all the help.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I just took a break from Insanity for the last 2 weeks (my knees were achy) so my routine is this

    Mon - 20-30 minutes of weight + 30-45 minute power walk, enough to keep my heart rate above 120 (on my HRM)
    Tue - 45 minute power walk
    Wed - 20-30 minutes of weights + 30-45 minute power walk
    thurs - 45 minute power walk
    Fri - 20-30 minute of weight + 30-45 minute power walk

    either sat or sun, do something outdoors like hiking, festivals ect for more walking.

    Once my knees recover then its back to insanity 6 days a week lol
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    Burbanum, your story is very familiar to me. Eating too little training too much most of my adulthood :) but the training is part of my life! My friends and I do local sprint triathlons. So I started EM2WL 7 weeks ago while training for a tri. I totally increased my calories stopped doing so much swim bike run training and added in NRoL4W. This is what I do and I think it's too much cardio...
    M 90 min yoga (rest/stretch day)
    T 60 Spin, 30 lift heavy
    W 45 run, 90 yoga
    Th 45 rowing, 30 lift
    F Rest
    S 90 yoga, 45 swim drills, 30 lift
    S 60 bike

    When tri training is over i am going to cut back(swim, bike, run) to see if I can get more results. But as you's hard not to train :)
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Thank you for all the suggestions I really appreciate them all. I
    just started heavy lifting about 2 weeks ago...and upped my calories
    Last week. I do back and legs one day usually and chest and arms
    Another...then a more full body with less sets if I do a third day.
    Lucia what is 30/60? I know what hiit training is..and love it...just
    Have to teach myself not to overdo it. Thanks for all the help.

    You may want to shorten your weight training time to 30 minutes and try to do 30 second breaks between sets.. If your lifting heavy that means your last rep (8-12 reps) you should really be struggling to finish but not using other body areas to help (arching your back, leaning, letting arms bow out etc)
    Unfortunately its hard to determine how much your burning while doing weight training (or if you have a HRM you can use that) but the harder you work the more likely you will need to refuel and eat back some/most of those calories..

    I used to do this workout
    M - 30m weight training , 35 cardio
    T - 30m weight training, 35 cardio
    W- 20m weight training, 35 cardio
    Thur - ab, 35 cardio
    Fri - 30m weight training, 35 cardio
    Sat - off
    Sun - off

    Now i am trying out the P90X workout and for the Rest day doing cardio at the gym.
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    I don't think you're crazy at all: :laugh: :laugh:

    Mon: Boxing (600-750 calories)
    Tues: Cross Fit type workout - weight lifting w/high intensity cardio (700-900 calories - have topped 1,000 a few times)
    Wed: Running 3-6 miles (300-500 calories)
    Thurs: Cross Fit type workout - weight lifting w/high intensity cardio (700-900 calories - have topped 1,000 a few times)
    Fri: Weight lifting - always combining muscle groups, i.e. squats w/bicep curls (450-600 calories)
    Sat:Boxing (600-750 calories)
    Sun: Rest

    I may not be losing any weight, but I feel great!!! Recent BMR test and physical were excellent. Stats of a 39 year old at 51 - I'll take it.
  • burbanum
    burbanum Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for all the advice...going to up the weights and lessen the cardio a bit :)
  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    I beleive unless you are training for a competition such as a marathon you should limit your cardio to 30mins 3x a week if high intensity like running/hiit training. Or 60mins 3x a week for low intensity like walking. I think this is one of the biggest misconceptions among us dieters, that we have to kill ourselves with cardio to lose weight. You don't want to do so much cardio that once you stop dieting you will never keep that cardio pace. 30mins 3x a week is pretty achievable to maintain for the long haul. 60 to 90 minutes 5-6 days a week for most people is not realistic to maintain. Beleive me I was in this mindset also, I used to do cardio a minimum of 60 mins and sometimes 90 minutes 5-6 days a week. It will just burn you out quicker then anything imo.:happy: