WEEK #7 - SSS 13 Week Challenge - All Teams



  • Katacheese
    Katacheese Posts: 112 Member
    Week 7 Wednesday

    Exercise challenge- no- hopefully will make up tonight
    Water- 12 cups
    Under calories- yes
    Evening walk- none

    Hopefully today will be better.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Week 7, Thursday:

    Exercise challenge: YES
    Under Calories: YES
    Water: 14 glasses (I'll pay for that tonight!)
    Walking Challenge: Walked 1 mile, Ran 2 miles

    We head out of town again in the morning for the weekend, so will try to remember to weigh in and post on spreadsheet since I've missed the past 2 times. Scale has been back down the past few days so hope it will cooperate in the morning:tongue:

    Won't have computer access for checking in here...staying in a 150 year old beach house with friends...but will log my foods and exercise on my phone! Have a good weekend everyone:flowerforyou: Kackie
  • Nice recipes everyone! I'll try to get mine up sometime before the weekend! I'm seriously lacking some motivation too, so we might have to see what we can do about THAT these next few days (hehe).

    Asking for prayers for my good friends husband. His name is Richard, and he was recently diagnosed with liver cancer. It was actually some type of retinal cancer that has spread to his liver, so they are not going to do surgery. They are giving him only a few months.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Week 7 Thursday Day 5
    Exercise challenge: no
    Under Calories: Yes
    Water: 15
    Miles Walked: 1.5
    Calories Burned: 391
    Minutes Exercised: 150
    Cals under maintenance: 404

    Teresa, I'll pray for Richard and his family. That is so tough to go through.

    I will get a recipe up, too. I love to cook (and eat lol) but tend to throw stuff together without following a recipe. I've had to learn to write down what I do, though, so I can log it!!! I went through my recipes list here a couple of days ago and got very hungry for a couple of those summer foods I ate last year.
  • misty2ann
    misty2ann Posts: 127
    Week 7 Day 3 Wednesday

    Exercise challenge-no
    Water-12 cups
    Under calorie goal- no
    Walking challenge- 4.0 miles

    Better day today! Lots of yard work....like 4 hours worth! Feeling good. Looking forward to a weekend of shopping with my kids and some sunshine soaking by the pool!!
  • Katacheese
    Katacheese Posts: 112 Member
    Week 7 Thursday

    Exercise challenge- yes and caught up from Wednesday
    Under calories- yes
    Water - 13 cups
    Evening walk- .5 miles

    And look! The sun's finally out!
  • Hi guys! Happy to be back from vacation and back on track with the Challenge! I actually behaved myself pretty well food wise, there were plenty of fresh, delicious fish meals offered at the resort I was on, so while I didn't manage to lose any weight, I didn't really gain, either!

    How has the Olympian team been doing?

  • onefitsurvivor
    onefitsurvivor Posts: 108 Member
    I read this today and wanted to share...

    7 Things That Separate Weight-Loss Winners and Losers:
    1. Winners set small goals
    2. Winners take breaks and timeouts
    3. Winners are proud of themselves
    4. Winners take on new challenges
    5. Winners keep score
    6. Winners are part of a team
    7. Winners make it fun

    This sounds like us. Wouldn't you agree? :tongue:

  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Week 7 Thursday Day 5
    Exercise challenge: Weds and Thurs
    Under Calories: Yes
    Water: 14
    Miles Walked: 2 but for the Thurs challenge
    Calories Burned: 314
    Minutes Exercised: 75
    Cals under maintenance: 32

    I'm getting the hang of zigzagging. I did lower my calories from maintenance (1600) to 1500 this week, after gaining a pound last week. I figure I'll give this three weeks and see if I want to continue longer after that. I DO feel more energetic, and other than the night before and the night after the visitation for my friend, I'm sleeping better, so ultimately I have hope that increasing my calories will help me get back on the losing track.

    Kelly, I like the winners and losers thing - and I'm relating to more and more of those! Thanks for sharing!

    Tessa, welcome back!
  • misty2ann
    misty2ann Posts: 127
    Whoops....I just realized that my last blog was titled Wednesday....that should have actually been Thursday :blushing:

    Week 7 Day 5 Friday

    Exercise challenge-no
    Water-8 cups
    Under calorie goal- yes
    Walking challenge 1.61

    Ok today.....still could do better!
  • Katacheese
    Katacheese Posts: 112 Member
    Week 7 Friday

    Exercise challenge- yes
    Under calories- yes
    Water- 14
    Evening walk- no
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I messed up my last posting - that was Friday's and I wrote Thursday again

    Week 7 Saturday Day 7
    Exercise challenge: yes
    Under Calories: Yes
    Water: 12
    Miles Walked: 2
    Calories Burned: 403
    Minutes Exercised: 75
    Cals under maintenance: 371

    I will weigh in the morning, as Sunday is the day I actually shower BEFORE breakfast/drinking a couple of cups of water.

    Having some trouble with the exercises and walks, as I have a hip that has slipped out of joint. Most I can still do, but bird dogs are kind of impossible on that side - I have to have my hip at a crazy angle to hold myself up. I don't want to lose any strength, so I'll just handle it and do a modified version of that.
  • gklangdon
    gklangdon Posts: 80 Member
    Good morning! My m-i-l was released yesterday and is now in a brand new Alzheimer's care facility. She is still very weak, but she is getting better. Thanks for all the encouraging words and prayers. God is great and listened to our prayers.

    I didn't log Thursday through Saturday. Totally my fault just didn't want to deal with it. I did lose a little this week went from 203.5 to 202.8. I feel pretty good about that, since I was eating fast food for the last 4 days.

    I'm really ready to take on this next weeks challenges. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • Hi all! I'm having internet problems at home.... I thot it was WiFi, but my provider says everything working fine..... soooo it must be in my laptop...ugh! I won't be able to do all the updating from my phone (how I'm online now), so ill start the new thread tomorrow morning (from my work computer). I can do everything from the work computer on Monday except Google docs. Is anyone proficient with Google docs that I could call you and walk you through how to set up the new weeks spreadsheet?

    Let me know.
  • Thanks so much to shapestocome for setting up the new Google docs spreadsheets for me! Hopefully I'll be able to get my laptop looked at this week and try to figure out why I can't get online!

    The new thread for week #8 is here....
