


  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    Ive been all over the single peeps forum for a good month or more and just checked out the welcome page.

    Welcome everyone, my name is Bill I am 38 single and live in Columbia SC. I enjoy the single peeps discussion pages and you will see me here quite often. I am having a blast tracking my exercise and calories and meeting a whole host of amazing folks here on MFP.

    Enjoy your fitness journey and your single life whether it is a search for the one or just enjoying the single life!

  • 87missc87
    87missc87 Posts: 41
    Hi all! I'm C, 24, from Southern California. I like long walks on the beach and...oh, not that kind of introduction? Anyways, I am ridiculously single. I actually just started back up on OkCupid for the second time, so...wish me luck? Ha. Hopefully this time I'll meet some nice fellows. Anyways, I'm always happy to make new friends so feel free to add me (but please include a message!). :flowerforyou:
  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    hey! my name is alyssa or alyanne, i'm 20 years old, living in the north houston/conroe area. i have been very overweight since i was about 8 and thoughout high school i got really big and i was ready to completely change. after fighting for approval for 6 months i had the lap-band put in jan, 18, 2012. i never thought the lap-band would do the work for me and i was right! i've had to completely turn my lifestyle around. now i actually enjoy eating well and im feeling much better. so far i'm 51lbs down, and i have no plans to stop anytime soon. i am pleased to say that i have affected the rest of my family in a great way too. my mom has been eating healthy with my since my surgery. shes lost 40lbs. and my dad recently join a weight loss program and hes lost 25lbs. even my sister is joining weight watchers again. :) i would love to meet other people who are doing the same as me right now. oh, and yeah, im single.
  • hcorbin29
    hcorbin29 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Heather and I'm from Alexandria, VA - right outside of DC. I've been single for about 2 months now after a 2 year relationship ended. During the course of my previous relationship (with someone who would only eat junk food) I gained about 30 lbs. So far I've nearly lost everything that I gained and am happily moving on with my life! I'm always looking for new buddies on here :)
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    Greetings! My name is Leata and I'm from Ontario, Canada. I've been single for close to 3 months now after a 6 year relationship. I'm very nervous about getting back into the "dating scene", so hopefully being around single people will help me get over that.

    Oh, and I'm a Sagittarius... ;)
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Hello I'm Clifton 49yrs of age, been single/separated for 2 yrs now. Yes the papers are filed. Starting a new life. I have custody of the kids. Also i am a new proud grandpa. I live in Apple Valley, CA. Focusing on my health and the kids. Looking to get back out there into the dating scene. Wish everyone much success on here with fitness goals and in their personal life as well.
  • mfaine
    mfaine Posts: 84 Member
    Hi, my name is Mark. I'm 5'8", 142 lbs and 42 years old. I came to MFP through the Fitbit web site. I've since lost my fitbit but I still use MFP. I'm in good shape now though I'm always trying to be more physically fit. There is more information about me on my profile and I'm active on other sites and even have a POF profile, if you're interested just let me know. I live in Huntsville, AL but I'm open to meeting women from anywhere in the Northern Alabama or the Southern Tennessee area but the closer you are to Huntsville the better :)
  • LHSweeney
    LHSweeney Posts: 87 Member
    Hi All,
    My name is Holly. I am 44 (but feel 24) I am 5 ft 114lbs and just hit my goal recently.. down from 131 my highest weight.
    I would like to meet people who are in VA DC or MD ... I love this area and there is a lot to do with friends or dates.
    I have been really busy for a really long time and Now I am ready to have some fun and live all out.
    There is a little more on my profile and other pics. Friend me if you like no matter where you are : )
  • AZDizzy
    AZDizzy Posts: 434 Member

    Im Dizzy...I'm 40, tall, quiet, funny and getting in shape and fixing my eating habits and making working out daily a priority. I travel 200+ days a year for work, and a ton for fun. My couch lives in Phoenix.

    I'm looking for entertainment, commiseration, laughs, opinions, friends, and maybe a cool sporty nerd to call my own!
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Hi, I'm brad. I'm 25 years old and I'm from California. I do construction for work and love it. I joined mfp a while back but, just started doing it seriously about 6 months ago. I have lost 66 lbs total, most of them with map :) I have about 40 more to go. I am single as well and hoping that getting in better shape will help my confidence :)
    BEMND Posts: 33
    Hi, I'm Juanita...I've been single for 2yrs now & I have been on MFP for a month. I live in the Central NY area & am the mama of a really kickass 4yr old boy :)

    I've recently started running & have my 1st 5k this coming Tuesday & then my 2nd on 6/30.
    I would like to meet people that are near me & would like to hang out... Either working out or even seeing a movie (that isn't for kids, lol) or go to any of the fun summer time stuff that CNY has to offer.
  • mishtery
    mishtery Posts: 148
    Hi, i'm 43, I was a young mum, we married and had 4 kids and divorced. I later met someone and we had a child, sadly he was killed at work 11 yrs ago when our daughter was 7wks old. I moved to Melb some stage afterwards, and with everyone calling in every 5 mins with junk food and the amount of drinking that went on, i got to be my heaviest without even being pregnant.
    I moved to Qld for 8 months to see how my youngest and I would go there. That was when I started to lose weight. I plateaued and left it there. Moved back to Country vic where we grew up. I lost more weight and again plateaued. this past yr I have been a bit healthier with my eating and certainly done alot more exercise. So, I know I can maintain my weight, just now to budge the last of the kilos. This past yr things have changed, as I studied to be a personal carer, got a job. And now I'm studying again. When I get extremely tired that is when I tend to binge on junk.
    Being on here has already helped me, as everything I eat is seen and it's so much easier to type in food and have it worked out for you then to try and work it all out yourself. I was doing a nutrition at the gym, but found it to hard. We had to report in with our food for the week, and our exercise plan. Now, I'm not wasting so much time. anyways.. enough of me lol. Hoping MFP helps me rid of the last kilos and make new friends along the way!
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    Hi =) my name is Crystal Jade, Im 26, and joined here in May. I live in CT near the shoreline, and I am a swim teacher/lifeguard. I have piercings, tattoos, and scars =) I love meeting new people, and having friends, so add me =)
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
    Hey everyone..

    I'm Amber and as of the end of May I became a single girl after a 3 year relationship. I'm 26 will be turning 27 on Monday. Living in TN with my cat Leo With no way to afford rent at this time in my life (credit card troubles on top of student loans and car payment) i'm back at my parents. Definitely not the proudest moment asking to move back in with them but they've been supportive through all this. I'll be staying and working on paying off the cards then getting on with the rest of my life.

    Not to sure what to do with my single self when i'm not working.. I know I've got my books to read and journals to write in but other then that.. I'd become so accustomed to having somebody else there I feel a bit lost..

    Anyway, it's nice to meet you all!


  • Hopeful656
    Hopeful656 Posts: 10
    Hello, I'm Vickie and I'm new to MFP. I'm single and simply wanted to look for friends/companions and support from anyone in the New Orleans, LA area or through the inter-webs. Honestly I don't think love is going to step into my door anytime in the near future, so friendship is just fine with me.
  • GoalByFifty
    GoalByFifty Posts: 97 Member
    I'm Eric, I reside in Pittsburgh and work in federal law enforcement. I'm 49, and have 3 children, all out of the house in college. I am divorced, and recently ended the only other serious relationship I've ever had. I didn't think I'd be at this place at this point in my life. My primary mission is to use MFP to track my food and exercise, and I used it very consistently last year prior to my relationship ending. I felt sorry for myself and quit using it, only to gain weight back. So, I'm here to stay and this is a great place with lots of support. Feel free to add me if you'd like....
  • 300poundsdown
    Hi everyone. Nice to meet you all! I've been on MFP for just over one year and I love it. I only recently realized there is a community though! I have been using it to track food and weight loss through the app on my phone but haven't taken advantage of the other great things. A little about me....I just turned 40 and I'm looking forward to actually being much healthier in my 40s than I ever was in my 30s. I have struggled with obesity for a long time. I had weight loss surgery last July but I strongly believe that changing life habits and making fitness a part of my life has been one of the best things to help me be successful. I've lost 177 lbs so far. Recently I joined a Crossfit box locally and it has totally rejuvenated my fitness program and for the first time I'm getting really excited about working out! Happy to meet you all.
  • jobeth527
    I wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I've been on MFP for several months and just recently getting around to actually being active... I'm Beth from the DFW Texas area and a single 39 year old mom. My goal is to make it to my final goal weight by the time I turn 40 in January. I think I'm on track and starting with a personal trainer this week to push myself to the next level. Nice to meet the group and looking forward to making new friends! =)
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm from SoCal and I've been divorced for almost 4 years now. I've been on MFP for just over a month now but just found this group today.

    I have ventured into online dating a few times since newly single and I feel like most of the people I see are fit and very active. I was not for a while because of a thyroid problem that led to a huge weight gain. I used to think my matches were all shallow (some are), but I've changed my attitude and adopted the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" view, so I'm getting myself fit before I consider venturing back online again and post the dreaded full body shot! :embarassed: I'm half way toward my weight goal and working on my fitness goals now of getting stronger and running further.

    I thought it might be nice to meet other people in the single life trenches on MFP who are also working to lose weight and get fit.
  • Lonewolf1507
    Lonewolf1507 Posts: 507 Member
    Hi All

    I am Andy, newly turned 47, 5"9 and shrinking weight wise, just reached my first goal which was to get back to the weight I was before knee surgery knocked my previous attempt out. :smile: I am UK based.

    I have been a member for a couple of weeks but been on MFP since the end of March and approaching my 130 days. As someone else mentioned I just noticed the "Welcome" section and people are still doing it so thought in for a penny in for a pound/dollar depending on which side of the Atlantic you are from. :smile:

    Long time single mainly down to being to nice/shy to change that. Not that I don't enjoy the single lifestyle, being able to do what I want when I want, I have friends here that say how can you workout for nearly 2 hours at a time, the advantage of being single is the answer I give. I love to travel, try different things/foods, like to cook but this healthy stuff takes some doing. I long to be able to say that would work in there and just put it in :laugh: but I know I am not in a position to do this yet.

    Good luck to you all in your goals whatever they are.
