Introduce Yourself :D



  • jamiemonique
    Hey everyone! I'm very new to powerlifting. I'm wondering what kind of numbers I need to aim for. It'll probably be a year or more before I actually compete, but I'd like to have an idea. I'm 307 lbs (obviously overweight, but I'm dropping some). As of today, my lifts are, Squat: 85lb, Bench:85lb, DL: 165lb. Lot of work ahead of me, but I'm really enjoying the challenge. I appreciate any input :) Thank you!

    You should aim to squat 1000, bench 600, and pull 850. :wink: Seriously.

    I think you're thinking of this the wrong way. If you say "I should squat 200 lbs", then you're going to base your training around hitting 200, and what if you're capable of moving more weight? What I do is set shorter-term goals: I want to squat XXX at the October meet. I want to pull XXX by the April meet. Keep your ultimate "career" numbers an open gear, because I PROMISE you- you WILL surprise yourself with the amount of strength you have.

    Set mini goals. Since I like setting targets by the 45 lb plates and the 25 lb plates, I'd say to shoot for squatting 185 lbs first, pulling 225 lbs. I like to throw out BHAGs (big hairy audacious goals) because oftentimes, I actually achieve them. But base this on you- maybe you're more comfortable with smaller, 15 lb goals. Keep in mind, you're new at this- if you train the right way and keep your body healthy, you'll see big gains at the beginning. So don't shy away from an occasional BHAG every once in a while.

    That said, I think you may have a lot of room for growth on your squat. Women carry their weight/strength in the lower part of their bodies, so I'm surprised your bench/squat are the same. Is it a stability/technique issue?
  • rabetts
    rabetts Posts: 31
    You're definitely right, I shouldn't set a limit for myself. Unlimited potential, right? I like it :) I think (not 100% certain) my squat suffers because of my ridiculous body weight. I assume as I lose it off of my body, I will be able to transfer it to my barbell. I am extremely cautious of technique (afraid of injury, I suppose) maybe too much?
  • Punktorian
    Punktorian Posts: 224 Member
    Hi, I joined awhile ago but have yet to post anything so here is as good a place as any to start I guess. I stopped lifting after highschool and started back up with P90X trying to just lose some weight . I did about one cycle of that and stopped again. I have been back into lifting for 4 months now, 2 1/2 months doing the animal hellraiser bodybuilding program and 1 1/2 months doing bill star's advanced 5x5.
    I'm considering doing a meet in November because I would just like to get some experience and I have really missed competition in anything outside of gaming for a long time now. Although I really like powerlifting and would like to compete, my focus is going to be on strongman as I get into more specific programming.

    I'm at around 270 for now but I would like to be around 231-242 for strongman and powerlifting.
    Current lifts are
    Bench 315
    Squat 495
    Deadlift 470

    I'm considering doing a meet in November because I would just like to get some experience and I have really missed competition in anything outside of gaming for a long time now.
  • jamiemonique
    I'm considering doing a meet in November because I would just like to get some experience and I have really missed competition in anything outside of gaming for a long time now. Although I really like powerlifting and would like to compete, my focus is going to be on strongman as I get into more specific programming.

    So glad you've finally spoken up! :smile:

    When you mention a meet in November, is it a PL meet or Strongman? Where do you train? Just curious. . . I don't know a lot about strongman training, but it seems as though you'll need specialized equipment for that moreso than powerlifting. There's this gym that's in the same town as my parents and it's focused on strongman training- tons of tires, a zillion atlas stones, chains, logs, ropes. . . I don't know if that's typically what most strongman training facilities look like or if this gym is the exception, but it's amazing.

    I had never heard of a 5x5 program before becoming more active on this site, and now it seems that several people are talking about it or using it. Usually I've just heard about 5-3-1, the Conjugate system, Sheiko, block periodization, progressive overload. . . How did you get into 5x5? I'll have to read up about it- I like learning about other training philosophies.
  • Punktorian
    Punktorian Posts: 224 Member
    The meet would be for powerlifting, I still need more work with strongman stuff and there aren't really any near me coming up. If I do see one I will probably enter. I lift in my garage with some friends, been building up a gym over the last 10 or so years. Strongman does require a lot of specialized equipment but some of it comes cheap if you are good with tools and especially welding. It is tough to train with so many events unless you already have a competition in mind with a list of events. I'll be switching to a 5-3-1 program in a few weeks and will keep it the same but use log press and axle press instead of barbell overhead while throwing in an event day on a weekend.
    Here is a general event list, most are fairly hard to simulate without actually getting your hands on the equipment.
    I started the 5x5 just because it had a simple layout. Bill Starr's advanced 5x5 is a bit different than the one most people on here are doing probably. It seems to have worked well but I have only been back into lifting for 4 months and at this point it isn't hard to get results.
  • Nick_nukem
    Nick_nukem Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Guys

    Im Nickel and im from South Africa, use to be into bodybuilding type programs but started powerlifting/crossfit type training in december 2011.

    Some stats.

    92kg(208lbs) body weight
    140kg(308lbs) x 5 raw squat
    110kg(242lbs) x 5 bench
    90kg(198lbs) x 3 clean & jerk
    155kg(341lbs) x 6 deadlift

    have had no training on the olympic lifts, kinda just go with what i can find on the net but loving it... have made insane progress in the little time ive been doing it...
  • tdigirl
    tdigirl Posts: 13 Member
    HOWDY! I just started seriously lifting in February of this year. I LOVE to lift heavy! I'm a bit shy about my stats. A lot of times I lift alone and use machines or free weights because my female gym friends can't properly spot the weight I'm lifting. So, please no laughing. LOL

    Leg Press Max 1 rep 590lbs
    Super Squats Max 1 rep 450lbs
    Flat Bench Max 1 rep 135lbs - Goal is 180lbs
    Dead Lifts I'm still working on my form and just started adding them into my routine.

    Not sure what else I should include. Look forward to talking with y'all!
  • jr4015
    jr4015 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I started powerlifting over a year ago. I compete in geared lifting competitions right now at 242lb weight class but after my next meet in july I would like to start competing in raw meets. I will be starting strongman training with a team at a local gym this month, so we'll see how that goes. I've trained with the Frantz powerteam out of Auroua Illinois until most members branched off but I am still training with the same group of dedicated and experienced lifters. Even though I am still considered new to the sport I'm looking foreword to sharing as much knowledge that I can to help improve on others successes in powerlifting.
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 576 Member

    I've got gotten started into powerlifting (literally - I've only been going to the gym for a month), but I've been doing Highland Games for 6 years and kung fu for about 6 years before that. I've always been what people called "country strong", but I never tried to just move some iron. Always went on the weight machines, and did squats in the smith machine (blasphemy!) since I was in Planet Fitness for a few months.

    With the help of the powerlifters in my new gym, I've max tested my deadlift and squat, but not my bench yet. I'm still getting my form down, and my arms are much weaker in comparison to my legs.

    Current stats:

    Height/Weight: 6'2", 360 lbs
    Bench: 225
    Squat: 455
    Deadlift: 385

    I'm looking to test again in a month or so to see what I can do with proper form, so hopefully my numbers will be better.

    Not looking to compete, but just get stronger so I can kick butt when the Highland games season comes around next year!
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member

    joined a while ago but didnt introduce myself

    Im 26, and weigh about 78kg/171

    Been lifting two years, but have also been a distance runner at the same time, so im not very strong comparred to a lot of you.

    My last maxes were:

    Weight: 73kg(160lbs)

    Bench: 95kg 1RM(209lbs)
    Deadlift: 160kg 1RM (353lbs)
    Squat: 130kg 1RM (286lbs)

    I think i'll be a squatter first and foremost. I'd like to compete sometime maybe early next year. But i will start distance running again over the autumn.