Beach Body

I am thinking about purchasing one of the beachbody workout Dvds do anybody have any suggestion for beginners?


  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    I have the SlimNSix series and it is the best!, it a series so you can jump in at your level and work out and see results..
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    I do P90X. I did my first round starting at 240lbs. I had to modify some moves, because I just couldn't do them. But, it was worth it to me because by the end I was down to 197lbs and building strong muscles to replace the fat.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    I have Turbo Jam, Brazilian Butt Lift, and P90X. I'd say the best for beginners is Turbo Jam, its fun and burns lots of calories so you will keep going back. P90X is great for building muscle which in turn burns lots of fat, but it is extremely advanced. Brazilian Butt lift is fun and its a great butt workout.
  • soosweet1920
    soosweet1920 Posts: 124 Member
    I have been trying the insanity...its super hard but I just do what I can. I fell off but got back on it today...I will keep you all updated on my results!
  • JazzMaTazz21
    yeah, im doing Insanity. I did it for about two weeks and lost 8 lbs then i quit for a while and now ive started back up. I love it. Its hard but everytime you finish a work out you feel so much better about yourself. and you get results fast
  • 78brownie_wechanged
    P90X is no joke. I very first time I tried it I got sick. This is an intense workout but the results are work it. DH and I also have their 10 minute trainer and Insanity. I'm not touching all!
  • Beautifullymade1985
    Thanking you for responding. I am thinking about starting off with this program of turbo jam. Still haven't made up my mind yet.
  • Beautifullymade1985
    I do P90X. I did my first round starting at 240lbs. I had to modify some moves, because I just couldn't do them. But, it was worth it to me because by the end I was down to 197lbs and building strong muscles to replace the fat.

    Wow keep up the good work those are great results. I. 285 so I know I am not ready for P90X quite yet maybe when I lose 50-60 more pounds I'll give. It a try.
  • Beautifullymade1985
    I have Turbo Jam, Brazilian Butt Lift, and P90X. I'd say the best for beginners is Turbo Jam, its fun and burns lots of calories so you will keep going back. P90X is great for building muscle which in turn burns lots of fat, but it is extremely advanced. Brazilian Butt lift is fun and its a great butt workout.

    Thank you for the information. I want to try all those programs, Turbo Jam is one program I am considering to start out with.
  • Beautifullymade1985
    I have been trying the insanity...its super hard but I just do what I can. I fell off but got back on it today...I will keep you all updated on my results!

    You can do it just stick to it. Please keep me updated. I want to try insanity later in my journey.
  • Beautifullymade1985
    yeah, im doing Insanity. I did it for about two weeks and lost 8 lbs then i quit for a while and now ive started back up. I love it. Its hard but everytime you finish a work out you feel so much better about yourself. and you get results fast

    Stick with it those were awesome results, please keep me updated.
  • Beautifullymade1985
    P90X is no joke. I very first time I tried it I got sick. This is an intense workout but the results are work it. DH and I also have their 10 minute trainer and Insanity. I'm not touching all!

    Lol someone told me to do instanity before P90X because its easier IDK. I want to try them all.
  • lulu386
    lulu386 Posts: 20
    I stick with Turbo Jam and Turbo Jam Fire (more advance). It's super fun. I'm not messing with Insanity or P90X at all! I may try Brazilian Butt lift though.
  • 78brownie_wechanged
    Whoever told you to do Insanity first is trying to set you up. LOL It's not that it can't be done it's just something I wouldn't recommend for someone beginning.
    P90X in itself is a workout BUT Insanity is not to be played with O_O You might end up running out the house and slap the first person you see. A true nightmare...but effective. STILL not touching it *side eye*
    P90X is no joke. I very first time I tried it I got sick. This is an intense workout but the results are work it. DH and I also have their 10 minute trainer and Insanity. I'm not touching all!

    Lol someone told me to do instanity before P90X because its easier IDK. I want to try them all.
  • KiKi429
    KiKi429 Posts: 19 Member
    i use p-90x as part of my regular routine, i don't do all the videos, but i do a lot of them, even within the dvd's i do use, i don't do all of the exercises (like pull ups) and when i first began using them i was 260... You do what you can, but i know you could def do kenpo-x and the arms and shoulders video. I also have zumba which is fun and slimming, and i just got 3 dvd's by Jillian Michaels in which i started ripped in 30 today. i use to use the firm tapes too... i think whatever you do, will work and if you put forth good effort followed by decent eating you should see what you're looking for... wishing u the best!!!
  • msmakeover
    msmakeover Posts: 14
    Try Hip Hop Abs or Turbo Jam first.....

    I also have Slim In 6, Insanity and Turbo Fire....