How are you doing?



  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    I just got my own copy today. When I started I had one from the library to test it out before buying. Did it without the hand weights too. Bought some 5lb hand weights today (hope they aren't too heavy but I can wield them fine not exercising and the video didn't say which size to get). Supposedly SO is going to do it with me too. He bought 10lb hand weights lol. We will see.
  • nye373
    nye373 Posts: 19
    Day 6 down... so far I though day 3 and day 5 were the toughest. Day 3 because I was sore, and I didn't really feel like pushing through (but I did anyway), and I was coming down with a little cold on Day 5. I'm pretty tired of listening to Jillian say the same thing over and over again, so I mute her an listen to my own music. Anyone else get bored of doing the same workout over and over again? Good thing it's only twenty minutes long.
  • lollaler
    lollaler Posts: 69 Member
    awesome thanks for letting me know.. day 5 for me this morning and i feel it getting harder hehe. counting down :)
  • lollaler
    lollaler Posts: 69 Member
    ok finally started - day 1 for me this morning...
    now i normally do bootcamp which is way way faster then this.. similar work and for 1 hour.
    30ds is much slower movements... so i found it tiring on the arms.
    have 2 questions.

    1) does anyone know how many calories we burn ? someone said ciruit but that came up to the high hundreds... i dont believe that many calories are burnt from doing that ?? help anyone.
    2) how heavy are your hand weights ? i only had 2kg each hand so thats probably why i did not struggle so much. want to get heavier but not too sure how many kg i need.

    your advice is much apprecited.

    ps cant wait till the end of 30 days haha.

    lollaler, I have been doing it with a HRM and I reckon it varies between about 165 to 185 calories for me. I have 3lb weights and 5lb weights, but have just been using the 3lb weights. This is my first time using weights and I started out with very poor upper body (whole body actually, lol!) strength so I reckon that was enough.

    I did day 9 today having missed the last 2 days due to unforseen stuff taking my time. I was dreading it as I thought I would be very sore and I guess that after 2 days off I had to make myself do it. but it was a really good session actually. I did better than any other day - managing all the push-ups more or less and doing far better in the bicycle crunches than I have previously. No aches at all either and I did it over 12 hrs ago. Tomorrow will be day 10. I must take a look at Level 2 to see if I think I might progress or keep at level 1 for a bit.

    For those having trouble with the push-ups. I do far better on some days than others and I am starting to think that the placement of my hands has a big effect. I am still not sure when I have them right, but I think that if I get it right I do far better. I have started to try to really look at the placement of the girls hands on the dvd to try to get it right.

    ok great thanks i was just wondering what others use. ... today was day 5 lol.... im glad you are finding it easier.... i have a feeling L2 will be a little harder but will check up on your posts haha... i guess what doesnt kill us, makes us stronger :)
  • lollaler
    lollaler Posts: 69 Member
    Last day of level 1 tomorrow move onto level 2 Monday eeeeeek!!!

    so how was it :) - tell me good news only please... i have 5 more days to get there and dont want to dread it hehehehe.
  • mjack87
    mjack87 Posts: 17
    Hi everyone! Just wondering how everyone else is doing...I'm on day 13 of my 30 DS and I am up 2 lbs from when I started. I am feeling extremely depressed and hopeless...I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong...anyone else not seeing results?
  • nye373
    nye373 Posts: 19
    Is it possible that you're gaining muscle? I noticed that I gained about three pounds in the beginning, and now I'm starting to lose it again. I attribute it to muscle since I haven't changed anything else but the workout. Did you take measurements? That's what I would go by and of course the way your clothes are fitting as well.
  • mjack87
    mjack87 Posts: 17
    I have taken measurements and honestly they are pretty much the same...I am almost NEVER over my calorie goal...I never eat after 9 pm I honestly thought I was doing everything right...but I'm not noticing a difference in my clothes or measurements...and the number on the scale is going up...I just don't know what to do anymore...
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    I have taken measurements and honestly they are pretty much the same...I am almost NEVER over my calorie goal...I never eat after 9 pm I honestly thought I was doing everything right...but I'm not noticing a difference in my clothes or measurements...and the number on the scale is going up...I just don't know what to do anymore...

    Are you close to your time of the month or ovulation time? I have seen lots of people on here mention that they way a few pounds heavier during those times. I have also seen people say that too much salt and not enough water can give you a higher water weight.
  • mjack87
    mjack87 Posts: 17
    Just had my TOM like a week ago...I'm thinking I am close to ovulation...idk I just changed my lifestyle from lightly active to sedentary...i think I'll see how I do with that for a few weeks...I was feeling hopeless earlier in the day...but a trip to holland and Barrett for some hopefully helpful vitamins, a workout, and a big bowl of fruit has helped me through this crisis for now I think! Thanks for all of your support...I KNOW I CN DO THIS!!!!!!!
  • phoenix8633
    phoenix8633 Posts: 137 Member
    I've done level 2 day 1 today, jesus that was difficult! Bring on tomorrow lol!
  • phoenix8633
    phoenix8633 Posts: 137 Member
    Last day of level 1 tomorrow move onto level 2 Monday eeeeeek!!!

    so how was it :) - tell me good news only please... i have 5 more days to get there and dont want to dread it hehehehe.

    It was much harder but still felt good after, I found some of the cardio moves a bit difficult at the start and then I got the hang of it.
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    Started Day 1 today. My arms feel like jelly. Thinking the 5lb weights are a little much. My SO did it with me with 10lb weights and he had to put them down a few times or just use one a couple of times. I hope everyone's right about it getting easier after the 4th or 5th day.
  • bonboncito
    bonboncito Posts: 210 Member
    Love that everyone is doing so good. my back is starting to feel better but I did start level 2 not so much jumping jacks yeay. They are not my favorite I defenitely seen results in my clothes not so much on the scale ill keep at it and see where this journey takes me.:wink:
  • Lampaul29
    Lampaul29 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on Day 14 and I gained 2lbs!!! Level 2 is tough but I feel good about working out on a daily basis :) I'm just not liking the weight gain...
  • lollaler
    lollaler Posts: 69 Member
    Last day of level 1 tomorrow move onto level 2 Monday eeeeeek!!!

    so how was it :) - tell me good news only please... i have 5 more days to get there and dont want to dread it hehehehe.

    It was much harder but still felt good after, I found some of the cardio moves a bit difficult at the start and then I got the hang of it.

    oh no hahahaha cardio hopefully i can handle... the weights... a different story... yayaya at least you made me excited :)
  • lollaler
    lollaler Posts: 69 Member
    Love that everyone is doing so good. my back is starting to feel better but I did start level 2 not so much jumping jacks yeay. They are not my favorite I defenitely seen results in my clothes not so much on the scale ill keep at it and see where this journey takes me.:wink:

    awesome work... i want results :) ... now haha
  • lollaler
    lollaler Posts: 69 Member
    I'm on Day 14 and I gained 2lbs!!! Level 2 is tough but I feel good about working out on a daily basis :) I'm just not liking the weight gain...

    muscle ??? what about measurements
  • underthecherrytree
    underthecherrytree Posts: 532 Member
    I have been doing level 2 for a few days now and I find that it is much easier than level 1. Less jumping and I find the exercises interesting.
  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 360 Member
    I accidentally did my first session at level 2 this evening. I put it on to just take a look and said I might as well do a bit along with it and ended up just keeping going. It probably wasn't a good decision (very tough at work at moment so I'm wrecked, my husband has a stomach bug and mine feels a bit iffy...I had just eaten a late dinner, I had the last 2 days off exercise because of various circumstances...but anyway - it's done. I have to be honest, I sat the very end of it out...I just wasn't in shape for it tonight - it felt tough, but I guess that like level 1 we will get used to it soon. I had gotten kinda comfortable with level 1. Good luck to you all :smile:
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    Did day 3 today. Did at least half the jumping jacks at least, I hate jumping jacks. Still can't really do the jump rope things (I do the move but don't let my feet leave the ground still hurts my calves) I have been using 5lb weights so some times towards the end or in the 2nd portion in some of the strength workouts I have to put down 1 or both of them. I can do the modified push ups pretty well, can do them almost the whole time.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Day 2 level 2, Like level 2 much better. But still not a fan of jumping around;-) Used 15 pound weights to make the lifting challenging. I do a full lifting routine after 30ds. for me I am doing it to get a bit more cardio in. Good luck to all you shredders;-)