Introduce Yourself

Going4Healthy Posts: 38 Member
Tell us a little about yourself. Anything you'd like to share with the group!
* Your starting weight.
* Your current weight.
* Your goal weight.


  • Going4Healthy
    Going4Healthy Posts: 38 Member
    I am 41 years old and have been on the weight roller coaster my entire life. I was on MFP last year and lost 35 pounds. I was so excited and motivated... but then my world tipped on its axis. I got sick and was very anemic. Just getting through the work day was a challenge for me. I put back on the weight I had lost and then some over the three month period. But, after some surgery and recovery time....

    I am back at it. I am going to kick butt and take names of the calories I lose! (LOL) :glasses:

    I started at 233.9 lbs.
    I currently weight 229.9 lbs.
    I am GOING to weight 150.0 lbs.
    Just watch me!

    I look forward to getting to know everyone better along this journey!
  • debrapeterson
    debrapeterson Posts: 84 Member
    Hi I'm 57 with one grandson, a great husband and daughter. I started this journey at 206lbs in Jan. have lost 25lbs. It has been slow going. I'm still trying to get in the habit of drinking water and working out. I walk 4 flights of stairs once or twice daily and will be starting the gym in June. I will do elypitcal and bikes then move to strenght training. I live on the coast in Mississippi. I love MFP it has become a great tool. I'm very much into trying to control all the nutition groups not just calories. I would love for everyone to make comments/suggestions about my diary. I look forward to checking in with this group and watch everyone drop those pounds and reach their fitness goals.
  • marilynglover
    iam 33 years old my current weight is 170 my goal is to get down to 120 and five foot tall two kids and born in dominican republici want to become healthy so i can be around for my children.
  • pink_geranium
    pink_geranium Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, I just turned 50 and don't want to be old before I'm "Old". lol
    I have been overweight most of my life and my knees are telling me it's time to seriously do something about it.

    Start weight 201.6
    Goal Weight 135.0

    My plan at the moment is to take it one day at a time, one meal at a time, cut out second helpings and go for a short walk everyday this week. For now, a short walk is better than no walk.
  • briewakes
    briewakes Posts: 7
    Hi, my name is Brian.

    I am 39 and from Rugby in the UK, the home of the game of the same name.

    When I was young I was the picked on skinny kid, which triggered overeating which I've never managed to kick as an adult.

    I started on MFP in April at 270lbs and am currently at 251lbs.

    My goal is to break the ever elusive 200lbs and get into the "healthy" bracket of my BMI scale, for whatever good that is.

    My inspirations are my twin 4 year olds who have just started school and are full of constant energy.

    I am currently doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution plus weekly cycle rides for exercise, and food wise, just counting the cals to my MFP targets.
  • stargreen25
    stargreen25 Posts: 30
    Hi! I am a 34 y/o single mom of a 3y/o. I am a nurse and would like to lose about 100lbs. I am 5"6'. I have been overweight all of my life and didn't care until now. I have been on MFP for almost 2 months.

    SW 255
    CW 243
    GW 145
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    starting weight: in 1996 was 300 pounds

    current weight:189 pounds

    Goal weight: between 130-135 pounds.

    my name is Katie. I'm 37 year old single mom of a 9 year old daughter
  • IokiOcto
    IokiOcto Posts: 123 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm Jodi, 32 from PA. I was always sporty growing up playing various sports. After I graduated College I did pretty good but as the years went by the weight started packing on. When I got to a size 20 jeans, I decided I'd had enough, this was also around the time I was diagnosed with Lupus. That just added another reason for me to get my self in gear. I can't wait for the scale to read 199, that will be the biggest hurdle but the best feeling I'm sure.

    Starting Weight 236
    Current weight 217
    Goal Weight 180
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    I am 37 years old and I'm the biggest that I have ever been. Before 2003 I was always pretty thin and a steady size 8 and then my world changed. My mom, my best friend was murdered and everything changed. When I couldn't cope I ate, and ate and ate some more. I hid it pretty well because I had a career that kept me on the move and very active and contributed the weight gain to always being on the road for work and eating too much fast food. Well in 2009 I still hadn't resolved my grief about my mom and I was a mess. I resigned from my position to become a housewife hoping that would relieve the stress. It didn't. It did however give me more time to be alone and sit. Long story short that was probably the worst thing I could have done. I continued to eat my emotions instead of dealing with them.

    Then one day it just hit me, I can't change what happened. I will miss her always, but this isn't what she would have wanted for me, this wouldn't have made her proud. Not to mention my family was beginning to make weight related comments, my health was rapidly declining and I was in almost constant pain. I decided to take charge of my life again.

    I started at 258 lbs
    I now weigh 246 lbs
    My ultimate goal weight is 145

    It was time to get up or give up, and I don't believe in quitting.
  • AlicynH
    AlicynH Posts: 201 Member
    I am 43 years old and have struggled my whole life with my weight. Just over 6 years ago I made the decision to have gastric bypass surgery. I lost 160 lbs with that but within the next couple of years I gained back 60. I finally made the commitment to loose the weight once and for all. My 25 year high school reunion is this summer and I vowed to go looking good. I also have 3 children that I want to see grown. I live in Northern Utah, close to the mountains, and I really want to be able to go hiking this summer with my kids.

    *Beginning weight 396 lbs
    *Current weight 235 lbs
    *Total weight loss so far 161 lbs
    *Goal weight 170 lbs.
  • biznoche
    biznoche Posts: 43
    Hi! Man, all of these introductions are very inspiring, and there are so many great people in here already! I can't wait to read about the rest! I don't really have much of a story...I'm 35 years old, married (for 8 years TODAY!) and I have just steadily gained weight over the past 10 years. 80 pounds to be exact. I don't want to lose 80 pounds, I'll be perfectly happy with 55 total. I started at 210 and am currently down 15 pounds. It has taken 4 months, but at least I'm losing and not gaining! I've been struggling with my efforts a bit lately so I'm glad to be a part of this group. Let's all keep each going strong! We ALL have the power to SUCCEED! :wink:
  • Vegastei
    Vegastei Posts: 47 Member
    I am 34 and +60lbs overweight.
    start 205
    goal is 140-145

    Just started mfp. I usually start a program and read all the community post but never get involved so i usually dont last..I am trying to change that so i am looking to join some groups this time and get some help :)
    I'm leaving for vacation, Disney cruise, on friday and will be back that next saturday for this i bought a Pedometer to see how much i can walk at the park
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hi! I'm 28 and 5'4.5" Starting weight: 195 Current weight: 173 Goal weight: 125

    I started gaining weight in college but it got really out of control about 8 years ago when my life basically fell apart (long story I'm willing to share another day) and I just stopped caring about anything- I started getting my life back together a little over 6 years ago but the bad eating habits didn't stop- I think I felt like after everything I had been through, I "deserved" to enjoy life and for some reason that meant all the bad food too.

    I had a lot of wakeup calls and tried several times to lose weight- on my own, with Weight Watchers, one other time with MFP. Three things got me to finally decide that this is it- I'm doing this- period. One was getting engaged (January)- I want to enjoy every minute of planning and the wedding and I can't do that if I'm stressing over how I look in pictures or crying over not fitting in dresses. Two- after ending up in the ER with an asthma attack for the first time in over 10 years, I finally quit smoking and decided I needed to stop destroying myself and I needed to get healthy. Three- being overwhelmed and stressed with trying to find a work-home balance, I was becoming very unhappy and I realized that if nothing else, I could at least control my body and health and I knew that if I ever wanted to be happy I needed to take time for myself too.
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    I'm a 29 year old mother of 2 beautiful little girls (2yr & 10months) and have a lot of weight to lose.

    I started on MFP back in 2009 and was able to successfully lose 47lbs and became pregnant with my first baby. Within 6 months of her arrival I was able to lose all the baby weight I put on plus an additional 5lbs - just in time to conceive baby #2. Here we are almost a year later and I haven't lost a single pound. I don't know if it's that we've moved from the country to the city - and I have more (easy) access to "junk" or if it's just a sheer loss of desire... I don't like what I see but for whatever reason can't seem to stay motivated enough to stick within my calories and exercise.

    SW: 237lbs
    CW: same
    GW: 180 (for now)
  • todaystheday
    todaystheday Posts: 2 Member
    This is the first group I have joined. I have been on MFP for a while now. Took the first few months to get used to tracking and trying to stay within my calorie range. I am finding that I have a hard time staying in my calories but it is going better now that i lowered my expectations to 1/2 pound a week. I have to keep reminding myself that "they" say the slower you lose it the more likely you are to keep it off.

    I have lost about 7 lbs so far but my ultimate goal would be 100.
  • keenabunny
    keenabunny Posts: 6 Member
    Hello :)

    24 y/o wife to an army reserve soldier with a beautiful 19 month old daughter :)

    starting weight last week : 199

    current weight : 197

    Goal weight: 130

    We can do this thing!
  • rejie1
    rejie1 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I am 53 years old, 5'1" and I started out 208. So far I have lost only 3 pounds but am plugging along and moving FORWARD! I have six kids 31 to 20. Grandkids that I adore and a great grandson through my husband that has cheeks you just want to pinch. Haha. I am finally feeling like I can add friends for some support (not all the time). I am usually introverted so at times I will read but not post.
    My ultimate goal is to get to 140-145. But am starting to see some differences in the way I feel because of the exercises that I have done so far. They may not be insane but a good way to start and add.
    My husband wants to keep me around longer so I can torture him more. LOL. So right now he is my biggest supporter quietly standing behind me and answering questions that make me think for myself.
    By the way, we have been married 32 years in April, soooo, if I can make that kind of commitment I know I can make this one work this time around.
  • 1mrsbennett
    Hi, Team! I'm a newcomer to MFP, but I can see this is my style! I am 6'-0" tall and have an athletic build, but I've used that as an excuse for a long time. Here are my stats:

    SW (5/20): 244
    CW: same
    GW: 180

    I appreciate all of the support and hope to offer the same in return. Many thanks in advance!
    One day at a time...
  • mangobadango
    mangobadango Posts: 294 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 27 years old, 5'4" and currently 190.7 pounds. My starting weight was 210 pounds and I want to get down to 145 pounds. I set my goals at every 5 pounds though, so right now I am focused on getting below 190, then 185 then 180 and so on.

    I have been married a little over a year and we want to start trying for babies when I hit a healthy weight. My two hobbies are exercise and knitting. They really contradict each other quite a bit but I enjoy finding the balance. I have an outside blog, Lots of information on my life there.

    I love supporting others and receiving the support myself. Feel free to add me as a friend as MFP has become my new Facebook on my phone.
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 336 Member
    Hi everyone I am 49yrs old will be 50 in July. Live in Maryland, two daughters aged 18 and 11 yrs. Have been a stress eater all my life. Have been on this site since December and lost only 4 lbs . Recently got myself a new book called dieting a dry drunk which I hope will help me lose my first 10 lbs in a healthy way.

    SW- 190.6
    CW- 188.8
    GW- 150 lbs