very discouraged

Hello this is the first time I'm posting anything. I've been really trying now for the last 3 weeks. I have recorded everything I've been eating and working out like a fiend, but my weight isn't cooperating. I lost 2.5 lbs as of last week but then gained back when I weighed myself today!!!! I've stayed within my calories and have exceeded my workout goals by a ton. I'm really afraid that my body just wants to remain this way. I don't have that much to lose 15lbs would be great. I had thyroid cancer 8 years ago and I can't seem to get back to what I was before the 2nd dose of radiation I had to have 6 years ago. Anyone else out there breakthrough and achieve success?


  • magtize
    magtize Posts: 42 Member
    Don't have any answers for you cause I am in same boat for the last 3 years.I just keep trying.Only had 20 lbs to lose,last year lost 15,but guess what back to needing 12.I hope we both get some answers.I write what I bite.Drink plenty of water and try to get walking in.I have many health challenges that prevent me from doing most exercises.
    Don't give up .You will be healthy and lose.
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    Besides using the scale you should take measurements. I had a heck of a time losing pounds, but my measurements were moving. It was over 6 weeks before I saw the scale move in a significant direction. I was beyond frustrated sometimes. But I stuck with it and I just keep moving forward. If you stick with the watching your calories and stick with your exercise you will eventually see results. I know it is aggravating not to see the results sooner. Hang in there!
  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    It is possible that you are not eating enough calories for the amount of exercise you are doing. Body goes into starvation mode and you will not loose weight. I also found that when my doc started me on cytomel that I started to loose weight and have a bit more energy.
  • Ktbug613
    Ktbug613 Posts: 33 Member
    It is possible that you are not eating enough calories for the amount of exercise you are doing. Body goes into starvation mode and you will not loose weight. I also found that when my doc started me on cytomel that I started to loose weight and have a bit more energy.

    ^Me too!

    To the OP: Its very likely that your meds aren't right yet. I was on synthroid for over a year, all the way up to 125mcg and no matter what I did I couldn't loose weight. I could if I worked really hard stop the weight gain, but no loss. My doctor switched me to cytomel and Ive been on it for about two weeks and am already down 5lbs! Alot of people on this site find sucess with cytomel, and others with Armour its all about finding what works for you. I think its def clear that none of us have had any success with weight loss until our thyroids were under control. Best of luck and dont give up! Even if your not loosing lbs, by eating better adn working out you are transforming your body into a healthier one :)
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Many of us been there, done that!! It could definitely be your thyroid causing some issues -- and synthetic T4 replacement medication such as Synthroid and Levoxyl don't do anything to relieve the symptoms or help you to lose weight.
    Chances are your doctor is only testing your TSH, which is a useless indicator of how your thyroid is doing.

    Also, if you are exercising a lot and not eating enough, you could develop Reverse T3 - this is a "blank" hormone. It plugs up your T3 cell receptors and shuts down your metabolism so that you don't burn any calories. You can start increasing calories by 100 calories or so a week -- you might gain a little for a couple of weeks, but your body should stop gaining when it figures out you are not going to starve it!!

    When you exercise, you need fuel!!
    - Eat 5-6 times a day - you can burn 200 calories a day just by eating more frequently.
    - Protein shakes are ok - but find one without sugar
    - Eliminate all sugar and processed foods -- if it comes in a box or a bag, don't eat it :-)
    - Eat lots of veggies and fruit -- your body needs nutrition
    - Eat some protein with every meal and snack
    - I personally have eliminated gluten from my diet -- many of us are gluten intolerant
    - Don't be afraid of fat - fat doesn't make us fat -- so eat nuts, seeds, avocados, etc. healthy fats - Coconut Oil is GREAT!!
    - Drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water every day

    Ask your doctor:
    - To check your Vitamin D Levels
    - If he will help you to get extra T3 and/or Natural Dessicated Thyroid (he probably won't want to - you may need to change doctors)
    - Can he help you to test for adrenal fatigue -- cortisol and aldosterone
    - Check your Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3


  • adele571
    adele571 Posts: 2
    Thanks everybody for your posts. Unfortunately I have been on T3 for going on 2 years now in addition to 137mcg of synthroid. I am on the name brand as I've heard that the generics can vary wildly. My doc is very good at testing for everything TSH, T4, and T3. He keeps me on a rather high dose b/c of the cancer. I am going to get my vitamin D checked though b/c I do have a feeling that it is probably low.
    I'm just depressed thinking that this is "it". I'm certainly not obese, but I'm not where I want to be. I would be happy as I said with 15-20lbs. of weight loss. I'm not going to quit by all means, but it would be very nice to see the scale cooperate with all of my hard work.
    I will try that website you recommended Terry and get that blood work done to check my vitD.

  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Adele, if you want some feedback on your food diary, please add me as a friend.

    It could be something that you are eating or not eating!! I hope you are getting enough calories - you don't want to invite Reverse T3!!

  • kagero1976
    kagero1976 Posts: 19 Member
    I would encourage you to just keep doing what you are doing (if you are doing everything right) and give it time. There are internal changes happening sometimes that can't be measured on a scale. For instance, think about a fatty piece of steak that is all marbled with fat. That is what your muscle looks like if you are out of shape and overweight. One thing that starts happening is that you start losing that marbling of fat in your muscles. Also remember it is impossible to gain several pounds or lose several pounds of fat in a day. So if the scale jumps up suddenly or jumps down suddenly, it isn't fat gain or loss.