Training sessions

Lauraeb32 Posts: 17 Member
How long does your sessions last, what is your favorite excersize, then your most hated.....

I don't know what mine are called mostly,but I will try.....

My favorite is Deadlifting, I was extremely nervous when she said that was what we were doing. I'm not lifting much but just to be able to lift at all, I was so proud after!
My most hated..... I have to describe it. Starting out on one knee, then stand up, then back down on that same knee, 12 times three reps......ouchy.....

Next :)


  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    I work out with my trainer every Wednesday. It's supposed to be a half hour session, but he always
    gives me about an hour(another reason why I adore him lol).

    The dreaded gliders are my most hated exercise. I refer to them as little purple discs from HELL! lol
    I'm also not a fan of unassisted pull ups, but when I am able to do a few on my own, it feels great knowing
    that I did them.

    I prefer and look forward to when we work with free weights. I like Dead lifts too, Lauraeb! I feel so strong
    doing them! he usually has me to a range of all sorts of exercises, so I get a full body workout.
  • Lauraeb32
    Lauraeb32 Posts: 17 Member
    Oh yes! The dreaded, gliders, or torture disks!
  • MzMandi1025
    MzMandi1025 Posts: 78 Member
    My faves were what I call the Beyonce Butt Lifts. My first trainer was watching this special on Beyonce & one of her exercises was to do pelvic thrusts on an exercise ball. You move down on the ball so that your head & shoulders are resting on it, keeping your feet flat on the floor & push your pelvis up, then drop your butt not quite to the floor. It works the back of your legs & seriously lifts your booty. You can add some weight as well. I take the free weights & hold them on my stomach. That's the only way I know how to describe them.
    My least faves are with my current trainer. He's all about the Aerobic step, which I have grown to hate. The jumping jacks on them aren't so bad, but he'll have me stand in front of it & jump up, then jump off. Really annoying because I can't get a good rythm going.
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Since I just started on mine, I will have to get back on that.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I see my current trainer once a week for an hour, and he writes my programs for the other days. Not sure if I have a favorite pretty much everything. I love the TRX, and planks, and squats. My least favorite exercises are those in which I'm hanging in the air - pullups, dips, hanging leg raises; fear of not being in control or falling I guess. On the other hand, I want to be able to do them.
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Attended a couple of BootCamp classes my trainer is now offering on the weekends.

    WOW! What fun! We head to a local highschool with a real nice track and my trainer has us do multiple "stations" in one minute intervals, in addition to a few laps around the track thrown in for "fun".

    Today i burned over 500 calories in the hour long session, and burned many of the calories from laughing along with my gympals.