How many hours of sleep do you need?

debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
I just watched the Dr's... or part of it anyway. They made a statement about sleep. If you get 10 or more hours of sleep a day, something is wrong... (they did mention hypothyroid).

I need to sleep AT LEAST 10 hrs. at night, and usually have a nap in the afternoon (from 1-2 hrs)... have done that for years.

What about you?

Did it change once you went on Thyroid meds?



  • Anniel88
    Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
    I need at least 8-10 hours of sleep every night or I just can't seem to function. If I exercise regulary it is closer to 8 and I feel less sluggish throughout the day, but I've never been a napper. I do find that my sleep needs to be consistent. I'm not one of those people that can get a few hours of sleep during the week and make it up on the weekend.

    It did help a bit when I went on thyroid meds, but I have Hashimoto's so there are still days when I'm sluggish even with the meds. The best way for me to feel more energized is to exercise (which is really tough to do when you just feel like sleeping!) and also to eat right. If I don't do that, I need 10+ hours to feel like a real person.:laugh:
  • moejo3
    moejo3 Posts: 224 Member
    I love my sleep! I am in bed by 830-900pm and up between 530-600am even on the weekends. I also nap on Sunday afternoons. I allow myself to sleep as much as I need to along with Hashi's I have adrenal fatigue as well. It is better than it was and this due to change in diet/excersize as well as rest. I think it is more important to have consistent sleep for your circadian rhythm to be on task than about how many hours I sleep. I feel I work hard, play hard and rest when I want to. My meds have only made my sleep better!
  • zmacmum
    zmacmum Posts: 5
    I try to get at least 7 and then I'm tired in the morning until about eleven. I've started thyroid meds and hope that eventually I will not be so tired during the day.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I used to be tired all the time and I was sleeping 10-12 hours a day.

    Now, I'm sleeping 7 hours and I'm fine, and energetic most of the time. I think my levels are probably a lot better now.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Thanks everyone! It sounds good to me.

    I have found that I am having "shorter" naps, since the meds have helped me feel better (or is it the diet)?... don't know. I have been dieting & exercising hard since September, and was just exhausted ALL the time. Just now, the meds are taking effect (only been on them for 6 weeks)... and I also cut out gluten and added coconut oil... so its hard to say what is doing it... (besides a bunch of supplements I recently added) Oh my!

    Anyway, I know my body (and even my heritage)... and I have always needed at least 10 hrs. of sleep a night.... which has always been a bit of a debate with my husband who only needs 8. Ha!

    I learn lots from "The Dr's" show, but of course they are being quite general.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Yeah, I'm not too pleased when my hubs only needs 4 hours of sleep in a night and has his friends over and being loud all hours of the night...
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Ha! Yep, been there, done that! Now my hubby has a mouth brace that stops the snoring... and his sleep apnea. :love:
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    I strive for 8h in a day, though these days for me it means 5-6 hours during the night and an additional two to three when I come home from school.

    I do sometimes feel wiped. Not really sleepy, just like it would be nice to lay down and rest a little, not necessarily sleep.

    It used to be much worse right after my surgery, before I got the dosage right.
  • sweetpotatofry
    sweetpotatofry Posts: 209 Member
    I've had difficulty falling asleep since college (bad roommate experience) and now average around 5-6 every day, usually never more than seven. Then once a week I'll crash and sleep longer than eight hours. It's awful, I know!
  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    about 8 hours at night and sometimes 45- 1 hr. nap during the day. I have another health problem that causes fatigue, but I am napping a bit less since my doc added cytomel.
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    I usually need at least 8 hours a night. Last night I went to bed at 9:30 and I was still not ready to get up at 7:00 am...
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Thanks for all your answers! I have noticed that the last couple of days I have been getting 8 hrs at night (up 4 X) & 1/2 hr nap... :happy: