Memorial Day Weekend

Will you be picnicking this weekend? If so, what kind of foods will you be making/bringing?

I found the cutest idea for a dessert alternative...!/photo.php?fbid=429980973693526&set=a.263723666985925.76315.263282247030067&type=1&theater

There was also another picture floating around taking watermelon wedges, placing them on a large toothpick with a muffin paper underneath (toothpick + muffin paper + watermelon wedge).

Another fun idea is using mason jars for ice tea, lemonade or water.

Have a wonderful and safe weekend!


  • maryb2374
    maryb2374 Posts: 137 Member
    No picnicking exactly but camping with Cub Scouts. I don't think I'm actually sleeping over b/c I think it will be too much for my little guy but we'll go for the fun day stuff.
  • blaineandcat
    That sounds like fun! I'm not a "camping" girl but love the other stuff involved! Have a great time!!!
  • TheBlessedMomma
    After 20 years of city life, tomorrow will be a memorable day...WE ARE GETTIN' A GRILL!!!
    We have NO idea what we are doing, I'm picturing a lot of smoke and inedible food, but hey, you gotta start somewhere! Any ideas on healthy grilling?
    Enjoy your weekend!
    P.S. Found a great new cookbook at the library: Good Housekeeping's Family Vegetarian Cooking. I may buy this one.
  • blaineandcat
    I am expecting lots of pictures of the grilling experience as well as recipes from the new cookbook you found! :bigsmile: I love trying books out from the library first. It is a wonderful way to find out whether a book is going to work into your home library or not.

  • lisahiner
    lisahiner Posts: 12 Member
    I've gotten to where I really like using the internet for finding recipes. In all other cases, for reading purposes, I really prefer a book in my hands, but I really like being able to type in an ingredient and be able to see so many recipes using that particular thing! I've been very good at experimenting lately, and am really enjoying cooking! But I'm afraid this weekend, Bruce is cooking ribs (since I don't like them this is not a temptation for me...). We're also doing hamburgers and hot dogs cooked out. We have some friends from two churches ago coming for a couple of days and we want to do lots of grilling! We're also doing strawberry shortcake! (Now THAT will be a temptation. But I can use strawberries and have some as a smoothie or with low fat ice cream and that should be good.)
  • blaineandcat
    There is something about having a book in your hand! :wink: