
Hi, my name is Darin, and I would like to live a healthier lifestyle.

I actually have a hard deadline on feeling better about myself - on 30-Jun-2012, I leave on a trip to a tropical paradise. Which means extended time getting photographed in a swim suit (it's for a family wedding, so the whole thing will be ultra-documented).

I don't have any illusions. I'm not going to be "perfect" by the end of June. I'm probably not going to be altogether satisfied. But I'd like to be proud of the progress which I have made.

I live in Holly Springs, NC. I just turned 33 on Wednesday, have a fiance and two cats, and do not have a wedding date yet.


  • melonclarinet
    melonclarinet Posts: 163 Member
    My name is Melanie. I'm a music teacher in Southern California who is now searching for a new job (due to circumstances beyond my control). I'm using this hard time in my life to keep me moving towards health. I started the journey about 3 weeks before finding out I wouldn't have a job next year and almost just quit, but I figure this is something I can control.

    This challenge will help push me in the right direction (a little bit more of a push is good) and get me feeling better for the 4th of July!
  • BabeedollB
    BabeedollB Posts: 161 Member
    My name is Tish. I am 33 years old and a Mother of 3. I have been losing slowly, but pretty much steadily. It is my goal to weigh 175-180 pounds when I enter the maintenance phase. It has not been an easy journey thus far, but I will not quit!! My birthday is June 21st and I made a promise to myself and my kids that this will be my very last birthday being overweight!!! Looking forward to the challenge!!
  • Amber50lbsDown
    Amber50lbsDown Posts: 255 Member
    Hi Im Amber mother of two and after my second I just ignored the weight and kept saying to myself " dont worrie it will fall off" lol not true. This christmas 2011 I decided that I have to do something about it, since then Ive lost 29 lbs.
    I started at 183 and Im 5 foot 2. My goal is 125ish. Im 153 right now and looking forward to hopefully being down to my goal byoctober. My 28th b-day.
    Life has gotten in my way alot but thats expected. been sick, kids been sick, people dieing and stuff. lol but stayed committed all the way through.

    I would love to lose 10 lbs in six weeks and will work my hardest !!!!
  • helen8297
    helen8297 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey all!

    This is exciting!

    I'm Helen, i'm a primary school teacher (Year 4). I live in England, Birmingham.
    I am currently living with my parents as my bf of 8 years (Jase) has moved over to Boston to become a full time american football coach. Sooo in a couple of years i plan on moving out there with him, when he is more settled.

    My weight has steadily crept up. I'm 5foot2, highest weight was 178lbs, currently its 158.6lbs. I usually start well, and then a week or so later get bored of putting in effort. I sincerely do not want this to happen, so i could use all the motivation I can find.

    Good luck to everyone, and i'm excited about getting to know you all better :-) xxx
  • SerahLaffere
    SerahLaffere Posts: 223 Member
    Music teacher? That is awesome! I sing :D

    My weight has caused me 0 confidence I don't leave my house hardly. I don't hang out with my friends. None of my clothes fit me. Nor do I want to buy any clothes due to knowing I have to get a bigger size.

    But I'm done sitting around doing nothing.
    I want to lose 40 lbs in 5-6 months that would be awesome. By my 21st birthday! So i can go out there. And take pride in how I look! :)

    I'm 5'2 at 168lbs started at 173 3 weeks ago!

    Name is Serah (obviously) haha
    Nice to meet you all :D
  • lessofme65
    lessofme65 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi I'm Sharon, age 46 and live in Cary, NC

    I've always struggled with my weight. My metabolism slowed in my 30s and when I quit smoking in my mid to late 30s I think it disappeared altogether. I finally got a grip on things, started eating right and execising when BAMM, at 39 I was diagnosed with MS. I was put on steroids, prednisone and went thru 3 days of IV treatment a month. Talk about exploding. Since then I've been on several different treatments and have been steadily gaining and reached an unbelievable high of 143.5, I was disgusted. I decided I needed more help so decided on lapband surgery. I feel it is just the tool I needed to take back some of the control I lost over these past several years.

    I enjoy feeling part of a community with similar goals and really look forward to this challenge.

    So nice to meet you all.
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    Hi all,

    First, I really hope each on of your smacks down your goals!

    I'm Jason, a single father of two (have my girls most of the time) and work at home as a graphic design + writer in Vegas, baby, Vegas. Was 310 at my heaviest. Tried losing in the past, but was in a horrible marriage and between that stress and sabotage from ex, it was rough. But hey, brighter days came. Unfortunately, I ate more since I was so freaking happy. But, after realizing why I was eating and what I needed to do, I made a lifestyle change last year. Got to 278 and joined MFP in April.

    Today, I'm sitting at about 264 I think (next weigh-in for me is June 1). Would LOVE to drop 10lbs since I'm hitting SF for a week on July 16. Work hard each day as I'm banishing this fat forever.

    Currently doing 30 Day Shred with a friend and about halfway done. Love it. Power 90 is next.

    Awesome meeting everyone and I look forward to seeing great results from all of you.
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    37 year old mother here. Live in the USA. Was basicly a couch potato (due to health reasons) for over a year. Tired of feeling like this. I want to be the sexy mom not just a mom. So time to put some time into me. Goal weight about 125-130. Right now 186.
  • parkermegan
    parkermegan Posts: 167
    I'm Megan, I'm 25 and a mommy to 4 :) My older boys are 3 and 5 and we have nearly 3 month old twins. Ready to get the rest of my baby weight off and get my body back! Pretty sure we are done having excited to focus on ME. I am a stay at home mom and lucky to have an amazingly supportive husband who is helping me find the time to work out and run every day!
  • Fizz7581
    Fizz7581 Posts: 14 Member
    Heya! My name is Amanda and i need to lose 100+ lbs! =S It's a bit daunting to think about so i'm going to take it one day at a time. I recently walked a 5k and thought i was going to die. I did finish, but i couldn't move too well after lol I think i can lose 10lbs in ten weeks simply because i'm just beginning. I know you lose a bit more weight right at the start. I hope to log on every day and actually DO this this time. I've never really dieted and it's really tough for me. I hope to make some new friends on here and can get and give support! =)
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Reed. I'm currently between completing my undergrad while doing an internship over the summer, and heading to get my Masters in the fall. Most of the stuff I would put on here is on my profile so feel free to add me if you want to get to know me more. but i've recently hit a plateau for about the past 6-8 weeks, and am hoping that this will spark me to get back on the right track, and get down to my goal.

    good luck to each and every one of you
  • ddiana21
    ddiana21 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Diana. I am a 30 year old mother of 3. I am very determined throughout the week but once the weekends come it all goes bad..Glad im here and ready for this..
  • AlichiaMJohnson73
    AlichiaMJohnson73 Posts: 186 Member
    Hello EVERYONE!!!
    My name is Alichia, I'm a married mother and proud grandmother! I am 38 soon to be 39 in August.
    I'm in the process of getting the gastric bypass surgery. I live Pittsburgh, Pa. and I'm hoping with Jehovah's strength to lose a good bit of weight beofre my surgery date can be scheduled. If I see I can do it with the help of this website, my family and friends...then ultimately i won't be doing that surgey. I feel I'm a highly motivated person...when I put my mind to something I am very capable of obtaining it!
    Best wishes everyone!
  • phn1001
    phn1001 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi my name is Monica
    I live in southern Ontario Canada I am a mother of 3 very busy boys and have let their business interfere with my healthy (lots of eating on the run) I have been on my fitness pal for awhile had a strong start which tapered off then got going again so have lost 27 pounds so far would like to double that in the next few months. I just today completed my first 5K run and did it in 40 min so am looking for a new challenge and losing 10 lbs in 6 weeks sounds good to me. Thanks for doing this
  • Bamagal25
    Bamagal25 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi - I'm Marcie...currently at 141 down from 170 since January. Still working hard to lose more, so this extra motivation is great. MyFitnessPal has really changed my life. I turned 40 in January and made the decision that I would not go up to the next pant size. I am now down to a size 8 after being a size 14 for many years. I just wasn't motivated to lose that baby fat and work to make myself look better. I'm so glad that I have found the motivation and determination to make a change. I am only 3lbs away from reaching my pre-baby only took me 13 years!

    Anyways, I know we can all do this and am looking forward to being 10 lbs lighter in 6 weeks! Let's do this!!
  • neaneawy
    neaneawy Posts: 146 Member
    Hi! I'm 32 and a mom of 3. This past Christmas I had to buy new clothes again as nothing fit. I also saw myself in several family pictures and couldn't believe how big I had let myself get.

    SW: 220.
    CW: 179
    169 by Jul 8

    I knew I had put on some weight, but I think I was in denial about what I was doing to myself. I joined MFP shortly after the New Year and it has been the key to keeping me motivated. I've lost 41 lbs so far. I'd like to lose another 20 maybe even 30!

    I'm in for 10 lbs by Jul 8. My DH has been deployed the last few months and I want to finish out the deployment strong. DH is going to come home to a wife he hasn't seen in a long time!
  • lottb2
    lottb2 Posts: 7 Member
    HI! I am a mother of 4 beautiful children. I have a 16 year old daughter. Twin daughters- 6 years old and a baby boy who is 8 months old. My goal is to weigh 165 and to be able to run a 5k. I am starting my C25k program tomorrow. I am very excited to have all of you wonderful people to help and support me through this tough journey. I have faith that we all can do it together. My downfall is that I am an emotional eater. Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress on Sundays, which will be a huge inspiration.
  • Jennilynncoco
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Jen i just turned 24 a couple of weeks ago i live near Atlantic City NJ. I recently put weight on in the past few months since i stopped smoking, im not happy about the weight and i would like to lose more than i gained even. Good luck to everyone!
  • MsRejection
    MsRejection Posts: 30 Member
    Hi my name is Ann I'm 21 I've been over weight all my life and ready to commit to a permanent change I started losing weight in July 2011 and managed to lose a total of 55 pounds In 2011 I'm currently at 74 total pounds lost now and have 60 left to go.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hi. My name is Jennie. I live in Burlington, Ontario. I am married, but no kids yet. I'm 33, and would love to lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks. I had lost weight with Jenny Craig last year, and bought a new summer wardrobe, but then starting in December, I gained all my weight back, and now the clothes don't fit me. :frown: 10 pounds and they'll fit. 23 pounds and I'm at my goal weight. Unfortunately my body fat is really high compared to my height and weight, so I really have to work on getting rid of that visceral fat.

    Thanks for making the group and letting me join. Anyone feel free to add me. Good luck everyone!! :heart:
