


  • natural813
    natural813 Posts: 183 Member
    Hello, My name is Dexlyn I'm 21 and have twin girls 11 months old! When I joined MFP I was 210, I'm currently 189. My goal weight is 156. My goal in 6 weeks is 179. I would be so happy to reach there.
  • madras827
    madras827 Posts: 4
    Hi :) I am Sarah and am 27. I am a nursing assistant and I live in Alaska. I am striving to be more healthy because I just made a huge life change by moving everything across the country. I am pretty much starting over and would like to start some healthy habits! I just joined the site today and hope to make the most of it .
    Good luck everyone. Thanks for the support .
  • ninajackson1
    ninajackson1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi my name Selena. And I am turning 43 in June. I am a mother of 4 and wife, who works full time in sales. While, I have been working hard over the last year to live a healthier lifestyle ; I have hit a plateau. This challenge will help me stay motivated and hopefully help me move closer to my goal.
  • fae14
    fae14 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm Shianan (the i is sort of silent, but if you want to pronounce it right, pretend you're Sean Connery). I'm currently in Iowa, but will be moving to Washington state at the tail end of the challenge, and my army DH will be coming home. Lots of readjustments, so for me, not only will this be a weight loss challenge, but a test of my willpower to not cave in to my DH's harmless intentions. (This is really good, have a bite!) Also, since it's a 2 day drive with two kids, lots of sitting on my *kitten* and fast food. Hopefully, I can find a Subway at every food stop and get something healthy-ish. I have two kids, and with the first my weight melted after he was born...not so much with the second. I've lost 16lbs since she was born 2.5 years ago. Yeah. Time to step that up a bit!

    I would love to show off my 10lbs lighter body to my husband who's not been home in AGES!! (Okay, 3 years, but isn't that long enough!?)
  • TheresaC928
    TheresaC928 Posts: 849
    Hi I'm Theresa and I am 40 yrs old. I am a Mom and wife to Nick and Kevin. July 8th my son turns 13 and as a gift to myself I would love to lose at least 10 lbs by then. I have always struggled with my weight losing and gaining. I lost 50 lbs 3 yrs ago but had gained 30 back. I started my weight loss journey again in February and have lost 19 so far. I would love to be so much smaller by my 41st birthday at the end of September. Good Luck everyone!
  • Jeepers133
    Jeepers133 Posts: 110 Member
    Hello, my name is Emilie and I am 24 years old. I am a stay-at-home-mom. I don't ever remember stepping on the scale and being under 210 pounds. After I had my son in 2006, I weighed 264 pounds and slowly got down to 230. Then in 2010 I after I had my daughter I weighed 245 pounds and I pretty much stayed that weight until October of 2011. I have lost 77 pounds since 10-2011! I am so close to having a healthy BMI, my goal is 130 and whenever I get there is fine with me!
  • Hi , I'm Linda. I am turning 48 in October and decided it is time to get it right. Figure it's now or never. Juggling the stress of a career and family Caused me to make bad food choice for years. I have been out MFP since Oct 2011 on and off. I have been doing a cardio workout 6 days a week since March. Weight loss has been extremely slow but I am determined to keep it going. Down 3.5 with. 40 plus to go. Could use help with encouragement.
  • joyzeejay
    joyzeejay Posts: 95 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm Jovan, 42, and live in Fayetteville, NC. I'm a single mother of a 12 yo boy. Generally, my weight has been at a good place. Except after I had my son. I lost all that weight but then, as I approached 40, the weight crept back I exercised less. I'm now on a mission to lose those pounds and just be healthier all around.
  • RawkChick
    RawkChick Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Kids (I call everyone kids)
    I'm Drie. I'm 29 and I need a bit of extra motivation lately. From july through January I lost 30 pounds, but I've had some recent setbacks and gained 9 pounds back. I have hypothyroidism that is being monitored and treated, but it zaps me of all energy sometimes.
    I am 6'1". I currently am at 299 (scary, I started this at 323 in July) and my ultimate goal weight would be to get down to 180.
  • WalkingQueen1979
    WalkingQueen1979 Posts: 119 Member
    hi all my name is Ronda and i joined mfp a week ago and the past month i have lost 6 lbs total. i am hoping to lose 10 lbs for this because i want to be under 200 this summer! i live with my boyfriend and 2 cats! my starting weight is 226 for the challenge:)
  • chandra38
    chandra38 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi, I'm Chandra! I'm 38. I joined MFP in January, but didn't really start using it until the end of February. I've lost 15 pounds on MFP, and had already lost 20 prior to that. My goal is to be in a size 10 by the time our cruise leaves port in October. I have two very fun, very active boys and a husband that works hard for us! :)
  • StevenDial
    StevenDial Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Steven and I have an 8 month old baby girl I get to take care of full time. I lost 15 lbs using MFP starting January 1st but after getting sick I lost my momentum and gained every bit back. I swore I would never be over 200 lbs again and this morning when I stepped on the scale I was 199. It is time to do something about this so I can be a good example for my little girl, and keep up with my wife who is a group fitness instructor :) Feel free to add me as I think motivation can help us all!
  • JDLFit
    JDLFit Posts: 34
    Hi everyone, I'm a teacher in Hickory, NC. Life's been busy and I've been taking care of everyone else and have negelected myself. It's time to focus on my health so that I can continue to give to my family, friends, and students. I'm looking forward to this challenge. It will be great to be 10 pounds ligher by July 8th. :drinker:
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Hello! My name is Isobel and I live in Kingston, Ontario Canada. I initially started MFP in Jan 2011 and lost 34 lbs, and was really looking forward to continuing my weight loss in 2012. After the holidays I was having a hard time staying motivated, and then my hubby got very sick with bacterial pneumonia and was in hospital for 2 weeks. Running back and forth to the hospital/eating junk food/ no exercise = weight gain. Grr. Then I got hubby home and recovering and I was hit with sciatica for a month. So I realllly got off track, but you know what? That was 3 1/2 months ago! It's time to get off my butt, literally!! and get real! July 8 is a great target date, it is just before my 60th birthday. Sarting weight is 216 lb. I would like to ultimately get to between 150 and 160. I am 5' 5".
  • jillp99
    jillp99 Posts: 8
    Hi there!

    I'm Jill, I'm 21 years old from Ontario but currently away from home working in Northern Quebec. The gym here is free and I don't have much else to do but work and go to the gym so NO EXCUSES! I would like to lose 10 pounds to be ready for the summer when I return home.
    Feel free to add me, I need motivation to come on here!

  • hhuntley82
    hhuntley82 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi. My name is Heidi. I'm at 29 year old married, mother of 2 beautiful kiddos. I started out at 230 and I have lost 42 lbs so far. I would like to be 175 by July 8th. Ttyl
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    Hello all!! I'm Jessica (AKA OnionMomma).

    I would love love love to get back down to 125 ( my fit-est) before having my son. I have a ways to go. You can read my profile as to the stuff we went through with our son and his medical issues.

    That's the reason my health got put on the back burner for soo long.

    Now's the time to get back to it!!

    We shall see, 10lbs sees a reasonable start!!
  • nikkee12
    nikkee12 Posts: 4
    Hey Everyone!

    My name is Nikkee, I'm 42 years young :+). I have three children ages, 24, 17 and 9. I love to read, garden and walk. I joined back in January of this year and lost 14 lbs thus far. But I was watching Youtube and thought I would check this out and I like the setup better. It reminds me of Facebook, more interaction with members. I currentyl weight 147, I was goal is to reach 140 pounds, but I will be okay with 145..but I'm going to go for the 140. I fall out the wagon sometime, so I glad their is people here for support and inspiration. I look forward to the challange.. My motto is: ANYTHING I DID ONCE.. I CAN DO AGAIN!!! So...lets get back to our healthy sexy selfs.
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I'm Felecia. I'm 41 years old and will be 42 in approximately 6 weeks, so this is the perfect challenge for me. I've lost 13 lbs since January and I'd like to lose another 40 total to get to my goal weight. But I want to do this the right way and make it a true lifestyle change so that history doesn't repeat itself.

    I'm definitely up for the challenge.
  • Bernielopez
    Bernielopez Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I am Bernie, I turned 55 (yes over half a century old) April 9th. I think this is an awesome challenge. I want to get down to 130 pounds the right way. That is 20 more pounds to get to my goal but I think focusing on 10 pounds first will be more reasonable.