Excercise challenge for the first week!!

rockinrelish27 Posts: 37 Member
Hi I figured everyone would push a little harder if we had mini excercise goals every week

This week try to fit in 10 situps a day(or as many as you can handle)

30 minutes of cardio a day.... be that walking, running, playing with kids etc

Let me know of more ideas and of things that are too challenging or not enough :heart:


  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    I always walk 2 miles a day, however with the heat it is getting a bit hard on me. I found www.exercise.com and was doing bits here and there. Now going to try to do at least one routine a day. Continue to do my strength training using my own body weight until I can get some other things.
  • rockinrelish27
    rockinrelish27 Posts: 37 Member
    thanx for the site... gonna check it out later. Im just starting to rev up my excercise since its finally starting to get nice out
  • slimsconie
    slimsconie Posts: 46
    I restarted INSANITY today so I will be doing all of this but I will add on the 10 situps daily. This is going to be fun. I signed you on as a friend.

  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    I just re-started the c25k training. I figured that was a good place to start my running from again. On my off days I am going to do Jillian Michaels ripped in 30. I have really slacked off in the exercise portion and need to get refocused. I will add the push-ups to my daily routine. I can get the 10 done.

    I think it is better to set small goals. that get you motivated and moving. Sometimes setting a large goal can be overwhelming. I think this is a great start
  • mssurles
    mssurles Posts: 9
    Ok I am exercsing quiet frequently and tonight i just did 10 sit ups but i struggled during the last set; but i love a challenge and is willing to do the 10 and maybe add a few on everyday. This is wonderful cant wait to see how everybody does.
  • MissMooni
    MissMooni Posts: 2
    This is a great idea. Thanks for posting. This will coincide perfectly with a challenge my co-workers are starting next week. We are all getting pedometers which track our steps and mileage walked per day. We are all putting $5.00 into a pot and the first person to reach 150 miles will win the money. If I do 30 mins of cardio each day and add sit-ups and push-ups, I should reach a good mileage for the day and start building muscle tone, right?
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    I'm in too, sounds like fun - I already do the cardio but I only do pilates every other day, will make sure I do the stomach pilates every day now :)

    Would be great if you lot add me and we can keep eachother on track!
  • rockinrelish27
    rockinrelish27 Posts: 37 Member
    awsome!! so glad I have people on board for this.... got more then 30 min cardio in yesterday and just about forgot my situps and did them beside my bed on the floor before sleep :P
  • I'm in too! Got more than 30 minutes cardio today also and I will do my situps right now before I go out!
  • i'm in already completed my sit ups for the day in my crossfit workout three rounds of 30 situps...no cardio yet ill make sure to get that in sometime today :)
  • rockinrelish27
    rockinrelish27 Posts: 37 Member
    got my 30 min (PLUS) cardio in today just situps...
  • kimodonovan
    kimodonovan Posts: 12 Member
    okay, I did my 30 minute cardio today and just did my 10 sit ups there. Thanks for starting this.
  • rockinrelish27
    rockinrelish27 Posts: 37 Member
    Im glad people like this...figured everybody needed a little help like me on getting some excercise in a day
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    I got my mile in. But dumb me I decided to do spring cleaning of sorts over memorial day weekend. Didn't get it done. Now the house is tore up big time and stuff everywhere. Really need to get this done so I can get back to my workouts and routine. But trying to at least get a mile in a day. I know some don't figure house cleaning in but I sure am until I get this done. This isn't normal everyday cleaning here. Moving furniture, heavy boxes and the like. Only counting a fraction of the time I really do but I am counting some of it anyways. Let the remarks fly about how I shouldn't don't care. If I am hurting anyone its me.
  • ddiana21
    ddiana21 Posts: 68 Member
    almost killed me but i got my 40 min in....
  • Slim2fitit
    Slim2fitit Posts: 24 Member
    I will add the sit ups to my walking. I hope shopping counts, I walked around the shops, with friends,for over 3 hours yesterday!
  • rockinrelish27
    rockinrelish27 Posts: 37 Member
    I got my mile in. But dumb me I decided to do spring cleaning of sorts over memorial day weekend. Didn't get it done. Now the house is tore up big time and stuff everywhere. Really need to get this done so I can get back to my workouts and routine. But trying to at least get a mile in a day. I know some don't figure house cleaning in but I sure am until I get this done. This isn't normal everyday cleaning here. Moving furniture, heavy boxes and the like. Only counting a fraction of the time I really do but I am counting some of it anyways. Let the remarks fly about how I shouldn't don't care. If I am hurting anyone its me.

    I count cleaning all the time cuz i crazy clean when I do!!
  • rockinrelish27
    rockinrelish27 Posts: 37 Member
    I will add the sit ups to my walking. I hope shopping counts, I walked around the shops, with friends,for over 3 hours yesterday!

    If I have to do quite a few errands in a day i count the walking, you still got excercise :)
  • rockinrelish27
    rockinrelish27 Posts: 37 Member
    I got my situps in last night even if i was dead tired!! today will be sooner so im not so tired
  • Everyone get their excercise in today?? i hope so :) My real test will be tomorrow after working 12 hours on my feet all day