Need some encouragment please

strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
So I did week 5, day 2 today... And so that means my next run is 20 mins with no stopping and I'm scared!!

I was even nervous this morning about day 2, but I thought just do it. And I did, and also managed to add on 5 extra minutes of running onto my last 8 mins. So added together, I've actually run 21 minutes today. So why does day 3 seem so scary? I'm frightened I won't cope without that break and I'm frightened of failure. I know that if I don't complete it, I should just accept, move on and try again. I'm my own worst critic, when I'm running and I start to feel tired I try and give myself positive reinforcements, 'you CAN do this', 'push through the burn, it'll only get easier' and I visualize my body being stronger. All these do help to push me further, but I also have a negative voice that rears its ugly head. When I ran for an extra 5 mins after my 8 min run, it did then too. And a part of me says 'you can't do it, just stop'... When I finally had to stop it was because I had lost control of my breathing rather than my legs not being able to take me further. I think its mostly psychological, and it messes up my breathing routine.
I really don't want this to happen when it comes to my 20 min run, I want to be positive but there's that voice which really annoys me!!

Does anyone else know what I mean? How did you ignore it and keep positive? I have to keep reminding myself, although I had a 5 min walk inbetween, I actually ran for longer than 20 mins today.


  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    I totally know what you mean i think each time i go for a run i keep getting negative thoughts then once ive hit about 2.5K and past its as if ive gone through the wall and settle in to my planned run
    I tell my self oh ill just do 1k today then when i reach 1k i agree with myself to add on 1/2 a K and so forth then once ive past 2.5k its all ok and the aches and pains disappear

    My plan now is to go and do 10k (negative thought go away!!!!!)

    Good luck and Happy running:bigsmile:
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'm similar to paul. I have to tell myself, "another 1k and you can stop if you really need to" and I find my legs just keep moving. So I do that a few times during a particularly difficult run and I find that by the time I NEED to stop... I'm already done.

    Your legs can keep going a lot further than your brain. The biggest part of the C25K (or B210K program for me now) is building confidence in myself.
  • Honey_2012
    Honey_2012 Posts: 12
    I have already complete the C25K last year - and now I am starting again - I know exactly how you feel - and I agree with the others - the barrier to running is more psychological than physical. Our legs carry us around all day without complaining - they can do this - it is our head that says we can't - just keep pushing through it and telling your brain (I seem to argue with myself the whole way LOL) you CAN do it :)

    Today is the day for your W5D3 I am thinking - good luck honey - you can do it :) xx
  • strawberrygashes
    strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
    Thanks so much for the replies, I really appreciate it.

    Honey, my run is due tomorrow, I found that having at least 1 rest day from running improved how well I could run. When I try to run in consecutive days, I can have more bad days. By having 1-2 days inbetween seems to help tons. So I'm still nervous but I will give it my ALL!!

    Thanks so much for the encouragement and for others to say they also get the dreaded negative 'voice', how dare it interrupt my success!! I will try to ignore it and focus only on the positive 'voice' :)