What Is your ideal weight?



  • I'm 6'1". The charts tell me that I should weigh 160. Firstly, I don't know if that's realistic since I'm starting from over 500 lbs (gasp!), and secondly, won't that take away any of the curves I have left when I get down there? 160 lbs at 6'1"? I'd be a toothpick! I'm shooting for 215 right now and when I get there, I'll see what happens. If I like the way I look and feel, I'll probably stop.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I'm 5'10 and currently weigh 194. Ideally I would like to be between 145-155. That is the weight I carried pretty much my entire adult life, until I gained 2 years ago. When i weighed 145 I always wanted to lose more and get to my high school weight of 125, but now I look at pictures of myself and I was so thin at 145, the thought of going lower seems insane now.
  • my goal is somewhere between 140 and 150lbs. I'm 5ft 9in and weigh 190lbs currently. feel free to add me anyone!
  • audrey07891
    audrey07891 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'11" and hope to reach 145, but would honestly be happy with being under 150
  • Jalare
    Jalare Posts: 103
    My ideal weight is 195, around a size 12. My doc says I should stop at 200 - 210 because of my frame and height (6'). We'll see.
  • evlipford
    evlipford Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5'9 with a large frame. My ideal weight is 155, I'm about 13 pounds away. Any lower than 155 will be too small for me.

    I'm 5'8 and under 155 is WAYYYYYYYYYYYY to small for me as well lol that's starting to look sick in my opinion!!!
  • urasweethart
    urasweethart Posts: 123 Member
    I am 5'10.75 & I have a large body frame, wrist is 7.5. I done several calulators that have recorded several of my measurements and said that the best weight for me would be 230 so i changed my goal from 180 to 230 / I know for me at 180 Im a size 8 and since that was 10yrs ago I believe it would be smaller now seeing that sizes have gotten bigger.

    but once I hit 230 I will then decide were Im going to go from there.
  • carachel2
    carachel2 Posts: 13
    I'm 5"10. I *think* my high school weight was maybe in the upper 120's or 130's. I am now 43. I did Body For Life a few years ago and got down to 140. I looked great...but the intensity was just too much to maintain. It was insane.

    I started MFP at about 165 (on my scale..I'm sure the dr scale was different, lol!) and I am about 155-158 now. I think a good goal weight for me would be 150.

    I can already see a difference in my clothes and how they fit. I gain all my weight in my bust...it was super nice the other day to go out shopping and find that the extra large shirts were wayyyy too big.
  • nicha66
    nicha66 Posts: 1
    Hi ! I am 5"11" and 167 pounds now. I want to weight between 145-150. That was my weight until five years ago when I had my son. I am having hard time loosing this extra pounds. Any tips ?
    I just start to workout again.
    How you guys keep motivated to workout and eat healthy.
  • layapooh15
    layapooh15 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm 5'10 and my goal is at least 150-160 more on the 160 :)
  • scarlettgeorgia4
    scarlettgeorgia4 Posts: 88 Member
    I posted this 3 months ago here ''I'm 5'11 and currently 168 at 3.5 months post partum - my lowest weight pre-preg was about 150 but I wasn't happy, I'd ideally like to get to 140 eventually :)'' -- -- im now at 137 and still not happy so trying to get down to 130 and hopefully will stop there and tone!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    youre 5'11 and aiming for 130?
  • scarlettgeorgia4
    scarlettgeorgia4 Posts: 88 Member
    yeah but if you saw me you wouldn't be shocked im so flabby :(
  • hhichristina
    hhichristina Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'10", 187lbs. I want to get down to somewhere between 150 and 160.
  • bonsaiblossom
    bonsaiblossom Posts: 133 Member
    I'm a little bit taller than 5'8" , m starting wight was 137, my goal weight is 124 but would like to be 120.
  • mrgmama
    mrgmama Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'11" and change and weighing 171 at the moment. I'm two months post-partum and 10 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight but I was carrying some extra pounds when I got pregnant.

    My goal now is 140 before I turn 40. It sounds smallish but I carry weight in my lower half and my face, so thinner looks better on me.

    I've been 145ish in the recent past and still mostly wore an 8. Does anyone else find that quite a bit of weight loss doesn't translate to itsy bitsy sizes? Is this a tall person thing or does it just have to do with my frame or what?

    Anyway, any of ya'll are welcome to friend me if anything from my story resonates with you. I am going to try to keep my profile pic updated once a week so hopefully it will be shrinking in the weeks and months to come!
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    I'm 5'9" and am currently 155 (was ~170)... looking to land around 135-140, but I would be pretty happy with 145. For me, it's about body composition (lower body fat), not having a muffin-top, and feeling good and strong. I'm small framed, I could go below 135 and be okay, but I'd rather have a bit more muscle on me.
  • skeebies
    skeebies Posts: 1
    me too! 5'-9 (and 3/4 :) ) " and 155-160 looks great on me
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    I'm 5'8" and would be happy at 150. When working out to loose weight I am keeping in mind that I am turning fat into muscle, so I don't see me getting any smaller.
  • carachel2
    carachel2 Posts: 13
    I am 5'10.75 & I have a large body frame, wrist is 7.5. I done several calulators that have recorded several of my measurements and said that the best weight for me would be 230 so i changed my goal from 180 to 230 / I know for me at 180 Im a size 8 and since that was 10yrs ago I believe it would be smaller now seeing that sizes have gotten bigger.

    but once I hit 230 I will then decide were Im going to go from there.

    230 lbs for a 5"10 woman is a best weight using what calculation? I am in the healthcare field and I've never found a calculator that comes up with that number...seems high to me. I am 5"10 and I think a healthy range is anywhere from 145-170 depending on frame, etc.

    I am 155 lbs now (on my home scale ) and a size 8 is a bit loose now. When I weighed 165 I was a size ten...this was about 1.5 years ago.