New To The Shred - Help?

natalienicole502 Posts: 268 Member
Okay, so I just started the 30 Day Shred and am on Day 3 Level One.

I am using 2 lb weights.

Should I go through Level 1-3 w/2lb weights and then do it again with 3 and then later with 5?


Should I do Level 1 w/2lbs, then 3, then 5 and THEN move on to Level two with 2lbs, then 3, then 5 and THEN Level 3 the same? Which way do you think is better?

Level One is kicking my butt already but I'm hanging in there! I also plan to add some walking/running in the mix soon too.

I have A LOT of weight to lose! Already on Day 2 it was just a tad easier than Day 1 and I noticed my breathing was a little more even. Not great, but not like I was dying. LOL.

Thanks in advance for the help! I've already taken before pictures, can't wait to take the Afters!!! =)


  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    Hey! I think as far as the weights go, I think whatever you're comfortable with. Go up levels with the same weights or go up weights on the same level, either way, I think you're pretty sure to see increases in strength and stamina :) Good luck to you! Keep us posted!
  • angeliqueib
    angeliqueib Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! I think that either way is fine. I would imagine that you will see an increase in strength as you progress and so may be able to increase the weights as well. I'm on day 4 and have definitely noticed a difference in my stamina during the cardio (I still hate the jumping jacks!) and I feel like I could probably use heavier weights during some portions of the strength exercises. I'm not quite ready to make the switch though. Go with what is comfortable for you. Good luck!