
kascntry Posts: 18 Member
Figured that this group didn't have anywhere for people to introduce themselves so....please do so here. :)

My name is Kim & planning wedding for May 2013. We do have a date in mind but, want to make sure we have a place for reception before we set it in stone.

I have lost 9.5lbs thus far using the Center for Medical Weight Loss program. I have also joined up at the YMCA. I do enjoy the classes I have there also. Just have to push myself to keep going.


  • Olivine16
    Olivine16 Posts: 8
    Hi Kim! Thanks for starting this group! :) My name is Ashley and I am getting married on Saturday, July 13, 2013. I lost 22 pounds on Weight Watchers starting last September, but when my Grandpa passed away in March, I gained back 10 and due to our financial situation, I cancelled my WW account. I was happy to stumble upon this website recently! My fiancee proposed 2 weeks ago and since then I have lost ~7 pounds. This ring on my finger is awesome motivation! Good luck to you in your weight loss and wedding journey's!
  • sgoodie66
    sgoodie66 Posts: 2
    Hi, My name is Sarah and i am getting married on Thursday 29th August 2013 at a beautiful barn in the English countryside. I really want to lose cm's more than weight and would love to be a UK size 14 by my wedding day (currently 18/20), iv never tried to diet before but this ring is really the push i needed to get my self healthy. Would love some support from fellow brides on both my journeys :-)
  • FantasticallyNicki
    FantasticallyNicki Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm Nicole. I'm getting married January 6, 2013. I have lost about 9 lbs so far, and have a LOT to lose, but I havent set a goal yet for by the time the wedding rolls around. I'm pretty much at the biggest weight I've ever been, and looking for friends, fellow brides to be, and a support group. Add me if you like :)

    Have a great day :)
  • Hi all, my wedding is next year (keeping the actual date under wraps until things are official) and I have about 80 pounds to lose. I would be happy being down 40-50 by the wedding though, since I know this will be a stressful planning period ahead.
  • ldotson83
    ldotson83 Posts: 1
    Hi all,
    I am planning a wedding for Sept. 2013. I am so excited about marrying the love of my life, but am not so excited about how I look at the moment. I need/want to lose about 50 lbs but have never been able to follow a weight loss plan. My fiance and I have committed to leading a healthier lifestyle and I hope that this time I can actually lose some weight and be healthy!!
  • Hi I am Jill and we are getting married the 8th November 2013. I have only just started the weight loss so only lost 4 pounds so far!! I am hoping to lose around 3 stone! i am about 12.8 just now.
  • Hello everybody,

    I am planning a wedding for March 2013. We are all going skiing and snow shoeing, and although I manage those things ok now already, I don't want to end up panting on all of my wedding photos being red in the face! Not to mention that I would love to be about two dress sizes smaller. Its all about looking good in padded ski wear for me :)
    I just started today being serious about this whole thing. So I am still kind of new to this. If anybody would like some support - I would love some!
    Good luck you all...
  • vance2804ibr
    vance2804ibr Posts: 11 Member
    Hey everyone,
    I'm Vance and I'm planning to get married on April 6, 2013. So far I have lost ten pounds.
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    Hello! I'm getting married on 29th June next year - the one-year mark is getting very close! I started losing weight last September, before we got engaged. I've lost about 13 pounds since then, but I've started to really push to lose these last 20lb or so. I'm going to start dress shopping soon - I'd love to look wonderful and slim!
  • No_excuses_nikki
    No_excuses_nikki Posts: 16 Member

    I'm very new to this site, but love it! Our Wedding is Jan. 19 2013... 7 months away :D. My ultimate goal is to lose 45 pounds but I have already order my dress so I only want to lose 25 pounds. I have been struggling with this whole weight loss. I currently have only lost 4 pounds hoping to keep it off....
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hey everyone, I am getting married on May 4th 2013.

    I've struggled with binge eating disorder for years and since my fiance proposed in February, the stress of knowing people will be looking at me in a wedding dress has actually made it spiral out of control and I actually gained 17 lbs (I was doing so well on MFP as well!)

    However, in the last couple of weeks I have found my focus again and I hope to lose 85 lbs before my big day. It's a big task but fingers crossed I can do it!

    I live in the UK, work in travel and am getting crafty with lots of things for my wedding as well. My old housemate is a dress designer and is making my dress for me, so luckily it will be made to measure and I can postpone the last fitting as long as possible as I don't have to work to shop constraints, so that's a bonus!

    Look forward to getting to know you all :)
  • Hi,

    Can i join this group please?? I'm getting married May 2013 and i can't wait!!!! I started slimming world end of January 2012 and so far have lost 19.5 even although my ticker says 15lb. I purchased my wedding dress at weekend so on a mission now to loose more, roughly around another 18lbs to go so half way there. I have struggled as I wanted and expected to be loosing quickly but unfortunately it has been a slow process to get to where I am now.

    Onwards and upwards :)

    Curvy Bride x
  • mbrou28
    mbrou28 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm not new to MFP or other weight loss plans (ie. Weight Watchers) but after years of losing weight (75 pounds in all) I'm struggling with motivation. I'm hoping that fitting into my beautiful mermaid style dress on January 25, 2013 will help. I ordered my dress on June 9th and I'm hoping to lose some weight before it arrives in October (hopefully). My goal is 10 pounds and I hope this group can help me gain a bit of motivation. I'd like to give support where needed also, so please feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • miliemilie
    miliemilie Posts: 7 Member
    Hey everyone!

    My name is Émilie and I'm getting married on February 16th. So far, I guess I could say I lost 20 pounds over the last 18 months, because of the new medical treatment I'm taking for my migraines. Well, that was convenient! (My doctor had warned me on this.) But since the medication stoped making me smaller, I now have to make real efforts to reach my weight goal. I have trouble making space in my schedule for exercice since I work full time and I'm writing my Master's degree thesis during my free time, so I'm willing to now make real efforts to get slimmer. Not only for the wedding, but also for my general health! :)

    Thank you for creating that group!
  • taj417
    taj417 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All!

    I'm Anne, a North Carolina Bride-to-be. I'm getting married May 18th of next year, and hitting the 1 year count down mark a little over a month ago made the need for weight loss SUPER real! I need to get healthy, not just lose some lbs, so this about a lifestyle change for me.

    Looking for some new online friends to help keep me motivated. Congrats to all you other brides!
  • Adele_J
    Adele_J Posts: 8
    Hello!!! I'm Adele. I am getting married June 29th 2013 in Ontario, Canada. I gotta lose some weight before the wedding and dress shopping!!! Ekkkk!!! It hasn't really sunk in that I am getting married since I haven't really done any wedding planning not until after I am done school!!!(which is next month!!!) Can't wait!! So far I have lost 17 lbs on mfp since I started and hope to lose 30 lbs before dress shopping in 8 weeks and another 20 lbs before the wedding!!!
  • Holmesy2013
    Holmesy2013 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi ,
    I'm Emily, I'm getting married in the Lake District on June 22nd. I'm hoping to lose another stone but its a very slow weight loss for me. I've lost 5 pounds so far in six weeks and I imagine it will only get slower as I lose. However I must be patient, hopefully I'll keep it up and tone up as I go.
  • Sarahsarahsarahk
    Sarahsarahsarahk Posts: 62 Member
    Hi! My name is Sarah. I am getting married in March 2013! I lost about 20 lbs and want to lose at least 10 more! Feel free to add me! :)
  • Hi guys,

    Im going to be a bridesmaid in August and need to lose 3 stone! How is it all going for you?
  • Hi, my name is Casey and I am maid of honour at my best friend's wedding on 3rd August and I dont want to be stereotypical "fat" bridesmaid! So this is my first goal to achieve! I want to lose 18lb in the next 7 months and have had success with MFP before! :) xxx