New Month- 01/06/12 Weigh-in

Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
Just setting this up in advance so we can talk about what we are hoping for etc :)
Its a new month- so a good time for a new start if we need it!

My recorded goal- 153.5 - but this is what I originally set up as my weekly loss of 1lb
Currently (Friday's Weigh-in) I sit at 152.6lbs
This Friday I really hope for 151.6lbs but will be happy with 152lbs


  • Mazzyx
    Mazzyx Posts: 131
    Ooo I have joined! :bigsmile:
    My Goal over all is to be in the 140s somewhere!
    Currently I am 165.6lbs (booo!)
    Friday I wish to be 165lbs! Would be nice to have lost more but I doubt I have!
    So yes!
    Good luck everyone! :smile:

    Edited: Spelling! (forgive me just finished work :yawn: )
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Woo! Gl for the 0.6lbs- i bet you will get it!!
  • Zero2hero2013
    Zero2hero2013 Posts: 458
    my iam is for 0.5kg more weight, so hoping i can be around 87.6kg :-)
    that would be a 1lb increase in weight 3 weeks in a row, my overall aim is to gain 1lb a week into february 2013
  • audreygonzy
    audreygonzy Posts: 169
    As of last weigh-in I am 118 lbs! My goal is really to just lower that number and give my workouts my all! Trying my best for cleaner eating but I'm a sucker for the junk food:(
  • Zero2hero2013
    last week 87.1kg
    current weight 87.8kg, very happy, everything is going the right direction from weight gain to strength gains in the gym. really enjoying bulking as this is my first real bulk and 3 weeks in all is good x

    hope everyone gets the results your after x
  • MumMumOfMany
    MumMumOfMany Posts: 79 Member
    hey everyone!
    Happy 1st of the month firstly! And a happy weigh in day for me... reached my goal of 126lbs woohoo! June consists of my lil girls 2nd birthday and 18th june a week away with hubby and kids, so my goal for june is to maintain my weight and still be 9stone by time 1st july comes. Obviouly under tht would be ace but practically i think its better if The weight loss starts again then lol.
    Good luck to u all this month, be checking in every fri to see where everyones at. Much love x
  • leopard_barbie
    leopard_barbie Posts: 279 Member
    hey everyone!
    Happy 1st of the month firstly! And a happy weigh in day for me... reached my goal of 126lbs woohoo! June consists of my lil girls 2nd birthday and 18th june a week away with hubby and kids, so my goal for june is to maintain my weight and still be 9stone by time 1st july comes. Obviouly under tht would be ace but practically i think its better if The weight loss starts again then lol.
    Good luck to u all this month, be checking in every fri to see where everyones at. Much love x

    Well done hun 9st is my goal as well!

    As of this morning i am 140.8lbs, loss of 2.4lbs! Ive undone all of the badness from may and am all set to get into the 130s now! Would love to get down to 135 or so this month but i dont know if its a bit ambitious? Getting down into the 130s and staying there is my goal for june!

    Good luck with your weigh ins ladies and gents xxx
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Well done so far everyone, especially the gain!! Such a good number for a week!! :D

    Im hoping to reach 150-151lb today but more realistically Im gonna be walkin out with 152-152.5

    Will update later
  • Mazzyx
    Mazzyx Posts: 131
    Well done everyone!!
    Well I did it!!! I weighed this AM and I am now 164lbs!!! ^_^ yay! Lost 1.6lbs!! :happy:
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Lovely loss Mazzy! Lost 0.9 this week :) After such a naughty weekend last week, it seems good!

    Now weigh 151.7lb
  • Mazzyx
    Mazzyx Posts: 131
    Thank you Louise :) and that's a great loss! :smile: xx
  • audreygonzy
    audreygonzy Posts: 169
    WEIGHING IN! So I lost a tad over a pound but I feel like I fluctuate too much so playing safe I'll say I lost a whoooole pound!:) Now 117! I may have just contradicted it by having Waffle House for dinner though;P Time to prepare for next week!