


  • ciarq
    ciarq Posts: 13 Member
    Fun ideas everyone - makes a girl wanna go shopping.

    Just got my Cannondale Synapse a new tube - not glamorous or fun, just necessary.
  • ciarq
    ciarq Posts: 13 Member
    Newest toy... holds the phone for GPS and Music access... covers the screen from light rain etc, and is still usable while riding.


  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Cableset came Friday (Jagwire Racer) in red. Got everything on. . . sadly, front derailleur no worky to the big ring. Don't know if it's the shifter or the bb.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    If my back doesn't get right soon, it's going to get awfully expensive... spent the day trawling fleabay for correct period components to build up my old Raleigh Dynatech 701. Problem is, I really want to go with Campagnolo to match the headset...


    I've already got the chainset, but the rest of the groupset's fetching silly money, and i'm guessing i'll have to compromise a little when it comes to wheels - I don't really want to be riding on someone elses 20 year old rims, so unless I can drop on some new-old-stock open 4 cd's I'm guessing i'll be using Mavic Open Pro's and "de-badging" them :wink:

    Oh - and the Shimano 600 components that are on the Dynatech in the picture won't go to waste - they'll be moving onto the RSP Custom 531 that's a couple of years older than the Dynatech :laugh:
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    Another spendy day, I'm afraid...

    Getting ready for todays ride, I noticed that the Chamois in the Gore bike-wear shorts I bought was a little "clumpy"... on further investigation, the padding had come adrift from the outer surface, and was flopping around inside the 2 layers of cloth. Not a happy bunny for that - £80 for a pair of shorts that I've only had 3 months worth of wear out of... Sad thing was, I'd actually kept them back and not used them over the winter while riding on the turbo, as they were so comfortable, I wanted to get the use out of 'em on the road, and not kill them off with heavy rotation use on the turbo. I'd bought a pair of the DHB Aeron Pro's (Wiggle own brand stuff) maybe a month after the Gore's, and they'd been used all winter on the Turbo, and done alternate days with the Gore's out on the road (One pair on the bike, one in the wash/drying!). The DHB's are unmarked, and pretty much perfect, so - sold to the fat bloke with the long hair, one additional pair of Aeron Pro's :laugh: And, while I've been at it, as an effort to set myself up for the summer, another pack of half a dozen Bidon's so I can scrap the scruffy faded ones from last season.

    Oh, and on Saturday, I made a discovery that I think may make my summer cycling happier and more comfortable than it's been for a long time. Finally, I've discovered a proper, effective and DURABLE sunscreen. My local pharmacy recommended it, it's called Riemann P20. Apologies for those people who've used it before, but I'd never heard of it. For those like me, it's pretty damned amazing. The big problem with normal sun-creams is that on the bike, they just get sweated off. This stuff is different. It's more like a coat of varnish than a suncream. It's Good for 10 hours on one application, you can't sweat it off, it's waterproof enough to survive swimming in it! - it only comes off with hot water and soap. As implied by it's name, its a SPF of 20, and to be honest, for once, I believe it. Over the last 5 days i've spent over 10 hours on the bike, and i've accumulated a very gentle healthy colour. As I've naturally got a complexion that's somewhere between white and pale blue, and a tendency to go like a lobster after 15 minutes of watery sunshine, the stuff's amazing! Only slight downside is, as I said above, it's a bit like a coat of varnish - a thick oily liquid in an alcohol base, the alcohol evaporates and the oil drys after 15 minutes and becomes effective. So - you find yourself standing around in the scud, smelling of alcohol, waiting to dry enough to put your riding kit on. Not a pretty sight, but worth the slight hassle to avoid the pain of sunburn, not to mention the potential longer term dangers. Certainly something to put on the shopping list for anyone doing century rides and Audax Brevets I reckon!
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Thanks to TheBigYin (for finding the best deal by a country mile,) my latest purchases are a new set of Schwalbe Ultremo ZX HD tyres (in black and white to match my frame) and a pair of Altura Galaxy Mitts from Wiggle (last of the big spenders...)
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    Garmin Edge 705, with HRM & Cadence. To replace my aging 605. It is great!
  • shaneNSW
    shaneNSW Posts: 42 Member
    Fleece lined full length kit....
  • shaneNSW
    shaneNSW Posts: 42 Member
    Fleece lined full length kit....
    Oh I lie I lie... matching water bottles just last week.
  • RedSunshine365
    RedSunshine365 Posts: 189 Member
    Specialized Oura Expert saddle to replace a Selle Itallia Diva that has become too soft and squishy.

    BUT now I have a black saddle and white bar tape. Do I a) exchange saddle for white or b) replace bar tape with black? Such dilemma! LOL
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    Specialized Oura Expert saddle to replace a Selle Itallia Diva that has become too soft and squishy.

    BUT now I have a black saddle and white bar tape. Do I a) exchange saddle for white or b) replace bar tape with black? Such dilemma! LOL

    Velominati Rule #8 // Saddles, bars, and tires shall be carefully matched.

    3 Valid options are:

    Match the saddle to the bars and the tires to black; or

    Match the bars to the color of the frame at the top of the head tube and the saddle to the color of the frame at the top of the seat tube and the tires to the color where they come closest to the frame; or

    Match the saddle and the bars to the frame decals;


    Black, black, black

    (but by that token, I'd need to find a Navy Blue Saddle and Tyres, or swap to black handlebar tape, or White Tape and Saddle. - none of which I'm gonna do at the moment. Might get all colour co-ordinated on the next bike, but not with this one , just yet!...

    and another consideration - I'm too much of a mucky pup to ride with white tape - i'd be swapping it every third ride. It's okay for pro's who have the mechanics change it out between stages, but for me, no way!!)
  • RedSunshine365
    RedSunshine365 Posts: 189 Member
    Yeah..the white is a challenge to keep clean. Yes, its possible, but I'd rather be out riding instead of fussing over dirty bar tape. And I won't have heart failure when the mechanic at the shop gets a little grease on the tape after i've just cleaned it.

    My daughter (13) likes the black seat...I guess I'll let her make the decision for me. I'm off to get some black bar tape. :-)
  • cohophysh
    cohophysh Posts: 288
    Some cool stuff, I want to get the phone holder...I bought a mirror for the roadie, I hate not knowing what is coming up behind me.
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    Impulsed a new Twin Six jersey & matching socks to replace the woolies that were cut off in the ambulance. (Freshly broke my leg on the MTB. Just won my first Cat 3 race, so 'natch I thought I could out-ride the Cat 1's. Ah, unchecked arrogance.)

    I *want* a full carbon hardtail 29er, so I never have to get back on my alloy (aka lead) full-squish 26er. Then maybe I can actually clear sh*tuff. :grumble:
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    To TheBigYin: Pshah. Dost thou need to be so matchy matchy on the tape/saddle/tyres/cages/bags/cables/wire crimps/etc? Methinks not. I say flaunt convention.

    Edited cuz I clearly am too dunderheaded to quote properly.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    To TheBigYin: Pshah. Dost thou need to be so matchy matchy on the tape/saddle/tyres/cages/bags/cables/wire crimps/etc? Methinks not. I say flaunt convention.

    Edited cuz I clearly am too dunderheaded to quote properly.

    I can't help it - my OCD starts to kick in when I see bikes with things that are just "wrong"

    Like having Continental Tyres, but green valve caps (Vittoria) or black (michelin/specialized) - or anything other than Yellow Caps


    Putting tyres on the bike, and not aligning the tyre logo's with the valve stem. Just looks awful, and is a great reason to run tubs, rather than clinchers - as you don't get a choice with tubs.


    MTB pedals on a road bike - why? you don't need shoes you can walk in, you've got a bike - ride it. Cyclocross and commuting bikes are exempted from this obviously.

    Yeah - i'm more than a little obsessive. Can't help it. Always have been!
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    I have red caps on my Michelins, because they look damn hot with my Fulcrum Zeros. I also run alloy cages on my full-on carbon race rig... because I enjoy a little irony. I'm constantly surrounded by people who take this pursuit way too seriously.

    I met a young lady riding a bike festooned with celeste tape, cages, what-have-you all over it. Everything was celeste, except the frame - because it was a Trek! I laughed. I'm assuming she didn't get see the humor in it. It's okay. She must just really like celeste!

    Let's just imagine for a moment that the gods miraculously bestowed upon you a hand-painted Pegoretti Responsorium. Do the rules still apply then? What color scheme would compliment such an eclectic frame? I say bend the rules. Don't match anything. Let it go. Repeat after me, "It's okay..."

    Sometimes beauty comes from discord.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    If I had a Pegoretti - I'd have it refinished as a Pinarello - like Big Mig did.

    I don't take it seriously, I've got lots of mis-matched bikes in the rack - but I do really appreciate the beauty of a well thought out and considered "look and feel" to a bike. You seem to think that my quote of "the rules" is some sort of slavish following. It's not - The Velominati "Rules" are a relatively light hearted attempt to guide persons who haven't been exposed to the creeds and customs of proper northern european cycle racing - and to stop them looking total gimboids on their forays over to see and ride in the Alps...

    If you can't see that i'm joking in some of my posts here, that's a shame.

    I do need to lighten up though, I admit it. By at least another 56lb's (according to Tulio's descendants) so that I'm safe to ride my next new toy.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    The only thing I've gotten lately is my 100 mile bragging rights sticker! :drinker:
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    If I had a Pegoretti - I'd have it refinished as a Pinarello - like Big Mig did.

    ^^^ ?!?!? Just got back from a hoity-toity outdoor art fair. The $$$ they were asking for hand-painted anything was kinda nuts! Yeah, yeah, folks. You're artistes. I get it. Afterwards, I visited to the nearby hipster urban LBS having a huge sale. They had an 80's every-color-neon-spackled god-knows-what frame hanging from the rafters waiting to be rebuilt. It was very tacky, and very cool.

    And I didn't buy any schwag. Don't know what's wrong with me.