
wifeyy Posts: 481 Member
Hi all,
The reason i started this group is because i am OBSESSED with the scales and try hard not to go on it daily
but it is the first thing on my mind when i wake up lol.

The sad part is i get really depressed and give up when i see a gain so i want to break this habit.

Please introduce yourself and tell us why you have joined.


  • ninadm09
    ninadm09 Posts: 16
    Hi. I do the same... I check the scale 2 or 3 times per day... :sad: ... I need to check it at least once a week...
  • my name is Diane and yes I am obsessed with the scale. I probably weigh 2 to 3 times a day, but only count the weight on Fridays....
  • sharonr82
    sharonr82 Posts: 7 Member
    I need to stop obsessing with the scale as well! I have been doing much better but I was weighing myself 2-3 times a day. Then I play games...."I should be losing more, but look at the scale! I might as well just eat what I want. It doesn't matter anyways!" Or, even on the other side...."Wow, I'm doing good....I can eat ________ today if I really want to!" Urgh!! Frustrating!! I am now trying to focus more on how I feel and not the number on the scale. I still find myself wanting to get on that darn thing more often than not!!
    Glad for this group....maybe a challenge like this will help! Looking forward to friendship and support on here! This is my first "group" to join on MFP!
  • relly1008
    relly1008 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi my name is Rochelly and i weigh in every day getting frustrated when i didn't see any differences, so i stop doing it about 5 days ago, i'm going to do it once a week, trying not to do it those days of the month, let's see how it goes, good luck to you all!!!
  • nikkee12
    nikkee12 Posts: 4

    My name is Nikkee, I usually weigh myself every day..but I had the scale in the kitchen,which I thought made sense-NOT.. so I moved it to the basement- OUT OF SIGHT ...which seems to help. I'm going to focus on weighing in on Mondays.
  • Hi, I too have an obsession with the scale... and yoyo with water weight. I need to bring it down to once/week weighing rather than the 2-3 times/day. If I lose, I feel free to go haywire w/ food & self-sabotage... if I gain, I get depressed & over-eat because I think, "What's the use." Either way, I'm making myself crazy & I gotta stop!
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    I too have fought this battle.

    The scale is an evil invention and causes us to go more crazy over the # it tells us then nearly anything else in our daily lives. I want to STOP my obsession.

    I REGULARLY ignore the things that the scale CAN NOT ACCURATELY tell me:
    *I need to "potty"
    *I have a lot of fluid on board (too much sodium or drank lots of water)
    * My muscles are getting bigger (Strength training will do that, ya know)
    * its TOM and of COURSE I'm going to weigh more
    *I ate a big meal and it hasn't even digested yet
    *And there's more!!!!!!

    I igore these things simply because it tells me a number. I turn retarded and forget there are LOGICAL REASONS and I did not consume and extra 3500 calories since last night. :noway:

    I am determined to focus on my body composition rather then the scale number, and I hope the support from this group will help me!
  • I am horrible about it, weigh myself 5 or 6 times a day and always get really depressed.
  • maybombs
    maybombs Posts: 27
    Hi! My name is Amy and I'm a scale addict. I'm in such denial that I go out of my way to find tips and advice that say I should weigh myself every day. I got a new digital scale but that sonofa***** says I weigh 6 more pounds than the cheap ticker scale. I'm obviously going to return it.
  • ALISAP23
    ALISAP23 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, my name is Alisa and I work for a doctor. The scale is kept right next to my desk. I weigh in the morning before and after lunch and after I empty my bladder... I have a problem but at least Im not the only one lol
  • Hello, I'm Jen. I weigh myself several times a day. I get very discouraged if I gain anything or if I don't lose for a while. I stress myslef so badly over this. I know you should only weigh once a week and at the same time everytime but I can not stay off the scale :( Maybe together we can help each other break this BAD HABIT!
  • sxysantos
    sxysantos Posts: 41 Member
    When I saw this group I knew I had to join. The scale is not my friend and I just don't understand why I keep weighing myself??? I really need to break this bad habit!
  • msgee4424
    msgee4424 Posts: 4
    I thought I was the only person who is obsessed with the scales. I try to only weigh myself on Monday's, but I have found myself weighing in everyday. I'm frustrated because I feel like I'm doing so much work and the scale is saying something different. I'm glad to be in this group who relates.
  • lulu386
    lulu386 Posts: 20
    I have a serious problem with weighing myself 2-3 times a day sometimes even back to back. After a good workout when I'm feeling grrreat, I'll hop on the scale (hoping to see a change) and nothing. It usually gets me depress so I definitely need to stop obsessing.
  • wifeyy
    wifeyy Posts: 481 Member
    I have a serious problem with weighing myself 2-3 times a day sometimes even back to back. After a good workout when I'm feeling grrreat, I'll hop on the scale (hoping to see a change) and nothing. It usually gets me depress so I definitely need to stop obsessing.

    lol same here. After i run i always go on the scales and it can be so depressing if i have work so hard and no change.
    We will break this bad habit together :-)
  • kgiuffri
    kgiuffri Posts: 11 Member
    This sounds like a good plan. I weigh every morning and it fluctuates so much it's depressing!! I'm going to weigh every Monday at 8 AM

    Wish me luuuck!! (I need it.)
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    Hi my name is Katie. I am glad one of my friends posted in this group. I joined because I am so obessed with the scale. I weigh everyday. I really need to break this habit and not let the scale be a define me. so here I am. I'm on day 8 of no weighing.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I weigh myself 2 to 5 x day and don't think I will stop soon. It is too much of an addiction. I can't give up two addictions at once, food and scales can I?
  • My name is Analy, I was always a fat kid throughout my junior and high school years. I have a twin sister who is 50lbs lighter than me :( I weigh myself about 2 to 3 times a day. I've tried so many diets and going to the gym, but i can't workout with everyone just staring at me it makes me feel uncomfortable. To even make it worse family is always saying how i am the bigger twin and how i ate all the food etc etc. I feel depressed and i just start eating uncontrolable. How can i start a healthy life?
  • sharoncasey60
    sharoncasey60 Posts: 60 Member
    I have done the same thing. But I also do the opposite. When I lose, I think I "deserve" something. My scale broke this week. I've given it up. I am just measuring my waist, tummy, and butt :(.......................I've started to lose a small amount of inches. Little by little.