Eating more is making me more hungry..hope that is ok!

burbanum Posts: 38 Member
OK so i am beginning week 4 of EM2WL and loving that i get to eat. I have noticed this past week that i am ravenous. The first 2 weeks i could hardly eat at cut and now i am struggling to not eat too much. I feel i have opened up a monster inside me eating :) I am hoping this is just part of the process. Does the ravenousness slow down in a few weeks...those of you ahead of me in this awesome lifestyle? Hope so! Never thought i would be wondering can i have more at 2000 calories a day...crazy!!! Hopefully this means my metabolism is kicking in??? I am eating 40/30/30 :)


  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    This is completely normal. I felt like I could eat a horse or a small child for the first two weeks. Its your body adapting :)
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    OK so i am beginning week 4 of EM2WL and loving that i get to eat. I have noticed this past week that i am ravenous. The first 2 weeks i could hardly eat at cut and now i am struggling to not eat too much. I feel i have opened up a monster inside me eating :) I am hoping this is just part of the process. Does the ravenousness slow down in a few weeks...those of you ahead of me in this awesome lifestyle? Hope so! Never thought i would be wondering can i have more at 2000 calories a day...crazy!!! Hopefully this means my metabolism is kicking in??? I am eating 40/30/30 :)

    I know! Crazy isnt it!

    It is absolutely part of the process.Your metabolism is firing up, which is the goal. Hang in there, and try to stick to protein and veggies/fruit if you need to go over, you should be fine, and yes, your appetite should come back down once again. Also, I've found that getting enough healthy fats makes me feel more satisfied. Sometimes if my hunger is outta control, a cup of hot tea helps.
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    This is completely normal. I felt like I could eat a horse or a small child for the first two weeks. Its your body adapting :)

    So I *shouldn't* eat the horse or small child then? <tucks horse back into cupboard>
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    YAY your metabolism is working!!

    I am hungry all the time!
  • burbanum
    burbanum Posts: 38 Member
    I am going to contiue eating and try to stick with cut goals...i find i am having to add cals in on most workout days since i am below BMR if i don' i need to up my TDEE? I will probably try that in a few weeks if it doesnt stabilize out, but i know that all things take time, so i am letting the process do what it needs and I will see where i am at in a few weeks :) thanks for the affirmation that this is at least somewhat normal!
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I'm just going into week 3 and I am still hungry but not all the time:) I was STARVING for the first few weeks!!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I am going to contiue eating and try to stick with cut goals...i find i am having to add cals in on most workout days since i am below BMR if i don' i need to up my TDEE? I will probably try that in a few weeks if it doesnt stabilize out, but i know that all things take time, so i am letting the process do what it needs and I will see where i am at in a few weeks :) thanks for the affirmation that this is at least somewhat normal!

    If you are always netting below your BMR you should rethink your activity level/TDEE.
  • burbanum
    burbanum Posts: 38 Member
    I usually net below on workout days (about 5 days a week) but i try to eat back to get above BMR usually about 200 to 300 I need to eat back on workout days...At first i could hardly do that but now i am thrilled to have the extra cause i am HOOONGGRRYYY!! :)
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    This is completely normal. I felt like I could eat a horse or a small child for the first two weeks. Its your body adapting :)

    So I *shouldn't* eat the horse or small child then? <tucks horse back into cupboard>

    Horse meat is actually tasty lol...I had some in Mexico and some in Spain.
  • nyspotlight
    nyspotlight Posts: 124
    I think the idea is that if you're exercising consistently (at whatever level/ timeline, just consistently), then the cut should be consistently above bmr.

    Therefore if you keep netting below on workout days, you probably are more active that what you used to get your numbers.
  • elly1979
    elly1979 Posts: 79 Member
    I am darn hungry *right now*.

    when I was eating at 1200, what was interesting is almost ALL cravings, especially for sweets, went away. Now, with eating at about 2200, I want FRUIT like a madwoman. Not cookies...fruit.

    Tis could be because it's hotter than blazes here now, too ;) but yes, hungry over here after:
    Protein shake
    150g of Melon
    2 eggs
    2 peaches

  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    so do u guys suggest that we should just eat when were hungry?
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I try to eat every 3 hours, and if I go longer (like 3.5 hours) I'm starving!
    I just try to get as much protein in as possible, and I'm getting better at this (I had trouble making it to120, now above 175).
    So glad protein powder and bars agree with me!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    This is completely normal. I felt like I could eat a horse or a small child for the first two weeks. Its your body adapting :)

    So I *shouldn't* eat the horse or small child then? <tucks horse back into cupboard>

    Heeheehehe, this made me giggle!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    so do u guys suggest that we should just eat when were hungry?

    Absolutely. Listen to your body and give it what it needs. If you're already at your caloric goal for the day, but you're still hungry, try to eat a small serving of protein, like a hard-boiled egg or some veggies that are high in fiber.

    ETA: If you try to eat every 2-3 hours, you really shouldn't be too hungry unless of course you've just increased your calories. If you are hungry all the time on a regular basis, it's time to re-examine your numbers again.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    This is completely normal. I felt like I could eat a horse or a small child for the first two weeks. Its your body adapting :)

    So I *shouldn't* eat the horse or small child then? <tucks horse back into cupboard>

  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I am still struggling to eat that much.
    I am doing the reset and I have to eat around 2400kcal.
    If I just ate if I was hungry I probably would not even get close to my numbers
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    I still have days every now and then that are just HUNGRY days. I commented a few days ago that I had just eaten lunch and was feeling totally stuffed, and yet, somehow, I was still hungry. Weird, but it was just a HUNGRY day.
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Glad to hear that im not the only one that felt that way. pheeww...
  • LizJ08
    LizJ08 Posts: 127
    :drinker: Me too!! Thanks for posting this.