Steroids, Pro-hormones etc - What's the general consensus?

jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
Ok so I know what my opinion of it is... I cast no judgement on anyone who does at all, it just aint for me.

Just wondered what the consensus of opinion on them is on here. Useful training tool? Cheating? Messing with your body too much? Handy help along with nature?

Honestly interested in your opinions.



  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    If your not competing in a sport? I say its up to you. If you are in a sport, I look at it as an unfair advantage. I do not compete in any sport so Honestly I might if not for the possible negative side effects. Plus I would assume once you start using them you pretty much have to cycle for the rest of your life to maintain your gains, but I have not researched them so I don't know if this is true,.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    yeah it's cheating if you play a competitive sport. not cheating if you're a pro BB'er though i wouldnt think, as there would not be one guy on that circuit who is natural.

    There is never a need to use any of that stuff for the average trainee. especially one with anything less than 5 years SOLID years of training and total understanding of nutrition.

    i've read up alot on this stuff and have come to the conclusion that:
    sure they have their place, but for 99% of people, they will never be required.
    nothing beats hard work and dedication.

    that's basically my take on it.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    the main issue is impatient people who jump on them straight away with hardly any training experience. They will help get you beyond you're genetic potential but not necessary until you actually get there. I know nothing of prohormones but read up a bit on steroids.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    What is sad, is all the guys in my gym, who are clearly younger than me, juicing who cant hit intermediate lifts, they probably havent researched lifting, or hormones. Its like the guys say above, its impatient people who want everything now, sadly, it'll only get worse as the information age shortens attention spans
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    the main issue is impatient people who jump on them straight away with hardly any training experience. They will help get you beyond you're genetic potential but not necessary until you actually get there. I know nothing of prohormones but read up a bit on steroids.

    i get a little pissed when I see a 150 pound kid taking them after training for 6 months.

    Prohormones seem more dangerous than real gear, because you take them orally, and the methylated compounds are a bit harsh on the liver.
    If/when I do cycle, it will probably be real gear.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    if it don't get you high then why bother?
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Ill eat them all....
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    There are definitely safe doses, but again, not a substitute for diet, hard work, consistency, and time
    I think it is more fun and challenging to struggle though...keeps me motivated
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    They're a cool supplement just like anything else. You need solid training and a good base diet/sleep/lifestyle before using them will have any real positive effect.

    And then theres the use vs abuse discussion.

    Tell ya what tho, prohormones are few and far between, most stuff out there is just a DS.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I don't use them (obviously) but if someone uses them for recreational reasons (as opposed to a professional athlete who is breaking rules by using them) I don't take issue with it.

    I DO take issue with people who use steroids and then use their physique to indicate that they have a clue what they're talking about, but that's another issue.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    The biggest problem I see with beginners taking gear is that they don't have enough training under their belt before they start. You get incredibly strong on them, and while your strength increases in your muscle, your tendons don't. So it's very easy to tear tendons, and it happens a lot more than people think.

    We'll not even get into the side effects of these drugs.
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    I don't use them (obviously) but if someone uses them for recreational reasons (as opposed to a professional athlete who is breaking rules by using them) I don't take issue with it.

    I DO take issue with people who use steroids and then use their physique to indicate that they have a clue what they're talking about, but that's another issue.
    This is called "Bro-Science", I'm not a fan just spreads ignorance and normal (non-enhanced) people buy into it
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    the main issue is impatient people who jump on them straight away with hardly any training experience. They will help get you beyond you're genetic potential but not necessary until you actually get there. I know nothing of prohormones but read up a bit on steroids.

    I don't care what other people take or don't take, it's their own body, own choice, but IMO it just seems like laziness when they start them straight away. I don't know, do they think they'll just get huge / insanely strong straight off without much effort? You still have to work damn hard while taking them. It's just there as a tool for when you've reached your natural limit, if you wish to go further.

    Obviously I don't take them, but I've known several guys who have done / do currently. If I was to say anything to someone thinking about it it'd just be, see what you can do natural first, and if you still want to go further, do your research and don't go crazy, as in, take the recommended amount, not as much as you can handle, because the majority of the health problems / sdie effects that start in previously healthy people are usually from people taking *kitten* loads and never cycling off!

    Also, I have an issue with:
    1) People who try to compete in drug tested / natural sports when they take or have previously taken steroids. It just gives an unfair advantage!
    2) People who deny taking steroids, when they do, and then go on about how another person can get to where they are with "just hard work" Again, fine if you don't want to admit it, but don't go round giving people false hope!
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    Sometimes I read things that make me say "what the hell".

    First of all, waiting to run a "cycle" until you max out naturally is dumb. If you run a "cycle", meaning you take the drugs, then you stop, after you've reached your genetic max (which takes ~8 years of training/dieting or so I've read) you will flat out lose any gains you made while on cycle. It's the same thing as being drunk, once you remove the alcohol, you sober up. So unless you plan on blasting and cruising once you hit your max, there's no point.

    Running a PH/DS/AAS allows you simply to train harder, longer, or more frequently. In 6 weeks you can get 6 months of "work" done, providing diet is on point as well as you're training. Regardless of how flawless what you do is, you're going to lose some of it. The upside, is that you can get closer to your genetic max in less time. And for 99% of the people training in gyms, who aren't sponsored to be bodybuilders, there's this thing called life, work, and family that will always prevent you from "maxing out" naturally. Unless your entire day revolves around nutrition and training, you'll never "max out".

    Second of all, I wish people would stop crediting anabolics for the physique SOME users own. Strongman competitors run the same, often times heavier cycles than pro bodybuilders, yet they have absolutely no physique. Physique is earned through hard, methodical work in the gym, hard methodical work in the kitchen, and plenty of rest. Drugs may enhance what you already have, but your average joe running a cycle of test e and dianabol will not suddenly look like Phil Heath. Either you do the work to get the body, or you don't and you won't.
  • TrainLikeaBOSS
    Amen to the above post. most people don't really uderstand what al;l goes into it. AAS is only about 30% of the equation, the majority is diet and the rest is training. Ignorance leads people to beleive you just run a cycle and BAM your big....well try it and see what happens. Nothing will happen because diet is the key to success wether you use AAS or not. Like anything else in this world you can abuse anything, but done the right way it actually has health benefits. Negative side effects have been overhyped throughout the years, more people die falling off ladders every year than AAS....should we ban ladders?
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    more people die falling off ladders every year than AAS....should we ban ladders?

    People need ladders to reach things. The general (healthy) public does not "need" steroids, they just want them.
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    more people die falling off ladders every year than AAS....should we ban ladders?

    People need ladders to reach things. The general (healthy) public does not "need" steroids, they just want them.

    So you're saying because there is not a "need" those who "want" should be stopped? Nobody "needs" to work out at all, let's just go close the doors on all the gyms.
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    Nice strawman argument. Not biting
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    Nice strawman argument. Not biting

    Just saying, where's the anti stance on anabolics rooted?