Introduce yourself here. I'll start...



  • Elp3468
    Elp3468 Posts: 6
    Hi My name is Arie, I've just joined. I used to love to run but i've gotten off track. I gained 50lbs and I've lost 16lbs still a long way to go but this will help me remember to get my miles in everyday. :)
  • I have been trying to do the Belly Fat Cure and lost 10 pounds pretty quickly. I have stayed at the weight that I am now for awhile. I an starting over today at 0 pounds lost as a new beginning. One thing I became aware of is how much sugar I was eating and the amount of hidden sugars even in "healthy" foods. I do not feel so tired since I have cut way back on my sugar. So....lots of motivating people on this site! Also, a very usuer friendly site as well. First day, wish me well!
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi! I just finished the C25K program a month ago or so and just logged my longest run yesterday - 4 miles! Woohoo! Never thought I would be a runner and like it. I actually found the last 2 miles easier than the first 2 miles. I was so inspired that I registered for a 12K in October. Over the last 2 1/2 years I have lost over 40 pounds (26 here on MFP in the last 6 months), and have really gotten into fitness - starting with Jillian Michaels DVDs and moving on to running and kettlebell workouts.

    Running my first race - a 5K - on April 7th.\

  • 360nomore
    360nomore Posts: 11
    Hello, i was just invited last week and joined over the weekend. I am a former runner that, well, got off track some years ago. i physically ache to run, and even though I never ran at this weight (290), I am so motivated by the soul behind this group. i plan on starting the Run Your Butt Off (modified C25K program), as SOON as my cold goes away - so I am aiming to start on Wednesday. Until then, I just want to say thanks for being here and keep it up. Posting stats soon...
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Hello, i was just invited last week and joined over the weekend. I am a former runner that, well, got off track some years ago. i physically ache to run, and even though I never ran at this weight (290), I am so motivated by the soul behind this group. i plan on starting the Run Your Butt Off (modified C25K program), as SOON as my cold goes away - so I am aiming to start on Wednesday. Until then, I just want to say thanks for being here and keep it up. Posting stats soon...

    Glad you accepted and cant wait to see your progress :)
  • Keekah1969
    Keekah1969 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Nechole, and I just joined MFP 5 days ago. I joined the group yesterday. I am here to lose roughly about 30 pounds. My goal is 130-135 area. I recently lost 40 pounds within the past 6 months already, but it was due to sickness. I am finally healthy, so I want to finish the job the right way. I have always thought about running and right now I dabble in it alittle. I have 2 children that run long distance at the college level. I enjoy it when I attempt it, but I am inconsistent. I walk consistently everyday and I think I am now ready to make the transition. :smile:
  • FrauHausMaus
    FrauHausMaus Posts: 194
    Hi everybody! reese66 just invited me to join and I am so glad to be here! My dad, my step mom, and I are planning to start C25K (this will be my third try.. ugh) and I can't wait to get started!
  • beccerab
    beccerab Posts: 22
    Hey All--- I'm Becky. I have a really long intro on my profile so I won't bore you with it here. I normally walk 2-3 miles a day so this seemed like the perfect group to join in on :)
  • marathon64
    marathon64 Posts: 378 Member
    Hi all-this looks like a great group happy to join you :)

    I'm Wendy an aspiring runner who has battled some running injuries. Have run a few half marathons and dream of running a full or even an ultra-if only this damn body would cooperate! I like Will's challenge of 15 miles for the week-that seems realistic for me right now. Looking forward to getting to know you beautiful runners :)
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Hi all-this looks like a great group happy to join you :)

    I'm Wendy an aspiring runner who has battled some running injuries. Have run a few half marathons and dream of running a full or even an ultra-if only this damn body would cooperate! I like Will's challenge of 15 miles for the week-that seems realistic for me right now. Looking forward to getting to know you beautiful runners :)

    Hi Wendy welcome to the challenge. 15 is the "goal" but the ultimate go is just to get up and get going. If you 1 mile or 50 your working towards a better you :). Thanks for joining!!!
  • marathon64
    marathon64 Posts: 378 Member
    Thanks Reese :)
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Hey everyone,

    My name is Tammy, I'm 28 mother of 1. I work full time and go to grad school part time. My life is pretty hectic, but I've decided to start putting me first a bit. I've just recently started to run. I'm up to 2.5 miles at one stretch. I have a 5 miler at the end the of the month and I'm hoping to do a 1/2 in August :) I could use all the support I can get! Thanks!
  • purpleacacia18
    purpleacacia18 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I'm Caysha, but most people call me Shay.

    Last Fall I was the biggest weight I have ever been and was not doing a thing about it. Then, when I found out that I was accepted into a University, I made a pact with myself. I decided that I was going to change and become healthier. I determined in my mind that I was not going to be at my biggest weight entering into a new beginning with much social opportunities. Anyways, that brings me to now and I want to be able to not only be smaller, but I want to be healthier. I'm taking small steps towards a much better me and knowing that is the best feeling ever! =)
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    It's always thrilling to see new comers in the group. Welcome champs!!!
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 354 Member
    My names Kat and I was thinking this morning that I needed to find a group challenge that involved miles per week and here you are! I am a novice runner, accomplished walker on my 4th week of C35K. I always add some additional time/miles to my session and am looking for a way to stay accountable week to week. 15 miles a week seems perfect for me. I just went 5 miles this morning for the first time in several years so I am pretty stoked about that. Look forward to getting to know you all better.
  • marathonbiker
    marathonbiker Posts: 207 Member
    My name is Tom. Been here for a few month's. A year ago I ran 3 H. Marathons. Began training for my 1st Marathon in Aug of 2011. Ran my 1st in Jan of this year. All of these runs were not even about winning a medal or having the best time. It was about finishing. A month after running the Marathon I had a knee injury. The great news, even though haven't been able to run. I started riding. Someone in my running grp sold me a very nice rode bike. Have joined a couple of local riding groups. The riding has given me strength in knee. When not riding with group I do solo rides.

    Here's my totals 7/14 - 7/21

    7/14 6 mile walk
    7/15 24 mile ride
    7/16 2 mile walk
    7/17 20 mile ride
    7/18 8 mile ride
    7/19 2 mile walk
    7/20 Rest
    7/21 20 mile ride

    Total 82 miles

  • sportsmomford23
    sportsmomford23 Posts: 72 Member
    My name is Amy and today is my first day joining the group. This group caught my eye because it had a challege and I like to have a challenge :) I am a single mother of a teenage so I need cardio to relieve stress! I started walking in 2010 when I first started a new job after being laid off for a few months. Every day around 10:30 I was as my 'break' at work. First it was just me, then one co-worker joined and then another. Now we have 4 people who walk together. We walk 2 miles every day and it helps to talk and before we know it we have already walked 2 miles. If you are struggling to get your 15 miles in, I highly recommend it. We don't even change anymore we just all bring shoes/socks and hit the trails. On cold/rainy days we even walk in the parking garage. Anything to get your miles in :) Great to be part of this group!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    My name is Amy and today is my first day joining the group. This group caught my eye because it had a challege and I like to have a challenge :) I am a single mother of a teenage so I need cardio to relieve stress! I started walking in 2010 when I first started a new job after being laid off for a few months. Every day around 10:30 I was as my 'break' at work. First it was just me, then one co-worker joined and then another. Now we have 4 people who walk together. We walk 2 miles every day and it helps to talk and before we know it we have already walked 2 miles. If you are struggling to get your 15 miles in, I highly recommend it. We don't even change anymore we just all bring shoes/socks and hit the trails. On cold/rainy days we even walk in the parking garage. Anything to get your miles in :) Great to be part of this group!

    Glad to have you join us. Starting a new challenge tomorrow so jump right on in there :)
  • Love this 15 mile/week challenge idea! I have been getting down on myself for not logging more miles. My shortest distance run is 3 miles. Right now I am aiming for 4 mile runs. I ran once last week ( 4 miles) and then for whatever reason, I didn't get any other running in. This of course is not to say I didn't do other stuff: walked with friends at park, took spinning class at my gym, weight lifted with my trainer, and then piloxing yesterday. I just need to get with it and get 15 miles in!
  • BFarnsworth
    BFarnsworth Posts: 210 Member
    I'm Billy ... Working hard to get healthy and looking forward to running my first 5k in the spring ... this sould be great motivation.