Get to know me...

BridgettBZ Posts: 48 Member
Hey!! My name is Bridgett and I live in Wisconsin. I'm a 28-year-old mom to an amazing 5-year-old daughter :) I was married to her dad for 6 years but things just didn't work like we had wanted. Been separated/divorced since 2009. We are good friends and have both found happiness in our new lives. He's re-marrying this October and I'm re-marrying next spring. Our daughter couldn't be happier :)

I've struggled with my weight since I was 18 and after 10 years of ups and downs it seems I'm finally finding my way! I hope to lose 50lbs. and from there just work on maintaining and living a healthy life. I'm becoming more consistent with logging things into MFP and exercising then I ever expected. It's a great feeling!

Please share a little about yourself!! This group is to help all of us stay on track and to meet some great motivating people along the way :)


  • quruuxley
    quruuxley Posts: 20
    Awesome! Im so happy to see that even though many users started the Shred on the first of june (i allowed myself to procrastinate lol) there is someone else who is starting with me today!

    I'm 23 years old, just finishing college and married for 4 years. I've been overweight practically my whole life, and even though I lost alot of weight a couple of years ago, it was unintentional and gaining it back was as easy. I reached my highest weight ever 209 in november 2011, so since then I've been working out. I've lost almost 15 pounds since then, but I have not been this fit in a while. I see muscles I haven't even thought of in a long time haha.

    MFP is helping me to stay focused and hopefully this groups keeps us all on track until July 5th....our 30th day. =)

  • ky_lam
    ky_lam Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone!

    First of all, thanks for starting this group!

    I'm 22 year old student. I've always struggled with weight too, but my weight really started ballooning after I started to overeat whenever I get stressed a few years ago. I make a huge effort to eat healthy (prepare my own meals) and exercise (at least 4 days a week), but my problem is consistency. However, I've just got to a point of being really fed up and think it's time to seriously kick this habit, lose weight and regain my health again.

    Hopefully we'll all be able to give each other support and encouragement along the way.
  • TChelleD
    TChelleD Posts: 19 Member
    Hi :) Im Terri from Texas. 30 year old divorced mom to two boys ages 8 and 5. I have actually had the shred disc for over 3 years still in the wrapper :( I am getting remarried in October and will be dress shopping in 8 weeks, looking forward to making some much needed changes to my body, and I am excited to be apart of a support system.
  • jynnantonnyk
    jynnantonnyk Posts: 81 Member
    Hi, I'm Pamela from Scotland. I just turned 30 and decided it's time I finally lost this weight, it's been piling on for about 6 years.

    I live with my partner (who is vegetarian) so I often get to try meat-free alternatives which can work out a lot less fat than the meaty options.

    I have never really been into exercise much and Day 1 Level 1 is the first time I have ever worked out to a fitness dvd.

    I am pretty motivated when it comes to logging and being careful with my calories and diet, it's the exercise I need to get to grips with. I go walking ALOT but on days like today when it's raining, I try to exercise at home so this is perfect for me. I have about 55 lbs to lose and hoping to hit 10lbs loss at tomorrows weigh in.

    I cannot do push ups so really hoping to conquer that part of the workout!

    Good luck everyone!
  • noynoyavery
    noynoyavery Posts: 364 Member
    HI all ! im laura from kent uk and im a small build but after 3 children in quickish succession my body is in poor shape. ive lost 50lbs since the day before i gave birth or 34 afterwards lol. id love to be maybe 8.5 stone so ive only got another 7lb to loose, ive dropped 2 dress sizes and im a uk 10 but now my tummy is very very un toned and wobbly. looking forward to getting to know you better x
  • susantj59
    susantj59 Posts: 5
    Hi Everyone.! My name is Susan and I live in Central New Jersey. I just joined MFP yesterday and am hoping that this is going to be my final weight loss journey! I've been up and down the same 20 pounds for 20 years! I think this website is fantastic and hope that the support in these forums will keep me motivated. I've been struggling with motivation!

    I'm going to start the "shred" tonight. I regularly exercise but don't get enought strength training. My biggest obstacle right now is that I can only commit to 5 "shred" days a week. So I may lag behind the group. :(

    Good luck to all!
  • BridgettBZ
    BridgettBZ Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Everyone.! My name is Susan and I live in Central New Jersey. I just joined MFP yesterday and am hoping that this is going to be my final weight loss journey! I've been up and down the same 20 pounds for 20 years! I think this website is fantastic and hope that the support in these forums will keep me motivated. I've been struggling with motivation!

    I'm going to start the "shred" tonight. I regularly exercise but don't get enought strength training. My biggest obstacle right now is that I can only commit to 5 "shred" days a week. So I may lag behind the group. :(

    Good luck to all!

    The way I see it is 5 days is WAY better then nothing!! Besides I've heard that Jillian has said in different interviews NOT to do this every day of the week but instead to allow yourself a day to recover and a day inbetween for cardio only...
  • I am Susie, I am 25 and have 2 boys. I'm just starting my weight loss journey after my 4 year old told me I looked like I had another baby in my belly :(
  • Hi, I am Rebecca and I just registered for MFP on Monday.I am 28 years old and I have finally made up in my mind that I need to lose the weight for my health and my self esteem. In june 2010, my fiancé was killed by a drunk driver. I lost about 43 pounds but I have recently gained it all back and them some. I am counting calories and drinking lots water. I am looking forward to this journey and I know that it isnt going to be easy, but I am ready for challenge and hope to lose at least 50 pounds.
  • javqueen1luv
    javqueen1luv Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Veronica, a 29yo graduate student. I've been very active all my life up until grad school started and with all the stress and no available time I went from 145 to 170 lbs in what seemed like no time. I just got married last September and I think it was the photos that shocked me. I really want to get back down to 145 or so again, because I'm not comfortable at the weight I'm at presently. ( Oh to fit into my cute clothes again!!!!) I'm beleiving to lose 30 lbs and keep it off. Good luck to all and hopefully we can all help each other reach our goals!
  • HI! I'm Sarah, 23 from California. I'm mother of a 15 month old boy, as well as a college student, and full time employee. I work for a local school district with highschool kids who have Autism, and many other disorders..but my specialty is autism!

    I am trying to shret this baby weight!! I have put it off and put it off...but I am done with it. Pre-pregnancy I was 155lbs....I gained 80 pounds during my pregnancy (embarassing) and I now sit at 233lbs. This is a huge struggle for me, I have never been a "skinny girl", but I have always been fit. I played competetive softball for 16 years, and got into the best shape of my life when I played ball in college. But I am ready to do this!

    My weakness when it comes to working out and eating right is motivation. If I don't have a work out buddy, I am more likely to quit early, or just not do the work out. But now that I am out of school and work for the next ten weeks, I FINALLY do not have an excuse that "i don't have the time". So here's to shedding the lingering baby weight!
  • omi1979
    omi1979 Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm Naomi from Kent in the UK and I'm trying to drop some serious weight, been steadily creeping on for a LONG time and it's finally time for it all to go!!!

    I work shifts so regular eating is difficult but I'm trying to do lots more exercise as we have a 6 month labrador puppy that needs plenty of exercise!!

    I feel focused and positive, so let's hope this lasts!!!
  • sariah004
    sariah004 Posts: 5
    Hi. I'm Sarah from Dallas Texas. I'm 29 years old and have 4 children. Ages 6, 4, 2, and 5 months. I'm currently 150lbs and hope to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 133lbs. Might as well make it an even 130. :) Since joining MFP last Tuesday, I have lost 7 lbs. Today is day 3 of the 30 Day Shred for me. So far, day 2 was the worst! I need all the motivation I can get. Glad to be a part of this group!!
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi! I'm Christine. I'm 34, married, no kids, living in Charlotte, NC. I joined MFP this past Sunday - I was 185 lbs when I weighed in. My first goal is to lose 10%, so I'm shooting for 167. I'll re-evaluate when I get there.

    Today was my first day ever of 30DS. It was actually not nearly as bad as I had been anticipating.
  • paperstars
    paperstars Posts: 76 Member
    Hi! I'm Rachael. I actually started 30DS on Monday, but I figured two days shouldn't be a huge deal.

    I'm 20 years old, married, and mamma to two little ones. My husband recently got out of the Army, and I realized I miss the lifestyle so much that I've started talking to a recruiter about joining myself. My only problem is that despite being a healthy weight, I am really, really out of shape! So that is my inspiration for doing 30DS. I'm also doing couch to 5k (week 4!) 3 days per week and I do pilates twice a week.

    Looking forward to staying in touch with you all!
  • WannaBeDiesel
    WannaBeDiesel Posts: 17 Member

    My name is Stephanie. I'm married to a man that is always athletic and never gains weight. I'm 29 years old and I am a mother to a 17 month old girl. Her name is Isabella and she is basically my mini me. I finally felt ready to get back on the wagon just yesterday. It's hard to imagine that just 2 years ago I weighed in at 127. I'm now pushing 158. Having a baby had a lot to do with the extra weight but mainly, I just got lazy. My 5'1 frame weighed in at 175 ish full blown pregnant. Not good! Anyway, I've always been Athletic and my weight has always, ALWAYS fluctuated. I just never make the full lifestyle change. The first time I had ever really lost good health weight, I was deployed to Iraq 3 years ago and decided while I was there to lose some weight following the weight watchers program, I ran at least two miles in the morning and weight training in the evening almost every day. I started at 147 and worked my way down to 127 b/c I had a goal to get into a swim suit for my hubby during my R&R to Hawaii and run a half marathon. I did both! That might have been the most motivation I had ever had in my life. I'm here again t o try and do that all over again with the support of my peers :) But this time, it's a lifestyle change. I want to set good habits for my daughter.
  • Hi my Name is samantha Im 24. Yrs old and newley engaged! I started Gaining wait about three years ago when. My "high school, I can eat anything I want and not gain weight. Body" went away lol so with a wedding in my future I'm ready to take out my 30day shred Dvd and start counting calories! Im very active ridding my two horses and I'm wondering if that counts as exercise (sure feels like it lol) and how do I log that? As well as how do we log doing the 30 day shred o here? I. Couldn't find it! Thank you!
  • schma100
    schma100 Posts: 9
    Hi im Katie. Living outside of Dallas Texas. Im 54 and living with my wonderful boyfriend of 8 years, 3 dogs and a horse. Im a passionate gardener, love the outdoors. Im a recovering 23 1/2 years alcoholic. I am in a great place. Starting yesterday to work on me and my weight will have its UPS and downs - i will share my thoughts and proud moments as well as my hard moments. When I have hard times Fat and Sugar are my best friends - luckily with your support and my career of many years as a chef I will get down to the real me. My secret goal is to get onto my thoroughbred horse from the ground instead of a step stool:) Hip hip hooray to all of us!
  • BetherFace
    BetherFace Posts: 48
    Hi, I'm Beth! I live in western Chicagoland. I'm 31 years old, a college student, and married with two small boys. One is two years old and the other is eight months. I'm nursing the younger one so I am trying to balance weight loss with milk supply and I'm hoping that being fitter will help stave off the awful PPD I experienced when I weaned my older son.
  • Jane0322
    Jane0322 Posts: 27 Member
    HI I'm Jane,

    I just rejoined MFP, after a false start last year. I'm 59 yrs. old, married with two adult sons. You can read more about my past weight issues on my profile. I've been over weight all my life, and I'm hoovering around the 200 pound mark for the past 10 to 15 yrs. Any weight loss I have is short lived as I can't seem to stick to anything for a long period of time. :frown:

    My goal is to lose 60 pound before my 60th birthday which will be in March 2013, this goal was made because the last thing my father in law said to me before he passed away 5 yrs ago was , "Jane you have to get that weight off you before your 60 " and his words have been stuck in my head ever since.

    My ultimate goal is to get to 115 which was the weight I was when I married at age 20. Though my doctor thinks 135 to 140 is a more relistic weight goal. So if I lose the 60 pounds I'll be where my father -in-law wants me and my doctor. Anything more then that will be GRAVY...haha or maybe I should say Apples. :) I can motivate others but I have a hard time motivating myself so that's where YOU ALL , come in. :flowerforyou:

    Let's keep coming back to the boards often and reaching out to others in our group. Let me know what's working for you and what's not. Maybe if we brain storm we can find ways to help each other even though there is so much distance between us.

    Words have power and so does our thoughts. So SPEAK as if you are already there, and THINK as if you know you speak the truth!!!

    This week my goal word is .... ACTION... (I'll find ways to take action in my life, even if it's just to walk 5 minutes more then I did yesterday, or to choose and orange over an sugary or salty snack.

    What's your goal word for the week?????

    Jane :happy: