An effed up body of a 23 year old male athlete... :\

Male, 23, 150-155 lbs

HW: 165 (miserable, this was back in sept/oct 2011 when I finally listened to my dr. and was forcing 2,500 cals down)
LW: 138 (last may-ish when i was first diagnosed)

CW: 155

Mifflin-St Jeor:
MEN: BMR = [9.99 x weight (kg)] + [6.25 x height (cm)] - [4.92 x age (years)] + 5

Mine: 9.99 X 68 (679) + 6.25 X 177.8 (1111 ) = 1790 - 4.92 X 23 (113 ) = 1677 + 5 =1682

So 1,682 is what I need (basically in that range) just to live?

What does it mean for a recovering anorexic (Diagnosed last May (2011) ) (lowest bmi 19.2) (less than 0- 1000 cals a day for a long time (mainly carbs and like 10 grams of fat max) /excessive exercise (at least 5 hours of intense cardio 6-7 days a week for many months)?

I am trying to repair the damage from that - (low low low testosterone low low low sex drive, was anemic (.2 points away from a blood transfusion) but that increased, tired, low mood, etc. (basically shot my adrenals) )
, increased injuries, etc.

I have increased my intake for the last 4-6 months Calories at first bumped it to 2-2500 a day per drs orders (was so sad and FULL and I GAINED A TON! ugh)
but since April-ish its been 1800-2000 ( average 1900).

Ive read a lot about this and just need some reassurance/guidance/suggestions...

I don't know if it's a time thing like it will take months of eating the right macros and stuff or WHAT!?!?
I don't need to gain (ugh stupid stomach fat due to adrenals exhausted im assuming)
but need to repair testosterone, hormones, metabolism, etc.

Ive also cut waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back on my dance (I do hip-hop/pop) and for the past 2 weeks due to an extremely painful sprain/tear/i dont know what on my foot, have only done some walking/running about 5 days a week

Other than that I do some light Pilates for dance, abs, some weights, ...

Sadly most of my life i was raised on LOW FAT EXCESSIVE CARBS which led to a fat tween/teen and part of why I stopped eating much.

Any suggestions ideas etc. Would be soooooooooo helpful! This whole idea/concept of eating more IVE READ A TON about but cannot grasp it... I'm different than most, cause I'm not like "OH YEAH MORE FOOD" it's SICKENING 2 me... and sweets/sugar is YUK...

EVERYDAY i am eating roughly: (could be 100 or so more or less)

85 g
148 g
54 g
174 g

(Fish, Naturally More Peanut Butter, Silk Unsweetened Almond Milk, Carrots, Spinach, Radishes, Plain Oats, and Joesph's Lavash/Pita bread)

Any advice or is it just going to take long to heal EVERYTHING my body has gone through?


  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    First of all, Welcome and Congratulations on taking back control of your life!!

    Eat More To Weigh Less is a theory to repair damaged metabolisms from repeated (years) of Low Calorie, Very Low Calorie and YoYo dieting. The thought is to gradually return our bodies to it's NATURAL metabolism by eating the CORRECT amount of food that our particular body's need based on size, gender and activity level.

    The process is individual and in general is very slow and gradual.

    This is not a "I want to wear XYZ in a month" eating method.

    So, if you read some of the Stickie Posts you will see how to find out just how much food you and your body need. You need to get your TDEE which is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure and the website to get that is listed in the stickies.

    Once you have that number, I believe that given your history, you might want to GRADUALLY increase your calories till you get to your TDEE.

    The only rule you MUST adhere to is: NEVER EAT BELOW YOUR BMR~ for you 1682.

    Expect a temporary gain. The biggest piece of advice I give everyone is STAY OFF THE SCALE!!

    You can tell by your clothes how you're doing.

    Others may have more to add but my main piece of advice to you is to GO SLOW, DON'T PUT TIME LIMITS ON IT and stay in touch!!
    Good Luck!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    First of all, Welcome and Congratulations on taking back control of your life!!

    Eat More To Weigh Less is a theory to repair damaged metabolisms from repeated (years) of Low Calorie, Very Low Calorie and YoYo dieting. The thought is to gradually return our bodies to it's NATURAL metabolism by eating the CORRECT amount of food that our particular body's need based on size, gender and activity level.

    The process is individual and in general is very slow and gradual.

    This is not a "I want to wear XYZ in a month" eating method.

    So, if you read some of the Stickie Posts you will see how to find out just how much food you and your body need. You need to get your TDEE which is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure and the website to get that is listed in the stickies.

    Once you have that number, I believe that given your history, you might want to GRADUALLY increase your calories till you get to your TDEE.

    The only rule you MUST adhere to is: NEVER EAT BELOW YOUR BMR~ for you 1682.

    Expect a temporary gain. The biggest piece of advice I give everyone is STAY OFF THE SCALE!!

    You can tell by your clothes how you're doing.

    Others may have more to add but my main piece of advice to you is to GO SLOW, DON'T PUT TIME LIMITS ON IT and stay in touch!!
    Good Luck!

    ^^ This.

    What you're eating looks good to me. But it seems you should be eating more... a gradual increase sounds like a good idea to me.

    Welcome to MFP and to EM2WL... :)
  • WOW, thank u both for the welcome and for even reading it, let alone replying!

    "This is not a "I want to wear XYZ in a month" eating method. "
    Yes, i can testify to this lol unfortunately...
    It's taking a looooooong time to even get to this point, not that this point is spectacular, obviously. ;/

    So even MORE than 2,000 (I'm roughly give or take around that EVERYDAY)?

    I appreciate your help so much. As you can probaly tell from my foods listed, I eat as natural as possible...
    and Ive never smoked, drank alcoholic beverages, any drugs...
    Have not touched Coffee in a year (cut out completely from 50+ oz. a day!)
    Never drank reg. Soda, and haven't touched a Diet soda for 3+ months....

    Again thanks for reading...
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi and Welcome to the group

    You will have to ru your numbers in order to find out your TDEE and BMR

    Then you should be eating your TDEE or even a bit over to repair your metabolism.

    I have been in the same boat as you. i was anorexic for many years, wiggled my way somehow out by myself but was for many more years on a VLCD. Until I found this wonderful group.

    Yes, you will be gaining at first, but you will get to a point when your body realizes, that you are not going to starve any more. At that point you will stop gaining, cause your body realizes that you are fuelling properly. It's a tough journey, I know. I have gained quite a bit since I started EM2WL, but I know that this is the way to go in order to be healthy gain.

    Wishing you all the best on your journey. This group is awesome and offers a ton of support.
  • Hi and Welcome to the group

    You will have to ru your numbers in order to find out your TDEE and BMR

    Then you should be eating your TDEE or even a bit over to repair your metabolism.

    I have been in the same boat as you. i was anorexic for many years, wiggled my way somehow out by myself but was for many more years on a VLCD. Until I found this wonderful group.

    Yes, you will be gaining at first, but you will get to a point when your body realizes, that you are not going to starve any more. At that point you will stop gaining, cause your body realizes that you are fuelling properly. It's a tough journey, I know. I have gained quite a bit since I started EM2WL, but I know that this is the way to go in order to be healthy gain.

    Wishing you all the best on your journey. This group is awesome and offers a ton of support.

    Thank u :) ugh I feel for ya AN SUCK SO MUCH! :(
    VLCD... yep ... :\

    Ok so this is what I got:


    Daily calories based on goal in step 6

    ok....WTF? 2700 cals? WHAT? :(
    is this for real? I do not mean to sound insane but holy ****ake mushrooms!
    I am stuffing down 2,000-ish ....
    I've already had the "weight gain" thing (up to 165!)

    ok, im sorry now im sooooo confused...
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi and Welcome to the group

    You will have to ru your numbers in order to find out your TDEE and BMR

    Then you should be eating your TDEE or even a bit over to repair your metabolism.

    I have been in the same boat as you. i was anorexic for many years, wiggled my way somehow out by myself but was for many more years on a VLCD. Until I found this wonderful group.

    Yes, you will be gaining at first, but you will get to a point when your body realizes, that you are not going to starve any more. At that point you will stop gaining, cause your body realizes that you are fuelling properly. It's a tough journey, I know. I have gained quite a bit since I started EM2WL, but I know that this is the way to go in order to be healthy gain.

    Wishing you all the best on your journey. This group is awesome and offers a ton of support.

    Thank u :) ugh I feel for ya AN SUCK SO MUCH! :(
    VLCD... yep ... :\

    Ok so this is what I got:


    Daily calories based on goal in step 6

    ok....WTF? 2700 cals? WHAT? :(
    is this for real? I do not mean to sound insane but holy ****ake mushrooms!
    I am stuffing down 2,000-ish ....
    I've already had the "weight gain" thing (up to 165!)

    ok, im sorry now im sooooo confused...

    I am a woman and I eat 2400 at the moment doing the reset. So, yes, that's your numbers to work with. I know it takes some time to get your head around that, but this is what your body needs to heal. And i highly recommend to do a full reset in your case. You have been living on low cals for a long time.
    If you go to the cut value straight, your body will take that as your new TDEE.
    You don't need to jump straight to the TDEE. Take it slowly. it is not only a challenge for your body, cause you will be feeling stuffed in the beginning but it is also mentally draining. But we will support you along the way.
    I ate on my cut value for a bit, but since nothing was moving I decided to do the reset. And I knew also that I owe it to my body to do that after living on low calories for over a decade.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member

    Yep, this is FOR REAL!!!!:laugh:

    Now, stop focussing on the NUMBERS so much and focus on this word: S-L-O-W.

    When we say to do this SLOW or GRADUALLY, we are talking over a period of WEEKS or MONTHS.


    If you are "stuffing down" 2000ish right now: try staying there for another WEEK or TWO.


    Each WEEK or SO or EVEN LONGER: add 100 calories till you reach your TDEE.


    Add 100 calories AT YOUR OWN PACE (make it a MONTH if you want) till you reach your TDEE.

    There is NO RUSH with this process.

    So take all the time you need!:heart:
  • Thank u all so much...

    I watched all the vids lol I think i get it, but whats the science behind it?

    I mean I cant believe EVERYDAY it's supposed to be like Well OVER 2000?

    this is what I got:


    Daily calories based on goal in step 6

    SO which one do I do?
    I have been doing 1900-2000 give or take 100 for about 2 months now... everyday

    Sorry, Im trying so hard to comprehend this, I KNOW my body has been abused (as my first post states) but just need some clarification/assurance... Thanks so much already!
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Welcome to the Group and, from the bottom of my heart, I'm so happy that you're on the road to recovery and I'm so proud of you! I don't have anything new to add as you've gotten such wonderful advice but if there's any way I can be supportive to you through this journey I'd be so happy to! I wish you the best!!
  • Welcome to the Group and, from the bottom of my heart, I'm so happy that you're on the road to recovery and I'm so proud of you! I don't have anything new to add as you've gotten such wonderful advice but if there's any way I can be supportive to you through this journey I'd be so happy to! I wish you the best!!

    Wow... the love I feel from every1 here is so awesome... Thank you!
    I feel like the most damaged one here... :/ so much is wrong, but I am doing so much to fix it...
    doctor, endocrinologist, therapist, Jesus...
    *sigh* sometimes it's just all so overwhelming...

  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    I abused my body too in the complete opposite way. Starved myself when I was younger to an over eating food addict that went to under eating bonkers lady. If there's a food issue, I have it. I'm just so grateful to have found MFP and the amazing people here. It's made all the difference in the world and I don't know where I'd be without it.
  • I abused my body too in the complete opposite way. Starved myself when I was younger to an over eating food addict that went to under eating bonkers lady. If there's a food issue, I have it. I'm just so grateful to have found MFP and the amazing people here. It's made all the difference in the world and I don't know where I'd be without it.

    Aw thanks for ur honesty...
    Praying 4 u and wow you've come far! :)
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Take your time and go slowly up with the cals to your TDEE

    You really should consider the reset. Even if it is scary at first, it is liberating. Believe me. I know so well how you are feeling, but I have never felt better than I do now.

    I can finally go and enjoy ice cream with my girls without feeling bad about it. I can enjoy dinner invitations with family wihtoug starving myself a few days before.

    Don't let food rule your life. Enjoy it. You are still young and you should try to fix the problem ASAP. I have abused my body for over 15 years-don't make the same mistake.

    All the best for you