Finished Stage 1 of New Rules



  • meggyh20
    meggyh20 Posts: 116
    Wow! It looks like you started close to where I am. Hope that with time I'll see similar results. :) Are you doing any additional workout or just new rules?

    I have changed up my workouts on non-weight training days a few times. When I started NR, I was doing Couch25k, but it got to be too much to do both, so I took a full week off cardio right in the middle. Since then, I've been doing intervals on the treadmill 2x/wk on the days I don't do NR, so I workout 5 days/wk. I was doing 6, but I waitress on the weekends, and I decided since I walk like 5+miles (7 on Sat and 8 on Sun this week!) that I didn't need to do more lol:) Currently, on cardio days, I do 30/30 intervals (30s run, 30s walk) on the treadmill for 30 mins with a 5min warmup and 5min cooldown and then after that I'll do like 25mins at a moderate pace on the elliptical. This week is my off week for NR so I'm just doing a bunch of random stuff, like today, I did the Kenpo DVD from P90X.

    Thanks for the reply! I have been on and off about what to do on my off days, and today decided that I would do intervals for 30 min on the arc trainer (elliptical). It was a great workout and I think that I'll continue to do that in addition to New Rules. I will start workout 4 (stage 1) tomorrow, and your results are very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
  • jmmscccslp
    jmmscccslp Posts: 42
    wow! what amazing results! i'm about halfway through the book and am planning on starting in about 2 weeks when i get home from vacation and now seeing your results i am dying to get started!!!!! good for you! thanks for sharing!