What's your motivation?

kimimila86 Posts: 399 Member
This group is full of interesting people so far from what I've read in the introductions! Just curious as to what your motivations to get healthy. Mine is to have children, because I currently cannot. My eating habits have wrecked havoc on my hormones, so I'm working to fix that the right way. :drinker:


  • phodujour
    phodujour Posts: 11 Member
    I'm really looking forward to being able to shop for clothes at regular stores. I also know that the older I get, the harder it'll be to lose weight and I'd just like to get it over with! Finally, I've had dermagraphia for a few years now, and I think improving my overall health will get rid of the unsightly rashes.
  • StephD1185
    StephD1185 Posts: 46 Member
    I want to be more confident and do all the things I have always dreamed of... like rock climbing!!
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    I just want to wear a bathing suit and look hot and rolls are not hot!
  • _onYxx_
    _onYxx_ Posts: 9 Member
    What I probably should say: my health, my family. Both of these are true long-term motivations, but....

    ...what vbraud said :-). Motivation for my current program is largely to look better and to fit in my clothes and board shorts with no muffin top. A few months ago my wife wanted me to hit the hot tub with her, and I was not a good sight. Yeah, I could have bought some larger shorts, but that's not the way I roll. Never again.
  • JessFMurray
    JessFMurray Posts: 5 Member
  • JessFMurray
    JessFMurray Posts: 5 Member
    I hate my muffin-top!!! And my knees bug me on the downhill part of my hikes, less weight would put less stress on them. I just want to be in the best shape of my life and an example to my young adult kids. Turning 40 woke me up.
  • EnduranceGirl2
    EnduranceGirl2 Posts: 144 Member
    My health. Many of my friends and my sister say that managing weight and staying fit got much harder once they turned 50. Getting in the best shape I can before then will hopefully give me some room to slip in fitness but still remain active and healthy.
  • dji386
    dji386 Posts: 4 Member
    Being at my ideal weight for the first time in my life. Getting fit. Getting healthy. And hopefully get some action. :bigsmile:
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Becoming a better motorcycle rider and just being able to be more active to the best of my ability.
  • sphyxy
    sphyxy Posts: 202 Member
    Being super healthy before I hit 30 next year! To not be winded after walking up the steps at the hospital I work in lol
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    I won't lie, I like looking good. I do a lot of costuming, so I want to always be nice and fit.

    Also, I need to be in good enough shape to do my job. Being a vet. is a lot of wrestling animals.
  • My motivation is not being my parents, who are very overweight and unhealthy. Same goes for my grandparents, my aunts, and many of my cousins. I'm 19 now, and if I can figure out fitness now, then I won't have to worry about diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. when I'm 40.

    Also, I was always chubby growing up. I recently found a picture of myself when I was eleven...so I'm doing this for eleven-year-old me. To show myself that I can change my own life and that the past does not define me.
  • Health
  • phodujour
    phodujour Posts: 11 Member

    Also, I was always chubby growing up. I recently found a picture of myself when I was eleven...so I'm doing this for eleven-year-old me. To show myself that I can change my own life and that the past does not define me.

    That same thing just occurred to me. When I was young and fat, I always imagined that I'd have my weight under control by now. It's time!
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 549 Member
    To enjoy good health, look good in cute clothes, lessen my environmental impact, have more fun by not being out of shape, and be a role model for my family.
  • RayofSunshine73
    RayofSunshine73 Posts: 24 Member
    My motivation is my health and eh, looking good! My job as a night nurse means I do a lot of heavy lifting of patients and I don't want to wear myself out! I also broke a chair and I don't want to have to wonder if furniture is gonna hold up when I sit on it!
  • Health!