Frustration...gaining muscle not losing fat

ouandi Posts: 135 Member
So I just took my measurements today which have not been updated since 2/29. They are exactly the same except for my calves which are up almost a half inch. I've never stuck with something this long before (MFP) and to not see results is frustrating.

I did start NROLFW two weeks ago and I believe I'm seeing muscle gains versus fat loss. Does that mean my calorie intake is too high? I believe it's muscle gain because my weight is up about 6lbs but my measurements have not changed so it's not fat, correct? Nor water weight as I would be bloated? I'm not new to heavy lifting just this program in particular.

Thanks for the help!

I'm 32, 5'5", 165lbs as of this morning, 30%BF. Current calories are 1860 on non-workout days and 2160 on workout days. Workout 4 days a week sometimes 5.


  • ouandi
    ouandi Posts: 135 Member
  • nyspotlight
    nyspotlight Posts: 124
    If you only started two weeks ago, you are probably retaining water in a good, muscle-building way. You are working muscles that aren't used to being worked, and they need water to rebuild. I won't go into the science, because it isn't super clear to me. But there's a post on here about not looking at the scale. This is why. When you are first starting, you have to wait for your body to adjust.
  • nyspotlight
    nyspotlight Posts: 124
    And I know you took measurements, but you're holding onto water to repair those muscles. So it'll take a bit for that to even out.
  • ouandi
    ouandi Posts: 135 Member
    I guess that's my confusion. I've been lifting the whole time since February (well actually way before that but that's when I started tracking on here). I'm just doing less exercises with NROLFW and more reps over the week. They aren't anything new to me either. And with a deficit I shouldn't be muscle-building just holding onto the muscle I have? I'm a experienced lifter so the whole new lifter gaining muscle thing wouldn't work for me correct? The only other logical reason for gaining muscle would be eating at a surplus, right?
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Changes to a routine can spark hypertrophy.

    Only two weeks, I would give it no less than 4 wks to see what is going on. I didn't lose inches until the one month patient...remember more lean muscle burns keep up the good work!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Im still waiting. I just finished Stage 1 this week, and my measurements are zero change in most, up in the waist and hips. However I did jump to TDEE for reset, so I am attributing that to no inches lost. I am very hopeful that once I go to my cut, the inches will melt.. (god help me, they better!!):)

    If its still new to you, then keep at it. Wait until you are done your 6 weeks AND the one week rest before stage 2 and then take your measurements again.