Monday, June 11th - Sunday, June 18th



  • Lesvel
    Lesvel Posts: 37 Member
    Good morning all, D2C1 started off pretty good, I have made a small adjustment to the plan because I am eating oatmeal for breakfast, I have to have something a little more filling, but I feel great. I didnt get all of my calories in because I am still staying on my regular workout routine so I burned almost 300 calories.

    I think that is okay...we all have to adapt the plan for us and if you are getting the weight off that's all that matters in the end. Oatmeal is healthy and is added in again in the next cycles just might lose a little slower. I like turkey patties for breakfast, on plan and gives me that extra umph in the morning...I need it too!
  • theresamcd2
    theresamcd2 Posts: 31 Member
    Good Morning..Bring on Day 2... Still waiting for my book.. Going for a walk at the mall as I wait for my tires to be put on.. Hav a great day Everyone...
  • moniew24
    moniew24 Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks, for the info, I just need a little more variety. I know I will still loose because it is definitely better eating that what I have been lately.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    We all have those days Dyanna!! Don't sweat it!!!! Back on track and on with the program!!

    Monie) - you are allowed to skip cycle 1 and start with cycle 2 if that helps. :smile:

    thanks love!
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    just made a BIG kettle of veggie helpful for snacks and to get my veggies in. I also do frozen broccoli in my morning smoothie, Hope everyone is doing well...........:flowerforyou:
  • phyllisann26
    phyllisann26 Posts: 118 Member
    Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, Apple and Green Tea
    Lunch: Salad from cafeteria (Mixed Greens, Carrots, Grilled Chicken, Cherub tomatoes, Jalapeno peppers, Yogurt dressing & a crumbled blue cheese on top)-tea

    Snack: Strawberries and cottage cheese

    Dinner: Grilled Chicken and either steamed veggies or asparagus

    *If I am still hungry after dinner I will have a 4oz. Dannon Lift and Fit vanilla or strawberry (The kind that is for carb conscious or safe for diabetics) or Greek yogurt and sugarfree jelly.

    Exercise: 30 minutes walking with friend before lunch

    I am trying to drink my tea earlier in the day because with the tea and the water I go to the bathroom a lot :)

    Have a great day!
  • trishDC
    trishDC Posts: 51
    I hope everyone did well today. I've just logged my meals for D2C1 and I made it over 1200 calories...yipee.

    Unfortunately , I did have a few misses:
    1) I didn't finish my lemon water this AM (and it hurt my tummy during my workout - probably because I usually don't eat/drink any fruits usually)
    2) I did not have a second serving of fruit....but, loved the baked apples with cinnamon, nutmeg and cayenne pepper.
    3) I didn't have my tea after my lunch - in fact I still had some of my tea from breakfast left. I'm about to have my dinner tea now.

    Anyhow, I've made it through the second day and I'm excited about some of my meals tomorrow.
  • suzziebee
    suzziebee Posts: 14
    Hello all - Day two went really well. I also am having trouble with the calories and seem to be so full after my lunch and dinner. I have to try eating more often - maybe every 2-3 hours
    did a 20 minute bike ride today and felt great - logged my food and I can't believe I didn't have more
    Tomorrow is a new day - good luck to you and talk to you all tomorrow night
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey everyone, I saw your questions about nuts, and I just thought I'd let you know that there has been an update by Dr Mike that 2tbsp of unsalted nuts is equivalent to one of your allotted healthy fats for the day, and can be enjoyed during any cycle. I have unsalted almonds every day, as they are a great way to add in som extra calories and get your healthy fats in. I also find they are great for curbing hunger. Also, if you are having trouble getting enough calories in a day, you may also want to try a whey protein shake.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Hey everyone, I saw your questions about nuts, and I just thought I'd let you know that there has been an update by Dr Mike that 2tbsp of unsalted nuts is equivalent to one of your allotted healthy fats for the day, and can be enjoyed during any cycle. I have unsalted almonds every day, as they are a great way to add in som extra calories and get your healthy fats in. I also find they are great for curbing hunger. Also, if you are having trouble getting enough calories in a day, you may also want to try a whey protein shake.

    Yippee!!! Thanks Rayne. Yeh, even before I knew this I had some raw unsalted cashews to up my calories which are quite low on cycle 1.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I think its TOM time - just starting - that will make it 7 days late. No wonder I have been really hungry yesterday and today!
  • Lesvel
    Lesvel Posts: 37 Member
    Hey everyone, I saw your questions about nuts, and I just thought I'd let you know that there has been an update by Dr Mike that 2tbsp of unsalted nuts is equivalent to one of your allotted healthy fats for the day, and can be enjoyed during any cycle. I have unsalted almonds every day, as they are a great way to add in som extra calories and get your healthy fats in. I also find they are great for curbing hunger. Also, if you are having trouble getting enough calories in a day, you may also want to try a whey protein shake.

    Yippee!!! Thanks Rayne. Yeh, even before I knew this I had some raw unsalted cashews to up my calories which are quite low on cycle 1.

    Ya! Great to know...I have nuts a few times a week (min) usually almonds. I figured it would not hurt my efforts but still felt a bit guilty no more guilt!
  • Lesvel
    Lesvel Posts: 37 Member
    Has anyone taken body measurements? I am going to today. It's another good way to see your progress, especially if you are increasing exercise - specifically incorporating strength training. I got back to workouts about 10 weeks ago (post baby) and I had not lost weight (even went up a bit) but I have lost a few inches. Having actual measurements will be good benchmarks going forward.

    For motivaton, check out the "success stories" message board. Some really awesome stories and before and after pictures.
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member
    Has anyone taken body measurements? I am going to today. It's another good way to see your progress, especially if you are increasing exercise - specifically incorporating strength training. I got back to workouts about 10 weeks ago (post baby) and I had not lost weight (even went up a bit) but I have lost a few inches. Having actual measurements will be good benchmarks going forward.

    For motivaton, check out the "success stories" message board. Some really awesome stories and before and after pictures.

    Yes!! Take pictures too!
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    doggone it!! posted in the wrong place AGAIN!:sad: Let's try this again:laugh:

    Well 9 days in to C1 and I finally got my book today!!! (I got it on Amazon for 1.49 and it is a hardcover and in perfect shape.. It will be interesting to see how incorrectly I am doing this program LOL! On the plus side 9 days of letting go of carbs is good no matter how you look at it right? I also had a day of falling, but decided rather than starting over again, I will just go forward. I am assuming I will be doing C1 a few times as I have about 40 lbs to lose. But so far, it is really great. I love being able to have yogurt and fruit. I hope everyone is having a good day!
    p.s. I was soooo hungry today, then finally had a salad with shrimp and I finally feel satisfied......not full......don't feel full on this plan......but satisfied is much better!
  • Lesvel
    Lesvel Posts: 37 Member
    doggone it!! posted in the wrong place AGAIN!:sad: Let's try this again:laugh:

    Well 9 days in to C1 and I finally got my book today!!! (I got it on Amazon for 1.49 and it is a hardcover and in perfect shape.. It will be interesting to see how incorrectly I am doing this program LOL! On the plus side 9 days of letting go of carbs is good no matter how you look at it right? I also had a day of falling, but decided rather than starting over again, I will just go forward. I am assuming I will be doing C1 a few times as I have about 40 lbs to lose. But so far, it is really great. I love being able to have yogurt and fruit. I hope everyone is having a good day!
    p.s. I was soooo hungry today, then finally had a salad with shrimp and I finally feel satisfied......not full......don't feel full on this plan......but satisfied is much better!

    Don't worry if you slip a little...but DO go on to C2 then C3...if you are not at your goal weight by the end of the first full set of 3 cycles THEN start at C1 again. C1 is pretty low in carbs and your body will need the other foods, the C1 is to detox all the really bad stuff like our sugar (simple carb) 'addictions' :-)
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    Has anyone taken body measurements? I am going to today. It's another good way to see your progress, especially if you are increasing exercise - specifically incorporating strength training. I got back to workouts about 10 weeks ago (post baby) and I had not lost weight (even went up a bit) but I have lost a few inches. Having actual measurements will be good benchmarks going forward.

    For motivaton, check out the "success stories" message board. Some really awesome stories and before and after pictures.

    good idea! I will take measurements tonight! I too go on the success stories board is always inspiring......
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    doggone it!! posted in the wrong place AGAIN!:sad: Let's try this again:laugh:

    Well 9 days in to C1 and I finally got my book today!!! (I got it on Amazon for 1.49 and it is a hardcover and in perfect shape.. It will be interesting to see how incorrectly I am doing this program LOL! On the plus side 9 days of letting go of carbs is good no matter how you look at it right? I also had a day of falling, but decided rather than starting over again, I will just go forward. I am assuming I will be doing C1 a few times as I have about 40 lbs to lose. But so far, it is really great. I love being able to have yogurt and fruit. I hope everyone is having a good day!
    p.s. I was soooo hungry today, then finally had a salad with shrimp and I finally feel satisfied......not full......don't feel full on this plan......but satisfied is much better!

    Don't worry if you slip a little...but DO go on to C2 then C3...if you are not at your goal weight by the end of the first full set of 3 cycles THEN start at C1 again. C1 is pretty low in carbs and your body will need the other foods, the C1 is to detox all the really bad stuff like our sugar (simple carb) 'addictions' :-)

    yup I will continue to move on to the next stage and I am quite sure I will be doing C1 again and again....I have a ways to go. My goal is to lose at least 20 lbs by August however. We are having a family reunion and I do not want to look at pictures of me and cringe anymore. So I am motivated. And hopeful! Good luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • suzziebee
    suzziebee Posts: 14
    Hello to all
    I am just winding down day 3 on C1
    today was a struggle but I made it
    desserts brought in at work, group ordered out chinese and then there was beer at the baseball game - but I resisted and stuck to my water and home to eat some eggs and sausage - how is everybody doing
    still struggling to keep my calories up - once I post my calories and exercise for the day I am very very low - any suggestions
  • trishDC
    trishDC Posts: 51
    Hi everyone. It's Day 3 Cycle 1...and it was hard because I was so busy with work and a family emergency. I never had time for my second serving of yogurt and fruit, so instead of eating too late (cuz it was after 4 when I realized it), I decided not to have it at all. I also find that I still have tea left in my cup when I'm about to eat my next, I need to get better at drinking it right away. I'm actually having my evening tea now - 4 hours after my dinner because I was somewhere I couldn't make any. And, even though it's almost 11, I need to jump on the elliptical for a short workout because I've had no time till now - URGH!

    Anyhow, I wanted to check in to hold my self accountable for trying to fix things tomorrow. Hope everyone else is doing well.