Pregnancy and Hashimotos

x4mygirlsx Posts: 129 Member
so after todays midwife and bloodtest at 28 weeks pregnant my TSH is 1.71 which is higher than 8 weeks ago when it was 1.3. anybody got any ideas why it has started to rise?? xx


  • moopity
    moopity Posts: 54 Member
    I also have hashimotos, but I'm not pregnant. I don't have any ideas as to why your TSH rose .41 points, but it sounds like it's still within a normal range for TSH. Did your midwife look at Free T3 and Free T4?

    The TSH gets higher the more the pituitary has to work to turn on the thyroid. I'm sorry I don't know more about how the thyroid works when hashimotos and pregnancy is added to the equation. Do you have an OBGYN? Or an endocrinologist? I hope you see an endo to make sure everything's okay.
  • x4mygirlsx
    x4mygirlsx Posts: 129 Member
    All my doc looks at is my TSH. and from what ive read elsewhere it not a good indication of how well u are doing. Did have an appointment with endo but as soon as my tsh was lower then 4 they cancelled it. Im in the uk and it seems most docs dont have a clue about hashimotos. guess im gonna have to educate myself then educate my doc...... ugh, x
  • moopity
    moopity Posts: 54 Member
    sorry to hear it's such an uphill battle. how are you feeling? are you having any symptoms that are congruent with hypo or hyper?

    if it were me, and if i felt as badly as i did when i was diagnosed, i would push the doctor's office to keep the appointment. then again, if you're feeling okay and only worrying about the TSH increase, then i'd go with it and wait until the next lab test (which should be in 4 weeks!). in the US, the TSH range is between 0.3 and 3.0, though some ranges go up to 4.0. we test every 6 weeks, and in pregnancy, we test every 4 weeks.

    i guess what i'm saying is why not try to be the "squeaky wheel" -- don't stop calling until they see you! one of the things i've had to learn the hard way is that i have to be my own advocate when it comes to my thyroid.
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 258 Member
    I was diagnosed with hashimoto's last year by an endocrinologist. Since I was recently married and of childbearing age, he told me that as soon as I was pregnant I needed to increase my current dose by 2 pills/ week and make an appt to be seen for blood work asap. Your baby does not make its own thyroid hormone, and your body is essentially doing the throid work for 2... so your TSH will rise in response to increased demand. My point being, your thyroid replacement medication almost always has to be increased during pregnancy, but the blood work determines by how much. Also, when a change is made in the thyroid medication, the blood tests won't register the change for 6-8 weeks.