Do most people cheat??



  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member

    Unfortunately there are many reasons for this to take place and for men I think it is more physical and for women more emotional.

  • RunningDirty
    RunningDirty Posts: 293

    Unfortunately there are many reasons for this to take place and for men I think it is more physical and for women more emotional.


  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I think its terrible, I have been on the recieving end of it, I found out by seeing it on video that a friend took at party before I got there. I killed that party when I found out. Worst night ever. That was years ago now.

    Been through that as well. Mine wasn't a video but in person. Walked in on them right in the middle of the act. Didn't kill anyone. Just was in shock and left.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I think there is a slight difference "in general" when male and females cheat and the reasons why, I might be alone in think this, but I reckon when guys cheat, they are using their smaller brain, acting phyiscally with a bit of primal instinct blah blah. Then I think when a lady cheats its more of an emotional thing. Ie, boyfriend has been a douche and a *kitten* pushing her away etc. Whilst there are no legit excuses, does anything think there is any logic to what Im saying?
    Yep, and I agree with you.

    Which is why I was saying earlier that it gets old to have sex with the same (woman) "body" all the time. For men, it's mostly disconnected from emotions, it's more of a physical thing.
    Although I can easily imagine a frustrated woman doing the same thing.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member

    Been through that as well. Mine wasn't a video but in person. Walked in on them right in the middle of the act. Didn't kill anyone. Just was in shock and left.

    Ouch. I always wondered how I would react if I ever walked in on that.
  • tom1834
    tom1834 Posts: 34
    Some people do and some people don't, it all depends on the people. I don't condone it, i've had it done to me before and it..... well lets just say those women ( yes plural, cheating gf's are a nice military perk) were unworthy of my love. If you don't love the person anymore then end the relationship, plain and simple. But sneaking around behind their back is low.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I think there is a slight difference "in general" when male and females cheat and the reasons why, I might be alone in think this, but I reckon when guys cheat, they are using their smaller brain, acting phyiscally with a bit of primal instinct blah blah. Then I think when a lady cheats its more of an emotional thing. Ie, boyfriend has been a douche and a *kitten* pushing her away etc. Whilst there are no legit excuses, does anything think there is any logic to what Im saying?
    Yep, and I agree with you.

    Which is why I was saying earlier that it gets old to have sex with the same (woman) "body" all the time. For men, it's mostly disconnected from emotions, it's more of a physical thing.
    Although I can easily imagine a frustrated woman doing the same thing.

    I can understand a one off shag being unemotional. For both male and female. But affairs are emotional for both. Men know they are hurting their partner by playing away. That in itself makes it an emotional decision.

    I would say that people cheat for a few reasons. 1. Ego 2. The sex has got boring and unfulfilling with their partner. 3. The relationship is dead but they have no balls/ovaries to end it!

    I'd say those reasons are good for both men and women, but I agree that the emotional reasons are tipped in favour of a woman :flowerforyou: But I have known some men have affairs and fall bang in love with that person.........maybe even because the sex is better??
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    No. Most people don't cheat.

    But many people don't know when it's over. As a result, they find themselves in dilemmas where they have to choose between passion and promise. You can avoid all that through communication and effort.
    My ex told me she'd cut off my balls if I ever cheated on her. Not that I would have anyway, but it definitely gave me something to think about. The only times I've even been tempted have been when I was just really unhappy in my relationships. I've always been able to refrain but I wish I could say the same for the girls I've dated.
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    Just going to go off of my immediate family:

    Father: cheated on my mother(my sister snuck out to a bar her senior year in high school and saw my dad there with another woman)

    Sister: her husband cheated on her (not doing the actual deed .. but nasty emails with her best friend at the time, planned a time to meet up .. she found the emails before the meet up day had arrived)

    Brother: his wife cheated on him (he found pictures of her and her boyfriend on her laptop)

    Me: my exhusband cheated on me.

    Cheaters rock.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    No. Most people don't cheat.

    But many people don't know when it's over. As a result, they find themselves in dilemmas where they have to choose between passion and promise. You can avoid all that through communication and effort.

    I was ready to come in here and be cynical, but this actually makes a lot of sense.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    A lot of people do.

    My ex husband did.

    But I refuse to believe all men cheat. There are good ones out there!!! Just like good women..

    this. my exhusband cheated too
  • NCTravellingGirl
    NCTravellingGirl Posts: 717 Member
    Cheating seems to be getting so common. My most recent ex had to step it up a notch and sleep with 3 of my coworkers. I mean, go big or go home, right? He had the nerve last month and again last night to try to talk me into a relationship with him, haha! He is in AZ and offered to fly here monthly so we could still see each other in person. I asked him how I was supposed to trust him the other 28 days of the month and then deleted my gmail account. Cheaters don't change....not that I'm bitter or anything, haha!
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    My ex-wife cheated with several men over our 5 year marriage. She had the nerve to take me to parties and introduce me to one or two of the guys she was "banging" on the side. It was her way of getting me to be ok with her going over to "rickys" house or "Joes" house because after all I met them and their girlfriends and in Joes case his wife.

    I agree people don't change once a cheater always a cheater and I beleive this is because once your cross that moral line you have convinced yourself that it is ok and it makes it much easier to cross that line again.

    -not that I am bitter...

    yes, my ex still contacts me and wants to get back together but I don't trust her I believe the only reason she talks to me is because when spousal support runs out (yes I have to pay sposual support to a cheater) next June she is going to be in trouble. She already moved her kids back in with their real dad so she is living alone enjoying the party life saddly I see her kids more than she does and I believe I have better relationships with them.

    But to answer the question "NO not all people cheat" After what happened to me I would never cheat and if I see somone cheating I step up and tell the parties involved even if it is NOT my business becuase I have been thru the hurt.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Not all people cheat, but I've been shocked to learn how many (especially younger folks) don't think it's a big deal. After all, they say, we're human we have needs and urges that must not go unaddressed (bunk in my book!).

    Also, people's definition of cheating is different. Some people think casual dating is cheating. Some people think making out with someone else's wife/husband isn't cheating as long as there's no actual sex.
  • HealthyNFit4Life
    HealthyNFit4Life Posts: 185 Member
    My ex-wife cheated with several men over our 5 year marriage. She had the nerve to take me to parties and introduce me to one or two of the guys she was "banging" on the side. It was her way of getting me to be ok with her going over to "rickys" house or "Joes" house because after all I met them and their girlfriends and in Joes case his wife.

    I agree people don't change once a cheater always a cheater and I beleive this is because once your cross that moral line you have convinced yourself that it is ok and it makes it much easier to cross that line again.

    -not that I am bitter...

    yes, my ex still contacts me and wants to get back together but I don't trust her I believe the only reason she talks to me is because when spousal support runs out (yes I have to pay sposual support to a cheater) next June she is going to be in trouble. She already moved her kids back in with their real dad so she is living alone enjoying the party life saddly I see her kids more than she does and I believe I have better relationships with them.

    But to answer the question "NO not all people cheat" After what happened to me I would never cheat and if I see somone cheating I step up and tell the parties involved even if it is NOT my business becuase I have been thru the hurt.

    I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you!! This is messed up in so many different ways. Cheating on you with men who have wives and girlfriends?! She has no morals. Good riddance!!
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    She has no morals.
    Bah. Morals is a pure construct of our minds (unlike for example pain or hunger that are real - which are inherently bad), and isn't even consistent depending on the individuals and society.

    I couldn't care less if people think I have no morals...
  • brewerchick
    brewerchick Posts: 72 Member
    Yup...and it's getting more acceptable and common I think.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I don't know that it's getting more acceptable to cheat. I just think people are not entirely honest with themselves or each other anymore. These days, there are so many FWB situations and casual hookups going on that one party thinks they are in an exclusive relationship, and the other party thinks it is just sex, so they go out and sleep with someone else and get accused of cheating.

    Then some people justify cheating by telling themselves "Well, I'm going to break up with him/her anyway, so it's not really cheating." It's not that anyone thinks it's okay, it's just that people seem to find it easier these days to make excuses for it.
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    My ex-wife cheated with several men over our 5 year marriage. She had the nerve to take me to parties and introduce me to one or two of the guys she was "banging" on the side. It was her way of getting me to be ok with her going over to "rickys" house or "Joes" house because after all I met them and their girlfriends and in Joes case his wife.

    I agree people don't change once a cheater always a cheater and I beleive this is because once your cross that moral line you have convinced yourself that it is ok and it makes it much easier to cross that line again.

    -not that I am bitter...

    yes, my ex still contacts me and wants to get back together but I don't trust her I believe the only reason she talks to me is because when spousal support runs out (yes I have to pay sposual support to a cheater) next June she is going to be in trouble. She already moved her kids back in with their real dad so she is living alone enjoying the party life saddly I see her kids more than she does and I believe I have better relationships with them.

    But to answer the question "NO not all people cheat" After what happened to me I would never cheat and if I see somone cheating I step up and tell the parties involved even if it is NOT my business becuase I have been thru the hurt.

    I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you!! This is messed up in so many different ways. Cheating on you with men who have wives and girlfriends?! She has no morals. Good riddance!!

    yep, 12 more months of alimony and i will never think of her again