Height, weight, age and clothes size?



  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    I am 42. I'm 5'6".

    I'm currently 168lb (12st) and wearing a size 14 (subject to retailer...).

    I gained most of my weight in 2011, after an injury.

    In 2010 I was just under 130lb (9st3lb) and wearing a size 10. I think that's my happy weight and spot in the middle of my 'normal' BMI range.

    When I was training particularly hard a year prior to that, I was 8st 10lb and wearing a size 8... but people said it didn't suit me and that I looked gaunt. :embarassed:
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm aged 31, 5'5" and currently don't know my weight having avoided the scales for a number of weeks. I'm wearing size 10 on top and 12 on the bottom.

    At my lowest weight I was 9st 7lbs, but I'd look like a scrawny mess if I were that weight again, so I'm aiming for 10st 7lbs give or take half a stone!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    I am 5'2.5", currently 135 (9st 9lbs) and wear a size 10. I got down to 122 in april 11 which i maintained until feb 12 until i got pg (sadly wasnt meant to be) so im hoping to get back to where i was! funny thing is i can still fit into my clothes even though im heavier! I am a lot leaner though so my body composition has changed ! yay, prefer that more than a certain number on the scale!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    5'3" (or just under), was somewhere over 15 stone, now 14st 4 lb. I'm 48. My clothes size I'm not sure about. Somewhere between a 22 and a 20. I can sometimes squeeze into an 18, but sometimes a 20 is too small.

    I started off at a 10, but I'm not sure I'll ever be that again. I don't have a goal weight because I'm not sure what feels good. My initial weight goal is to lose 10% of my bodyweight. My overall goal is health and fitness.
  • Colofit
    Colofit Posts: 177 Member
    Am 48... 5'6" ...was 151 and am now 133 (9 stone 7) which is my Goal!! (UK size 10) ...yippee!!!!!! Have LOVED MFP and am so happy I found it! Now I am just trying to maintain which has it's own learning curve!! Would like more UK friends!!
  • Fergie21
    Fergie21 Posts: 46 Member

    I'm 21 years old, 5ft 7 and now weigh 9stone 2pounds. I am a uk size 10 although i'm still sometimes a size 12 in jeans :(
  • TransTina
    TransTina Posts: 82
    You think you lot have problems!!

    Im 40's 6' 1" tall

    although I am ideal weight now, I still need 20 top (18 sometimes!) and 14 bottoms.

    Its my crappy bone structure!
  • Kathrynha77
    Kathrynha77 Posts: 103 Member
    OK, you lot all sound thin and petite :(

    I'm 34 (35 on Saturday), 5ft 7, was 21stone 2½lbs last September, and I'm now 19stone 4lbs.
    My target is 11stone 6lbs, for just into healthy BMI, but I will see when I get closer.
    As for size I started off 26 chest, 28 hips, but 20 waist, now 20 chest, 22/24 hips and 14 waist. I am very hour glass shaped!
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    I'm with you Kathrynha77 - Feeling very large after reading these posts

    I'm 44, 5ft 9in was 21st 3lb on 21st May 12, now 20st 4lb thanks to MFP.
    Aiming for 11st which I have not been since I was about 15!
    Clothes sizes all over the place, wearing 26's, 24's and 22's depends on retailer and fabric!
  • Kathrynha77
    Kathrynha77 Posts: 103 Member
    Wow, thats brilliant Helen, almost a stone ine less than a month. I was doing Slimming World, and did really well at first, but have plateaued since Christmas, but losing again since I joined here last month. And yes clothes sizing is even more random in larger sizes, than it is in smaller ones.
  • jenr92
    jenr92 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'8, 136ish pounds and a size 10/12. Hoping to drop down to 126-130 pounds and a solid size 10.
  • 3319jane
    3319jane Posts: 38 Member
    Hi there, just wanted Helen & Kathryn to know they are not alone, so thought I would post here as well :laugh:

    I am 43, 5ft 6in tall. When I started in January, I was 20stone exactly, currently 17stone.

    Clothes size seems to have gone from 28/30 to 20ish (as you say, depending on what and where!)

    Hoping to eventually be 11 stone - as that is supposedly the heaviest I can be 'normal' at - but will see how I feel as the weight goes down.

    Good luck to everyone in their goals :smile:

  • framingsammie
    framingsammie Posts: 144 Member
    Hiya, I'm 18 (19 in August, gahh!)

    I'm 5ft 6" and I'm currently at 149lbs and my goal weight is120lbs (My highest weight was 170lbs+ : I tended to avoid the scale at all costs at that point). I have a really small frame but I'll stop losing when I'm comfortable so if that's at 130 that's cool too! :)

    My clothing size varies from: 10 (dresses), 12 (jeans) and I can even fit into some size 8 tops/dresses.
  • HI.

    I'm 5'6, 20 and weigh 68kg (10.7 stone). I fit comfortably into a size 10.

    When I weighed 66.67kg (10.5 stone) I fit into most size 8 clothes (this is my target again!).
  • missvino
    missvino Posts: 5
    Hi guys,
    i am only 1 month into MFP trying to lose just about 7lbs ( only 3 to go ..whoo hoo ) however my weight loss journey started without MFP about 3 years ago when I slimmed down from about 11 stone to 9 stone.
    Im 32 years old 5 foot 5 ( and a half to be precise ..can't forgot the half lol ) and i have found due to a few fluctuations that pretty much every 1/2stone equals a clothes size for me -
    11 stone- size 14
    10.5 stone -size 12/14
    10 stone -size 12
    9.5 stone - size 10
    9 stone - size 8
    The things tho i have noticed are that now i am slimming down again i am concentrating more on strength training, weights and toning and at my current weight of 9 stone 3 my size 8s are getting seriously loose ( so much so that I'm upping my calories!) however 1 year ago at my lowest of about 8 stone 13 size 8 was perfect. I don't look any slimmer at 9 3 but i guess the tighter belly is having the right effect ( BODY PUMP classes are my nirvana !!)
    The strange thing for me is that every report i hear is of people saying that when they were younger their bodies where slimmer and they could eat what they wanted etc - that was true for me too but...from the ages of 16-21 i was slighter heavier than i am now by 2-3 pounds ( about 9 stone 4/5) and i was a perfect size 10 - i could never have squeezed an 8 .....sooooo the question that is on my mind is ..........has my body miraculously tightened with age or..........have sizes got bigger in 20 years .......????????
    Would love to know your views?
  • 13519485
    13519485 Posts: 264
    Height: 5ft 10in
    Current weight: 25st 9
    Current size: 36-38 (depends on brand, style)

    Goal weight: 11st 2
    Goal size: 8-10

    I started here on MFP on 30 June 2011, so I have almost reached the one-year point, and it has been quite a turbulent year. When I signed up I was 27st 9, then my life kind of collapsed and by the end of November I was 29st 13, and now about seven months later I am only down to 25st 9. This is disappointing to me because my original goal was to be down to 20st 5 at the end of one year. However, a truly kind individual recently said to me "so your life collapsed and you've still lost weight from your starting point? that's pretty great!" And that person is completely right. :smile:

    Best wishes to everyone here. :flowerforyou:
  • Kathrynha77
    Kathrynha77 Posts: 103 Member
    Height: 5ft 10in
    Current weight: 25st 9
    Current size: 36-38 (depends on brand, style)

    Goal weight: 11st 2
    Goal size: 8-10

    I started here on MFP on 30 June 2011, so I have almost reached the one-year point, and it has been quite a turbulent year. When I signed up I was 27st 9, then my life kind of collapsed and by the end of November I was 29st 13, and now about seven months later I am only down to 25st 9. This is disappointing to me because my original goal was to be down to 20st 5 at the end of one year. However, a truly kind individual recently said to me "so your life collapsed and you've still lost weight from your starting point? that's pretty great!" And that person is completely right. :smile:

    Best wishes to everyone here. :flowerforyou:

    That person was totally right. You still have a good loss for the year, and heading in the right direction. Almost 3 years ago I was all eager to start losing weight, diet started great, lost a stone in 4 weeks, then my brother died suddenly, and my life fell apart. I put on 4 stone the next almost 2 years, and it took me that long to get myself sorted, then last September, 23 months after my brother died I started dieting again. I have only lost 27 lbs since then, which is disappointing, but it's still 27lbs less than I was, so therefore good.

    Keep going, together we can do it
  • cherrypie556
    cherrypie556 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 30, 5ft 4 and currently weigh 11st 8. I am a size 12 bottom and 14 top (have 34G boobs! which don't shrink1) Want to be a size 10 and think that will be around the 10st mark but ideally i would like to be abour 9st 7
  • I am 5'3" and weight 11 stone 10lb,
    Im 27 (soon to be 28) and wear a size 14.
    I want to be 10 stone 8/10lb.

    Ive worked out aout 4/5 times a week since I was 18 but unfortunately exercising doesnt cancel bad eating habits & over eating!
    Ive done weight watchers - lost 2 stone & put it on, Ive done Slimming world, lost 2 stone. I was 11 stone for my wedding last July and in January I weighed 12 stone 5lb. So Ive lost 9lb since Jan.
    Been doing MFP for 65 days now & have lost 2.5 inches around my waist.

    Im really learning about food, nutrition etc. I want something I can do for life - when joining SW clubs I always felt like I was on a diet and binged the night after I got weighed - unhealthy cycle.

    Basically I eat protein, vege, with fruit & wholemeal carbs in moderation.
    I have a small treat each day ie oats & choc bar or yogurt covered fruit. Keeps me sane,

    I ease up at weekends but not totally off track. Am out eating3 times this weekend though but thats a rare occassion - I'll be back on track come monday. My interim goal weight is 11stone 3lb.
  • Barkley87
    Barkley87 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi All, I'm 5ft3 with a tiny frame, 124 lb (8 stone 12) and want to gain muscle so weight isn't too important. I'm currently a size 8-10 and want to get to a perfect 8 by getting a tighter body with more muscle tone.

    I know body fat percentage hasn't been asked for, but in my case it's more relevant than weight: I'm currently 19% and trying to get it much lower!

    Oh and I'm 24.