How do you suppress your binging urge?



  • yamagatafan
    yamagatafan Posts: 15 Member
    I started seeing a counselor a few weeks ago because of having way too much stress in my life and not handling it well. I have questioned for most of life if I have an eating disorder and after talking to my counselor about my relationship with food she agreed that I do. Although I have had some periods of time over the years where I ate somewhat "normal" I have always gone back to binge eating. Like many have mentioned, my binges seem to be directly tied to avoiding some emotion that is uncomfortable. My counselor gave me a short list of questions to journal about when I feel like bingeing. She said if I journal about this each time it happens, or as often as I can, that over time I will recognize a pattern to my bingeing. I haven't been doing this for very long and haven't been in a position to journal each time I felt a binge coming on, but I have done it a couple times and it did help stop me from bingeing. I typed up the questions and laminated it so I can carry them in my pocket and at least think about them in my head even when I am at work or wherever and can't journal. Here are the questions . . .

    1. What am I feeling?
    2. What do I need right now?
    3. How can I get that need met, or is it possible to get that need met?
    4. What can I do instead?

    Thank you for sharing this!

    Yes, thank you for posting this. I am just starting my journey to discover my triggers. So suppressing my bingeing urges, if possible, are somewhere further down the road.
  • amymccarty1985
    I didn't read all of the comments before responding yet. What I do to prevent binge eating for the most part is keep that food OUT of my house. It doesn't enter for any reason (unless I let it slip...). If I do happen to allow a bag of chip in its just a matter of time before I get a craving and eat the whole bag.. :( Then I feel like crap.. So I find its best not to have it around. Its no good for anyone anyway so whats the point? I keep all good food so when I AM craving I have to go and buy something.. I have much more control at this point. I have time to think. My thought is... Ok I feel i NEED some chip so Im going to walk downtown and buy the small snack bag and eat it all. This way its worth about 200 cals instead of like 2000 cals. What doesn't work though is NEVER allowing yourself something you love. Because then you relapse really hard. Moderation is key. We need food to live right? :) Hope that was helpful.
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    @maryloomis says:
    ...I typed up the questions and laminated it so I can carry them in my pocket and at least think about them in my head even when I am at work or wherever and can't journal. Here are the questions . . .

    1. What am I feeling?
    2. What do I need right now?
    3. How can I get that need met, or is it possible to get that need met?
    4. What can I do instead?

    Thank you for posting these questions. I think laminating them is an excellent idea.
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    @danielpinkney says:
    Fantastic post, I agree that binge eating stems from emotional instability and it's controlling (or better still trying to rectify) the cause of those negative emotions (in my case stress) that is the key.

    I've lost 4 stone recently and in trying to lower body fat to single figures I have a low calorie/low carb eating plan in place... problem is that this often results in cravings and on the occasional day (talking once or twice a week) I end up caving in... and then it's no holds barred for the rest of the night... I'm talking perhaps 3000-4000 calories in a matter of an hour or two. Weird thing is that I know what I'm doing and am telling myself 'wtf are you doing Dan' and yet I carry on. And then the next few days its back on the healthy eating plan.

    It's been a difficult last year - financial issues (still in debt although getting better), fiancee split up with me six months back and within a week was seeing someone (we also have a 1 and 3 yr old together) so I'm currently living at Mum's while I try and get back on track. I am in business with my ex fiancee's father (we have a convenience store together) as well as having a freelance design business and doing a fitness training course to help the financial situation (plus I want to be a PT to maintain a healthy lifestyle for me and kids and help others). So I guess trying to do all this and have the kids 3-4 days a week is perhaps the source of the negative emotions lol.

    Thanks for the suggestions, will try them out. Also looking forward to eventually having my own place - I'm either at Mam's or the convenience store business (it has attached house/accomodation) and both have too much in the way of temptation (sweets/chocolates etc). I know that in my own place there will be absolutely nothing available to binge on.

    Thank you for saying that. I have been meaning to respond and am sorry that I'm just now getting to it.

    You have been through so many major changes in a short time, I can _easily_ understand why you are stressed. How have you been doing lately? (And congratulations on your weight loss! That is a wonderful accomplishment.)

    I have noticed that when I am both stressed/upset _and_ tired, I am more likely to binge. I am less inclined to ask myself questions (What am I feeling?, Why?,etc.) and more likely to head quickly and directly to the processed foods & unhealthy carbs. The one way I have thought to counter this is to be more conscious of when I am tired, and just take a nap or go to bed when I am tired _if possible_. My current goal is to rest if my body & brain want to rest and to get at least 8 hours of sleep at night. Does anyone have any other strategies to counter both tiredness & stress in that moment when a binge compulsion strikes?

    "Thank you" for all of the great healthy coping suggestions, everyone.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Please note I have posted a monthly conversation thread for us: See link below and please share because we are not alone in this struggle with binge eating: