Finding it hard to meet my Calories on Paleo. Not losing.

JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
Hi all-
I'm having a hard time meeting my calories, especially when a work out is worked in. I noticed last week I was eating too much fruit, so I cut back to try help myself our. But I'm finding I'm netting like 500-700 calories/day.
I haven't made any nut butter's yet, but I'm not sure how much that will help, since Paleo means no bread.
With foods with preservatives, I was able to boost my calorie count, but with no yogurt, cheese, or things like that to boost the calorie count, I'm feeling a little stuck. Any one else face this?
My body is quick to go into starvation mode and hang on to every calorie. :/


  • I like to double portions on my proteins usually. Also my vegetable portions are pretty obscene (which doesn't account for a lot of extra calories, but every little bit helps)

    As far as the nut butters, you can use them to dip vegetables in, or spread it on a celery stalk for your snacks between meals. Nuts like almonds are a good source for extra calories. Are you just trying to maintain or gain weight?

    look for recipes for bread made from almond flour or coconut flour...they are out there. Banana Pancakes (almond flour) are delicious too.

    You might just need to eat more. One trick is to cook more than what you need sometimes...leave it in the refrigerator instead of freezing it or whatever. This makes me eat more because I don't want to waste it, and end up eating it so that it doesn't go bad. good luck!
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    I eat gigantic slabs of salmon :) And I use guacamole for my carrots and other dippable veggies. I send the fiancé with apples and nut butters, and pumpkin almond flour pancakes. You can also increase the fats that you're using.
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Don't forget about oils.....olive oil, coconut oil. Oh, and avocados. Those will bump up your calories but won't do much to your carb count!
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    I like to double portions on my proteins usually. Also my vegetable portions are pretty obscene (which doesn't account for a lot of extra calories, but every little bit helps)

    As far as the nut butters, you can use them to dip vegetables in, or spread it on a celery stalk for your snacks between meals. Nuts like almonds are a good source for extra calories. Are you just trying to maintain or gain weight?

    look for recipes for bread made from almond flour or coconut flour...they are out there. Banana Pancakes (almond flour) are delicious too.

    You might just need to eat more. One trick is to cook more than what you need sometimes...leave it in the refrigerator instead of freezing it or whatever. This makes me eat more because I don't want to waste it, and end up eating it so that it doesn't go bad. good luck!

    I'm actually looking to LOSE weight, but if I can't net at least 1400 calories/day, I'll gain or maintain. I heard many folks lost like 10lbs in their first week of Paleo, so I was really excited to get on the wagon and give it a go (not to mention LOVE the low-carbon footprint, locally grown concepts behind it). My first week wasn't that productive (as noted by my weight loss badge - down 1lb). Then again, I was already a low sodium/processed foods eater.

    I do cook with grape seed oil and olive oil, but I don't have time of cook for every meal. I guess a prep day is needed. I eat an obscene amount of salad and steamed veggies. And a couple of avocados/week.
  • I like to double portions on my proteins usually. Also my vegetable portions are pretty obscene (which doesn't account for a lot of extra calories, but every little bit helps)

    As far as the nut butters, you can use them to dip vegetables in, or spread it on a celery stalk for your snacks between meals. Nuts like almonds are a good source for extra calories. Are you just trying to maintain or gain weight?

    look for recipes for bread made from almond flour or coconut flour...they are out there. Banana Pancakes (almond flour) are delicious too.

    You might just need to eat more. One trick is to cook more than what you need sometimes...leave it in the refrigerator instead of freezing it or whatever. This makes me eat more because I don't want to waste it, and end up eating it so that it doesn't go bad. good luck!

    I'm actually looking to LOSE weight, but if I can't net at least 1400 calories/day, I'll gain or maintain. I heard many folks lost like 10lbs in their first week of Paleo, so I was really excited to get on the wagon and give it a go (not to mention LOVE the low-carbon footprint, locally grown concepts behind it). My first week wasn't that productive (as noted by my weight loss badge - down 1lb). Then again, I was already a low sodium/processed foods eater.

    I do cook with grape seed oil and olive oil, but I don't have time of cook for every meal. I guess a prep day is needed. I eat an obscene amount of salad and steamed veggies. And a couple of avocados/week.

    I find it hard to cook every day to so I just cook more and eat it for at least 2 days (including lunches most times too). So if you have a recipe for something like Paleo beef stew, double or triple it, whatever you need to do and use it for a couple days. I usually only cook dinner on Mon, Wed, and Thursday, and then either one or both days of the weekend, but I do make it a point to cook breakfast everyday.

    When I do get lazy or just don't get the opportunity to cook a proper dinner, my go to is 4-5 eggs over easy and plenty of bacon, with a few vegetables on the side. Pretty easy and quick to make, and you can also cook lots of bacon, reheat it whenever you need it. For me it cuts down on my breakfast prep time to just reheat bacon from the night before (when I was cooking something totally different for dinner) for breakfast.

    I've heard some people say they have lost 10lbs the first week of doing (X) Diet when they are trying to lose weight. There could be many reasons for this (exaggeration, or mostly water weight as an example) so i wouldn't get too discouraged after only a week into it. healthy weight loss at about 1-2 lbs a week is not always an easy task

    It is not always easy, but my suggestion would be to focus on how you feel (or want to feel) and not how you look (or want to look) as your motivation. trust me, if you focus on getting healthy (remember, just because one is thin does not mean they are healthy) everything will fall into place, especially if you are exercising (same philosohy BTW, If I work out to look a certain way it can get discouraging when it doesn't happen as fast as we think it should, but if i focus on my fast can i run, how much can i overhead squat and work my butt of to improve my performance, my body looking good is just a good side effect)!
  • I just took a look at your diary you not eat meat? Not judging you, just wondering since I didn't see any on there. A big part of Paleo is kind of balancing your diet (roughly), with the carb intake slightly lower than your fats and protein or lower than that on the carbs, but it seems like yours is kind of the opposite.

    I think mine kind of hovers around 40-45% Protein, 30-40% fat 30-35% carbs. to give you an example (not that I'm a paleo expert or anything lol)
  • overfences
    overfences Posts: 96 Member
    Homemade mayo is awesomeness, has lots of calories, & good for you (if you use good ingredients).
  • Homemade mayo is awesomeness, has lots of calories, & good for you (if you use good ingredients).

    ^^True story
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    I eat an avocado pretty much daily, and usually have a handful of almonds too. Both are pretty big calorie boosts, although I tend to rely too much on almonds at work and don't eat enough "real" food.
  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm actually looking to LOSE weight, but if I can't net at least 1400 calories/day, I'll gain or maintain. I heard many folks lost like 10lbs in their first week of Paleo, so I was really excited to get on the wagon and give it a go (not to mention LOVE the low-carbon footprint, locally grown concepts behind it). My first week wasn't that productive (as noted by my weight loss badge - down 1lb). Then again, I was already a low sodium/processed foods eater.

    I do cook with grape seed oil and olive oil, but I don't have time of cook for every meal. I guess a prep day is needed. I eat an obscene amount of salad and steamed veggies. And a couple of avocados/week.

    That 10 lbs that some people lose by being on paleo is water weight due to a lower carb diet. Carbohydrates naturally retain lots of water, so when you stop eating grains and legumes, you also lose a lot of the water your body was retaining. How long have you been on Paleo?

    I also find it hard to eat up to my BMR at least (1650 calories), that is, until today. It's like putting a puzzle together and figuring out the right combinations to complete each day. Don't give up just yet! :drinker:
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    Your protein levels are horribly low. Carbs are a bit high if you are trying to loose weight. Add a ton of protein and don't sweat your calories.
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    I've had this trouble as well, everything is so filling and satiating.

    Coconut oil (strawberries dipped in, yum) and nuts have been my big go to get in extra calories.

    And EGGS, if you can find someone that has yard chickens and get eggs from they are the perfect little protein and calorie package. I dump salsa on top and it's great.

    I've also added cheese back in to help get my calories, it's not ideal but it's working for now... plus I just really love cheese :)
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    I noticed you also don't eat much for breakfast. If I don't get close to 500 calories at breakfast I never seem to make my goals for the day. Could you try a second breakfast? Or just some more calories dense easy breakfast foods? I should buy stock in Larabars, they are my other calorie/snack go to.
    PALEOMOM3 Posts: 9
    I'm finding the opposite to be true...I'm eating enough calories, and it's sometimes difficult to manage how many calories I consume. I'm still not loosing any weight and my diet consists of mostly protein and fat with carbs coming from veggies and an occasional bar or Paleo baked good such as Paleo plan muffin. I feel better, but my pants aren't any looser! Quite frusterating, especially when my husband has dropped 10 lbs and cheats all the time!
  • For what it's worth - I've never, ever, ever been able to get the miraculous first week drops that other people have. But, as other posters have noted, I also have never eaten eat much processed food including soda, salty foods, etc.

    Hang in there, stay focused, and it can be super frustrating going sloly - but keep going!
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    I just took a look at your diary you not eat meat? Not judging you, just wondering since I didn't see any on there. A big part of Paleo is kind of balancing your diet (roughly), with the carb intake slightly lower than your fats and protein or lower than that on the carbs, but it seems like yours is kind of the opposite.

    I think mine kind of hovers around 40-45% Protein, 30-40% fat 30-35% carbs. to give you an example (not that I'm a paleo expert or anything lol)

    Yup, I eat meat, but a good chunk of my protien, before going Paleo, was in dairy - greek yogurts, cheeses, whey protien shakes, etc.

    Fruit is my easy "go to" when I'm hungry, but that probably needs to change!
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    I've had this trouble as well, everything is so filling and satiating.

    Coconut oil (strawberries dipped in, yum) and nuts have been my big go to get in extra calories.

    And EGGS, if you can find someone that has yard chickens and get eggs from they are the perfect little protein and calorie package. I dump salsa on top and it's great.

    I've also added cheese back in to help get my calories, it's not ideal but it's working for now... plus I just really love cheese :)

    I was thinking about adding cheese back in too, but I was am going to stick it out this month.

    I have some concerns about coconut oil. I had high (not dangerously, but still..) cholestrol. I used to fight it by eating a big breakfast (some form of fruit, a bowl of oatmeal, and scrambled egg beaters), but lately I've just been waking up too late to make much, so I've been grabbing some almonds (we're out now) and fruit and going at work. I feel full with that, and water or tea/juice.

    I guess I'm a little nervous about using eggs and oils because they can increase the bad cholestrol, but I probably just need to try it and then see if it works.
  • I've had this trouble as well, everything is so filling and satiating.

    Coconut oil (strawberries dipped in, yum) and nuts have been my big go to get in extra calories.

    And EGGS, if you can find someone that has yard chickens and get eggs from they are the perfect little protein and calorie package. I dump salsa on top and it's great.

    I've also added cheese back in to help get my calories, it's not ideal but it's working for now... plus I just really love cheese :)

    I was thinking about adding cheese back in too, but I was am going to stick it out this month.

    I have some concerns about coconut oil. I had high (not dangerously, but still..) cholestrol. I used to fight it by eating a big breakfast (some form of fruit, a bowl of oatmeal, and scrambled egg beaters), but lately I've just been waking up too late to make much, so I've been grabbing some almonds (we're out now) and fruit and going at work. I feel full with that, and water or tea/juice.

    I guess I'm a little nervous about using eggs and oils because they can increase the bad cholestrol, but I probably just need to try it and then see if it works.

    Consult your Dr. since you have history of high cholesterol, but being that coconut oil is a "naturally occuring saturated fat" just like the good fat that is in avocados, it has a lot of health benefits, and from the research I've done in the past about it, I wouldn't think it raise your cholesterol levels, especially if you are active. It has actually been proven in studies to help promote weight loss, not to mention boost your immune system, but ultimately I would ask your Dr. (who maybe knows nothing about it).

    For the fruits, if trying to lose weight I would limit as much as possible. I probably overdo it with the fruits sometimes, but I also do strength training (crossfit) 5 days a week and run 6 days a week (usually anywhere between 30 and 40 miles depending on different stuff) so I probably actually need the added fructose since sugars are the most readily available energy source in your body...but my goal is not to lose weight.
  • Oh, I forgot...make sure if you do decide on using coconut oil you use virgin.

    Do not use anything that says processed or partially hydrogenated. Once hydrogen atoms are introduced to coconut oil, it just becomes another Trans Fat just like vegetable oil and is not the kind of fat you want to add to any diet. Hope I helped and good luck.
  • I'm finding the opposite to be true...I'm eating enough calories, and it's sometimes difficult to manage how many calories I consume. I'm still not loosing any weight and my diet consists of mostly protein and fat with carbs coming from veggies and an occasional bar or Paleo baked good such as Paleo plan muffin. I feel better, but my pants aren't any looser! Quite frusterating, especially when my husband has dropped 10 lbs and cheats all the time!

    Meh, I wouldn't worry about it. Don't forget that men typically lose weight faster than women. It will could also be as simple as adding some intense exercise whenever possible if you do not get to exercise very much. Also maybe look at how much sugar is in your daily diet and adjust if necessary. Hang in there!