Hi all, new here

Just joined the group, completed C25k week 2, workout 1 this morning.

I did this program about three years ago and it was great, got me running for the first time in my life. I've done three organized 5k events now, and done the distance on my own several more times. Still don't run the whole thing, but that's my next goal.

In the middle of all that, my mom passed away, and my training went far to the wayside while I dealt with all the emotions and logistics of that... but now I am finally feeling able to focus on it again, so I'm back to try again.

Will be doing a 5k on 8/25/12.

Looking forward to meeting everybody!


  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Welcome! I am sorry to hear about your mom. I am looking forward to reading about your running progress.
  • souper71
    souper71 Posts: 21
    Im new here as well and am at the same level you are. Good luck!!!