New to group: best advice?

samthomason Posts: 46 Member
I've been on MFP for a while now, but my current lifestyle is still not producing the results that I'd like so I thought I would try out the Primal/Paleo lifestyle and see what it does for me. I don't know much and I"m going to have to do a lot of research to figure out what exactly it means for meals, but I was wondering what the best advice you have about it is.


  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Read , read and read some more and do what fits you and your lifestyle...

    and ignore the haters on the other boards...(i figure they are just cranky cause they aren't eating awesome things like bacon and guacamole)
  • You had me at 'bacon.'
  • nil8r
    nil8r Posts: 45 Member
    Reading options -
    Mark's Daily Apple website, sign up for his newsletter and the first week you'll get an intro series that is very informative for embarking on this lifestyle.
    Everyday Paleo was a good book (and websites) w/ recipes.
    Paleoista another option has meal ideas

    Advice? Paleo has many different perspectives on food items that should be comsumed versus avoided - especially in regards to certain beans, dairy, rice, and oils. Pay attention to how your body feels after consuming those things and let that (or doctor's advice) guide you rather than stressing too much about perfection.

    When people ask you if you are on some crazy diet or assume you're doing Atkins, you can simply say you are on a journey to rid your diet of processed junk and focusing on real food.

    Have a plan when you go to bars, restaurants, parties, etc. and that plan should always be about thoughtful choices. If you want a non-paleo sweet treat, then make sure it's worth the bite and not an everyday thing.

    Good luck!!!
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    There are TONS of great primal/paleo blogs/webistes. Go searchin' for them!

    Start slow. Don't feel like you have to cut everything out at once.
  • 1. Google "Paleo"- read, read, and read some more. Take a break and eat lots of bacon, then read some more.
    2. Google paleo recipes- some recipe sites are strict paleo and some (IMO) are borderline not even paleo (PALEOMG.) but she does have some great recipes and is a cool lady with a cool site so worth checking out. Just like everything else, you will find
    many different takes and philosophies about paleo eating.
    3. Experiment on your own and find what works for you.
    4. Laugh at everyone asking you how you are getting into such great shape as they watch you devour a whole package of bacon (oh wait, that's me)

    Seriously, research a lot, filter all the BS (i.e. don't take what just one website's philosophy and think that it's paleo gospel) and stick with it. Good luck, and welcome.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I'm a relative newbie, but my best advice would be to go easy on yourself. If you're the kind of person who can make a lot of changes at once and stick with them, great! Do that. But if you're like me and do better with one or two changes at a time, do that. I'm not completely paleo. Not even close. But I'm working toward it, and the changes that I have made have already brought with them significant benefits.
  • tsavisky
    tsavisky Posts: 78 Member
    my favorite blog is, she gives the greatest recipes for not just paleo but for all sorts of diet restrictions. Highly recommend! I'm not 100% paleo either, but have been pretty consistent for around 2 weeks now and it's getting easier. I've needed to find more interesting options to not get bored with my food and her recipe blog has really helped.
  • never heard of this one...might have to check it out. I'm always on the look out for new recipes and ideas