Introduce yourselves.... go on .... don't be shy!



  • beccahummel423
    beccahummel423 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi! I'm Becca. I'm 44 and live just north of Atlanta (Alpharetta/Cumming area). I've just started on MFP after losing 105 pounds on WW and then gaining 50 of those back over the last 3 years. Life got in the way - job losses, family deaths... But now I'm here and I'm going to do this! Not able to exercise right now as I just had phase one of a two-part ankle reconstruction and will be heading for phase two on July 11th. Seven years ago if someone had told me I would miss the gym, I would have laughed in their face. But I miss it terribly & can't wait to get back!
  • LifeinDC
    LifeinDC Posts: 34
    welcome everyone! good to see the group grow and the variety of us in it.
  • riouxt
    riouxt Posts: 104 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Just turned 40 this year and like everyone before said, "How did that happen? I'm only 29 in my head!" well, you didn't all say that...I'm just thinking out loud. Haha. I have two kids (6 & 8) and a hubby who is amazing and supportive. I'm from Canada and its weird to say this but I have begun to have a passion for running. I am looking to lose 45 lbs but honestly it's partly vanity because just once I'd love to wear a bikini without a big tshirt and I want to lose so I can be faster because I am a pretty slow runner. I was not born a runner. I was always at the back of the pack on fitness runs as a kid and hated the 12 minute run with a passion. However, one day I just decided to try it and after a couple of years trying 5km runs I took the plunge and tried an actual running plan. Watching the Biggest Losers motivated me to do it. Last year ran two 10km races and finished (albeit slowly) two half marathons. If I can do it, so can you...if you want to run that is.

    Looking for a few buddies to push me and help me get speedier and just share in the journey. Wishing everyone lots of losses here. Thanks for the 40+ page. It seems like a supportive and great group!
  • jenjones28
    jenjones28 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Everyone. I'm 40, soon to be 41, and have four grown kids. The last one is just leaving the house this month for college, and so it's time to shift some focus. My youngest daughter (second youngest child) is staying with us while her husband is deployed, and it's great for us to be losing weight together as she is using MFP also, but it's nice to have support from people my own age who can understand a bit more where I am in life.

    I've been married to the love of my life for 14 years, and weighed 110 pounds and was very fit and active when we met (we met where we both taught karate). Although I know I may not get back to quite that weight, I'd gotten up to about 140 and I'd like to lose about 20 pounds and get back in reasonable shape. I'm only 5 feet tall and built very small, so every pound really shows.

    My biggest challenge is work - I have a crazy schedule that goes anywhere from 3:30 in the morning to 10:30 at night. Due to regulations, we aren't allowed to have any consumable items on or with us while working and breaks are hard to come by, so I find it challenging to meet my water intake goal and to spread out my meals sometimes.

    I love that this site is so supportive, and this looks like an excellent discussion group! I'm looking forward to "meeting" all of you!
  • donpot
    donpot Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I joined MFP in Jan 2012 with a group of friends at work. Most of them have stopped, but I love it and have been successful with a 30 lb weight loss. It keeps my on track and I can tell if I don't track for a few days. I need new friends to continue my journey. I would like to loose 25 more pounds. New friends are welcome!! I am 49 yrs old and have 2 sons. I have been married 24 years.
  • Hi! I'm new at this but have lost 4lbs so far - only 56 more to go! I love the food tracker - it just helped me realize that large McDonald's sweet tea has more calories than my lunch. Ouch! I'll be 42 in a few months and would love for the scale to be below 200 when that day rolls around.
  • Fit147
    Fit147 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi everyone...I am 45 and have a 15 month old. Not a first time Mom over 40 as I have an 8 year old as well. But there is such a gap in the ages it seems like I am starting over. ;) It aggregates me that all the Moms in their 20s are back in fighting shape within 6 months of giving birth. My metabolism is way messed up...I can't lose weight for anything it seems. It is much harder than it was in my mid 30s with DD. Anyhow I am determined. My oldest is in a great summer camp for most of the summer, I am at home with my little one. I will be focusing on eating clean and using my lap pool at least once a day for 45-60 minutes. By the time school starts in August, I hope to be at my half way point. My 10 year anniversary is in October and I hope to be down another 10 lbs for that.

    My Mom had me when she was 40 and that was back in the 1960s. 40 Moms rock! Look forward to getting to know you all.
  • Hello, I am Tina I am a mother of a 7 year old boy and am about to turn 40. I never thought at 40 I would be so unhealthy. It is time to change that and become a better example for my son.
  • coloradomomof3
    coloradomomof3 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am 42 with 3 kids (4, 6, and 9) and a full time job outside of the home as well. I have a great family and am healthy, however I have struggled with my weight basically since middle school. I would like to lose about 25 pounds. Over the years I have done WW and tried different workout programs, but still struggle. I got more serious at the beginning of the year--working out 4-6 times a week and tracking all my eating. I stay well wtihin my calorie goals just about every day. Pretty frustrated that the scale doesn't move. I have lost inches though as my clothes do fit better, but nothing drastic. I started "Instanity" a couple of weeks ago and then injured a calf muscle so I could do very little for about a week and a half. I am back in the saddle again though. I know...slow and steady win the race--I have no dreams about wearing a bikini--just want to be health and slimmer. :happy:
  • kristenjluv
    kristenjluv Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Im Jeani and I am 45 years old with 5 kids of which 4 of them are now grown. I recently found out I have high blood pressure and the doctor wants me to shed at least 20 pounds. My goal is to lose 30. I always start out good and strong and drop off when the weight doesnt seem to drop quick enough. I am a healthy eater and love vegetables but my weakness is bread and sweets. My biggest goal is just to lose weight, feel great and be healthier. I love the positive feedback and stories on MFP.
  • Hi I am Martha and i live in New Hampshire. I just joined today and I am very excited to get to know everyone. I am 47 years old, been married 25 years this August and I have two sons. I have recently lost 25 pounds and I want to lose another 20 pounds. I exercise for 90 minutes - three times a week but my problem is eating - i need to get control over my food. I am hoping by logging my food on this site I will get the motivation from everyone here.

    Also, I just ran my first 5K last weekend. My goal is to be FIT and FAB in my FORTIES :-)
  • sweetleaf7
    sweetleaf7 Posts: 14
    My name is Peggy. I am 42, and find myself newly single after 21 years of marriage. I have 7 kids ages 26, 22, 20, 13, 7,4, and 2 and a 2 month old grandson that is in my pic with me. I am working on rebuilding my self esteem and self worth right now. It is rough starting over after thinking you are in a secure place in life. I have been on Weight Watchers since 1999 and this is the first time since 2001 I have not been at my lifetime goal of 137 0r less, except during pregnancy. I am going to begin meetings again this week and maybe if I face the music I have let myself go a bit and have to pay for something I have had free for years maybe my motivation will come back. I just want to be happy and healthy for my kids and grandkids and not let the loss of my marriage bring me down. I am looking to make friends and find support for the down times when I feel I can't do it. Get that extra push that says yes you can.. now do it..
  • kimboj41
    kimboj41 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello, my name is Kim I will be 42 in August and I joined this site after reading about a very inspirational woman....Ernestine Shepherd, she is a 75 year old Bodybuilder who holds the title in the Guinness Book as the Oldest Female Bodybuilder. She started working out at the age of 56 and entered her first competition at 71. If that is not motivation enough I don't know what is.....anyway, I live in Woodbridge, VA and I am originally from Macon, GA. I have a 13 year old daughter whom I love dearly and I have her support, as well as my Mother and roommate who are both on this site. I am 6 lbs shy of hitting the 200 mark and looking forward to WOWing my family when I go home for my birthday celebration in August.......
  • knittingbandmom
    knittingbandmom Posts: 190 Member
    Hi all. I am Lucy, 48 (quickly facing 49 gasp) and a single mom of the best 2 kids ever. My son is 18 and about to start college in the fall and my daughter is 13. I've realistically got about 60 pounds to lose in addition to the 6 I've already taken off. In March I joined a jazzercise class near my home and I'm in love with it. It's much harder now than when I was younger but every bit as much fun. I'm hoping to lose the weight, get myself in shape and become an instructor because that's how much I love it. I found MFP in April and dropped WW because this site is amazing. My Mom recently sent me a fitbit and I'm having fun playing with it. Looking forward to knowing you all.
  • TamAD48
    TamAD48 Posts: 387
    Hi, I'm Tammy. Will be 48 in 2 weeks and live in western NY. Single Mom to an almost 25 year old son who has developemental disabilities. I also work overnights in a group home taking care of adults with developemental disabilities.

    Have always had problems with my weight and the yo-yo diets. This time I plan on taking it off and keeping it off!! Major change in that was a recent trip to the doctors where he diagnosised me with osteoarthritis in my knees. He said that I really need to lose the weight to take the pressure off of them. Then he put my information in the BMI chart and said that the results are that I'm "morbidly obese". He referred me to this site to help me with the weight loss. I really have to thank him for that because I have met some amazing people here :smile: My goal is to lose 116 lbs and so far have already lost 12 lbs of that.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Hi, I'm Tammy. Will be 48 in 2 weeks and live in western NY. Single Mom to an almost 25 year old son who has developemental disabilities. I also work overnights in a group home taking care of adults with developemental disabilities.

    Have always had problems with my weight and the yo-yo diets. This time I plan on taking it off and keeping it off!! Major change in that was a recent trip to the doctors where he diagnosised me with osteoarthritis in my knees. He said that I really need to lose the weight to take the pressure off of them. Then he put my information in the BMI chart and said that the results are that I'm "morbidly obese". He referred me to this site to help me with the weight loss. I really have to thank him for that because I have met some amazing people here :smile: My goal is to lose 116 lbs and so far have already lost 12 lbs of that.
    Hi Tammy! Welcome aboard!
  • Alluring72
    Alluring72 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! I am 6months from being 40 - this seemed like the right group to join - rather than a 30 something group. My basic info, I am a divorced mom of 3 boys and am currently dating a wonderful man.

    As for weight - I've stuggled with my weight since 8th grade (13 years old), I lost 70 lbs in 2007/2008 but have put back on 40 of that and even then I wanted to lose more - I was still technically "overweight." So now time to get back on track and get this weight off and get to a "normal" range for my height.
  • Leimaro
    Leimaro Posts: 148 Member
    Hi Everyone! :happy: I'm 46 and single. I have been overweight all my life (even though I was active) except for about 3 memorable years when I weighed 160 lbs in my early 30's. :love: I never seemed to grasp how to master creating a balance between being active and eating. One was always more dominant than the other and therefore, I weight always yoyo'd. And, I was an emotional binge eater.

    Currently, I am 245lbs. I have lost 11lbs in the past 4 weeks-not all with this site. At 5'10", my heaviest was at 284lbs. I never got back down to 160 only to 215lbs. With grace, I have avoided illnesses associated with being obese. Heart problems, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, strokes run in my family. I have always had wake-up calls, but because of my age and the fact that my parents take medication everyday has me really motivated to lose for the last time. I don't want to live the rest of my life like that if I don't have to.

    I'm glad I found this site by chance; it is full of wonderful support. :bigsmile: My goal is to get back down to 150 - 160 once again. :love:
  • kenimills
    kenimills Posts: 10
    Hi! I'm Kendall. I just turned 41. I'm single and really would like to change that. LOL I haven't weighed less than 150 pounds since I was 11. :( I would also really like to change that.

    I lost 10 pounds earlier this year and then was sidelined by tendinitis. I regained 9 1/2 of the 10 I lost. I currently would like to lose 67 pounds, which would put me at 140. I'm looking for MFP friends to receive support and encouragement from and to give same in return.
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    Yay for this group. I'm 41. I joined MFP to become more conscious of what I'm eating. Tracking my calories really inspires me to exercise more. I dont have much to lose but want to shed some weight because my clothes are getting tight and I don't want to have to buy bigger sizes. I'm going to start C25k next week. Anyone else doing this?

    Let's be fabulous together! xoxo