Introduce yourselves!



  • Hi,
    My name is Carli and I'm new to this group! I'm 23 years old and have been married to my amazing husband for a little over a year now. I am in cosmetology school right now so that I can have a fall back in case my dream doesn't take off the way I'd like, but I'm a vocal instructor/musician and I LOVE IT! My husband and I are in an amazing alternative rock band and love playing/singing/writing/performing together.
    I don't struggle much with weight, I've always been pretty small - I was an athlete in high school and it was my prime! haha - however, marriage has hit me hard! I've gained about 15 pounds and it's driving me CRAZY! It is so hard to find time to make healthy foods and exercise as much as I'd like when I have school from 9-5 and work from 6-11, and my band and solo music requires much of my time. However, I'm determined to do it somehow.
    I love to work out, and when I do work out, I crave healthier foods. If anyone has any quick, easy, healthy recipe ideas and quick work out ideas please let me know, I'd really appreciate it! I mostly just need support and motivation! :)
    I look forward to getting to know you all better.
  • EWhitaker526
    EWhitaker526 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi I'm Emily and I'm super excited to find my twin!!! lol. I just got married in December to the most amazing guy!!! He loves me just the way I am which is awesome, but not much help when your trying to lose weight! I'm trying to lose weight because we want to try to concieve soon and I stopped having periods about seven months ago when I gained weight. My doctor diagnosed me with PCOS and I want to try and lose weight to get pregnant naturally. We have a 10 month old golden retriever that keeps us busy!!! lol he is our baby right now! I work as a social work assistant at a home for developementally disabled boys and adults and love my job! Life is busy right now and trying to stay on the right track eating healthy and exercising is hard! Even when you want it so bad! Can't wait to see who my twin is! And meet others on here!
  • HauteHauteMami
    HauteHauteMami Posts: 128 Member
    Hi, I am Teresa and I'm new to MFP but not new to nutrition and fitness. I have a baby that is almost a year and I am trying to get back that pre-baby body. I am an Interior Designer by trade but an working to get my degree in Architecture. My latest project is founding a Custom Home Building business. I couldn't do this aloe. I have this amazing Boyfriend that is an awesome Dad and my biggest fan.

    I'm 40 years old, 5'3 and 140 lbs. I guess you could say that I'm thick because I have big boobs and a matching butt. I work-out five days a week: Two BodyPump classes, Two TurboKick Classes, and One Run in the fresh air. I eat 1250 calories a day and cheat every Saturday.

    I'm hoping to meet my twin who "Lives Life Out Loud". Feel free to add me ladies.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Hello all! My name's Jamie, and I am currently in the market to finally get in shape and be confident and comfortable in my own skin. I work in Real Estate Investment, but am currently applying to Business School to work on getting my MBA. It'd be nice if I can reach my goals before the end of the summer, so that I will only have to worry about maintaining my weight loss and fitness goals while I'm in school. :)

    I am 27 years old, 5'5" @ 176 pounds. I wear a size 8 - 10, and keep the majority of my weight in my chest, arms, butt, and thighs. :( I've been running for the majority of my cardio, but integrate with stairs, TurboFire, and Jillian Michaels. I do strength training with P90X, but am looking forward to eventually getting familiar enough with strength exercises to actually utilize the weights section at the gym.

    My calories are currently set to 1,400 a day, although I've recently been considering dropping my calories to 1,300 or 1,350 a day. :)
  • AlexanderK1994
    AlexanderK1994 Posts: 243 Member
    Hiya guys x) I'm Alice and I'm actually 17 years old but I'm hitting my 18 mark this December... I'm currently studying acting at college in the UK. I'm a fluent English and Polish speaker (Polish is my native language).

    I was actually directed to this site from NaNoWriMo forums x) And I'm very, very grateful that I came there earlier than November :) What made me take up the challenge? Well... I was sick and tired of hearing those comments from my older sister and my mother. I tried fad diets before but nothing really worked - I expected results really quickly and I've given up a lot. But that was because I didn't have enough support. And today I got really annoyed with my step dad: he told me that there's no point in buying a food scale (forever estimate? xD) because in a week's time I'm not going to be doing it. Thank you very much for that kind of support, darn you.

    My calories are at a pretty unhealthy rate right now but after a few days on 1200 I decided to drop it to 1000 and have some kind of a work out to squeeze those 200cals in and eat them back. I've been successful on the most part. I'm really content with this website: throughout the course of a week I've lost 1,5kg. And I'm just outta my 70's - and my scale had me in 70-71kg in quite a while. I hope I get all the support I need on here and that I'm able to give other people support they need.

    I'm glad I've come accross this group, it's a really interesting idea.
  • nanandbai
    nanandbai Posts: 15 Member

    I am Nancy, 54 years old. I am 5'7" and 215 lbs, down from 219 2 weeks ago. I am Type II diabetic on pills. I need to lose now to be healthy. I have been overweight most of my life and have gone up and down, dieting for the wrong reasons. I am workign with a nutritionist to make this a life change and better my life! any help is very appreciated! I will help, as well!

    I am looking for someone with similar goals. I want to lose 80 lbs and might find as I get close that I don't need to lost that much-I don't know. Mainly, I want to change my eating habits, get healthy and lose weight as a result.

    Thank you!
  • Mphenn101
    Mphenn101 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey all,

    My name is Mike, I am 23 years old and a future graduate of UCSC. I love movies (Im a cinephile haha), rugby, football, skateboarding/longboarding, boxing, and running on the beach. I was inspired to change my eating habits from my sister, who still manages to stay healthy and kick butt as a school teacher.

    Having lived in the dorms/on campus for a while, my portion control got a little crazy not to mention I naturally have a body weight that has fluctuated from overweight to underweight. Basically, the freshman 15 is real kids, so be wary. I got on this to keep track of my intake and so far, its been a great help, but some days I just lack the motivation to stay true and just totally want to gorge on reeses and pizza (perhaps even pizza with reeses toppings). Looking for someone with similar interests with a passion to stay fit to help keep mutually motivated.

    Weight: 181lb Height: 6''2
  • nanandbai
    nanandbai Posts: 15 Member
    Well, it states on your message to message you my stats, but I then got an email stating I shouldn't. Hmmm...I don't see any link like you talked about! Helllllllllllp!
  • nanandbai
    nanandbai Posts: 15 Member
    Found it-I am an air head! LOL! Got my stats in!
  • nanandbai
    nanandbai Posts: 15 Member
    Hurt my back & knee at my stress test on 5/15, so haven't walked ina couple of days. but, I will get back out there tomorrow.

    Wish me luck-get results froms tress test tomorrow. I think there is somethign wrong...just hope it's minor. I am praying for a miracle!
  • camila_scl
    camila_scl Posts: 238 Member
    Hi!! just found this group!

    I'm 22 and want to lose 25 pounds (something like that at least)

    I'm taking it one day at a time and hopefully I'll see results, Im very excited with this website.
  • bruinstar
    bruinstar Posts: 31 Member
    Hurt my back & knee at my stress test on 5/15, so haven't walked ina couple of days. but, I will get back out there tomorrow.

    Wish me luck-get results froms tress test tomorrow. I think there is somethign wrong...just hope it's minor. I am praying for a miracle!

    Wishing you a speedy recovery! Hang in there and listen to your body! :)
  • sxysantos
    sxysantos Posts: 41 Member
    Hola everyone! I am new to the site and just started using MFP yesterday. I previously lost 30 lbs and gained back 10 lbs. My goal is to lose the 10 lbs and then go from there. I struggle a bit with making good choices so I would love to have some support. I think I have tried every diet there is so I decided to try the healthy way by counting calories and exercising. I am an aerobics instructor and I am looking for semi active people for support. Thanks!
  • softballmom33
    softballmom33 Posts: 128 Member
    47years old Female

    Here's my stats:
    SW:152 lbs
    CW: 139 lbs
    GW: 127 lbs
  • Hi
    I'm am a single mom/dad. my kids are now almost 18 & 17 and since my divorce from a rather abusive relationship, i started to workout and get healthy. i stopped eating meat and couldnt get enough books/information on anything thay was spiritual, healthy , fitness,esoteric etc. ive always struggled as my ex not only became a dead beat but dropped off the planet fr his 2 beautiful children. i guess i was lucky because it made me stronger and find my passion in fitness lifestyle consulting. Not too mention i was able to be selfish and have the kids all too myself and watch them grow up. weve struggled livong at my moms in one room for many years, below poverty status and on welfare.
    I reallt cant believe when i look back 12 years ago how much I have made my body stronger and able to keep a positive outlook in spite of a traumatic past. yet, fitness & health saved my life. It gve me a real passion and i have since become a massage therapist, personal trainer/instructor and just last year i completed a 2 year degree in physical therapy assistant.
    I just joined fitness pal for 2 reasons. first, i want to prove to my clients that having realistic goals, recording, motivation and support is ESSENTIAL FOR LONG LONG TERM SUCCESS! And what bettet way than practice whay you preach. 2ndly I'm here to step out of my own comfort zone and get in competetion shape. i saw a poster on the wall at the gym last week for one and i said the hell dont i get it a try. I'm just as good as anybody else. And then i realized how much i have healed and how many women outout there i might be able to reach and help along the way. Isnt that part of life, giving back what you recieved.,
    so I'm just learning how to use this app and go online. I'm using from my phone which probably makes it look like i cant spell either b/c i cant see the whole screen! But please send me a request. our goals may be different but then again arent we do differ as individuals who can join forces and have a higher success attaining our goals!
    Enjoy your Sunday...I'm headed to the gym,;)

    oh and heres my intersts of fitness & wellness: weight lifting, interval, boxing , TRX, kettlebell, sandbags, tires, ropes , belly dancing, hot yoga, power yoga, spin, massage, walking, beach.bootcamp, and ill prob try most any activity that pics my intereat
  • bruinstar
    bruinstar Posts: 31 Member
    I'm am a single mom/dad. my kids are now almost 18 & 17 and since my divorce from a rather abusive relationship, i started to workout and get healthy. i stopped eating meat and couldnt get enough books/information on anything thay was spiritual, healthy , fitness,esoteric etc. ive always struggled as my ex not only became a dead beat but dropped off the planet fr his 2 beautiful children. i guess i was lucky because it made me stronger and find my passion in fitness lifestyle consulting. Not too mention i was able to be selfish and have the kids all too myself and watch them grow up. weve struggled livong at my moms in one room for many years, below poverty status and on welfare.
    I reallt cant believe when i look back 12 years ago how much I have made my body stronger and able to keep a positive outlook in spite of a traumatic past. yet, fitness & health saved my life. It gve me a real passion and i have since become a massage therapist, personal trainer/instructor and just last year i completed a 2 year degree in physical therapy assistant.
    I just joined fitness pal for 2 reasons. first, i want to prove to my clients that having realistic goals, recording, motivation and support is ESSENTIAL FOR LONG LONG TERM SUCCESS! And what bettet way than practice whay you preach. 2ndly I'm here to step out of my own comfort zone and get in competetion shape. i saw a poster on the wall at the gym last week for one and i said the hell dont i get it a try. I'm just as good as anybody else. And then i realized how much i have healed and how many women outout there i might be able to reach and help along the way. Isnt that part of life, giving back what you recieved.,
    so I'm just learning how to use this app and go online. I'm using from my phone which probably makes it look like i cant spell either b/c i cant see the whole screen! But please send me a request. our goals may be different but then again arent we do differ as individuals who can join forces and have a higher success attaining our goals!
    Enjoy your Sunday...I'm headed to the gym,;)

    oh and heres my intersts of fitness & wellness: weight lifting, interval, boxing , TRX, kettlebell, sandbags, tires, ropes , belly dancing, hot yoga, power yoga, spin, massage, walking, beach.bootcamp, and ill prob try most any activity that pics my intereat

    Thanks for joining the group! You have such an inspirational story and it's really motivating to see all that you have overcome and how you are out there helping others. :)
  • fayehigginson
    fayehigginson Posts: 3 Member
    Hi There,

    I am Faye and I live in Essex n the UK. I am 177lb currently and would like to be 154lbs. I dont have a particular exercise I prefer - love to dance, I walk my ickle doggie and I have now downloaded the couch to 5k app to begin running. I work in an office so lead quite a sedentry lifestyle and very often have no energy to excercise.

    And I love all sweet things and red wine........hence being on MFP :/

    Faye xx
  • Hey everyone,

    I started using MFP a few days ago and began using Turbo Jam two weeks ago. I'm a 20 year old college student and have been wanting to lose weight for a while now I just never found the motivation or would exercise and then stop because I was too lazy or believed it was useless. I finally found the motivation to want to lose weight and hopefully I will be successful. A few months ago I went to visit a university that I am going to attend in August. I had to go to the third floor using the stairs and I wasn't even half-way when I was already out of breath. When I got to the second floor I felt exhausted and had to stop. Although this may seem dumb and a simple motivation to some, it's actually what brought me here. I realized that I'm 20 years old and can't even walk up the stairs without being out of breath. I also decided to start exercising because there's a history of diabetes in my family and I don't want to take a lot of pills every day or have to take insulin just because I didn't take care of myself. My goal is to exercise throughout the summer and hopefully be in somewhat better shape by the time I go to college. Since I will be living on campus it might be somewhat difficult for me to continue doing Turbo Jam. But at least I will have the energy to keep exercising in other ways so that I can eventually reach my ideal weight.
  • tigjer
    tigjer Posts: 46 Member

    Im a newbie here on MFP...Im 39 and around 177 lbs and would like to lose 20 lbs...Im loving getting involved here and taking responsibility for how I feel about my body!
  • Hi all,

    I'm very excited to meet my match up partner! I love motivating others and getting healthy. I'm a 25 year old RN, and put on weight during school. There was nothing more pleasing during studying to snack or after a really bad day, to eat something far too indulgent. I have a heart condition so I'm mainly doing this for my heart health & blood pressure. When I was 14 I had a heart attack from this condition, and even then I was healthy, in my weight range, and constantly working my body in sports and training. Once I'm at my desired weight of 140 I'll work on maintaining. I'm at 186 now, and i've been told by trainers my body fat isn't super high, but I have a ton of muscle from previous training in my life and being involved in college sports. Now that I've had surgery, I can work out and really push to lose weight. In the end I'll put my one vice and probably the main reason I have gained weight overall. ALCOHOL. Gah, I really love beer. A good microbrew is my kryptonite. It was delicious and stress relieving. I've totally had a few too many. ;0) Well that's me, tangmonkey. Hope you all have a great weekend. :heart: