For Post-Surgery People: How Many Months/Years are you Out?



  • kimmireads
    kimmireads Posts: 66 Member
    Had my sleeve gastrectomy 3-22-11 so 14.5 months out.

    I had my first Bariatric surgery on October 22, 2007 (a lapband). I was at 329# and scared about what I was doing to myself. I lost about 75 pounds. Then I plateaued FOREVER. I wasn't happy that I hadn't lost all I wanted, but felt I wasn't as big as before. I had started having some trouble that I thought was just stress related (it wasn't just that). I ignored it for months--just chalking it up to stress. I had something happen that less than 1% of band patients have happen- a severe prolapse. My band had begun to act as an obstruction instead of a restrictor. Three days after our wedding anniversary in July of 10 I was direct admitted from the Dr. office to the hospital for emergency surgery to have my band removed. I was devastated. :( The weight came back on like gang busters in a very short time. I ended up back over 300#'s!

    My Dr./surgeon and I talked. He said I needed time to heal but we could revisit bariatric surgery but he would not put a band back in for me--he suggested the sleeve gastrectomy. I went through the process again. On March 22, 2011 I had a sleeve gastrectomy and have re-lost about 65 pounds.I know the surgery isn't the miracle for weight loss; it is a tool to help you change your habits. I have a long way to go but my supportive friends on MFP have been helping me get things on track and in perspecitive.

    I was introduced to MFP about 3 months ago by someone who thought that might be very helpful--and it is! When I started looking at the groups and found the bariatric ones I was so excited!
  • Yukonchickie
    Yukonchickie Posts: 9 Member
    Hi All, I had the sleeve gastrectomy on February 15th, 2012 and so far am down about 40lbs since my surgery date. Of course I am at a stand still right now and am just trying to focus on being healthy and moving more.
    Reading some of your stories really helps a lot. Just to see that I am not the only one out there going through this and really, when I think about my numbers, I seem to be on the right track!
    One of these days my brain with catch up with my body!
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    Hi all - haven't had the surgery yet - I am on my 5th of 6 Doctor appts for a medically managed weight loss period. I am hoping that by end of August - September I will be able to have my LapBand surgery.

    Any advice for someone that is hopefully just a couple of months from having it done?


  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    I had my lap band 9/20/11 and have lost almost 110 lbs (26 pre-surgery). Praying to God that my lap band never needs to be removed cause I know for a fact that I would be over 300 lbs again in no time:( I've already got the name of a bariatric surgeon in case anything ever happens and I need another surgery (I like to be prepared for emergencies lol... hope that I never need it!). I love my lap band. The only two options for my WLS were RNY and lap-band and I liked the idea of restriction. I have so many food intolerances and history of ulcers in the past, GERD and IBS that I worried about problems after RNY... Really happy that I chose this !
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Hi all - haven't had the surgery yet - I am on my 5th of 6 Doctor appts for a medically managed weight loss period. I am hoping that by end of August - September I will be able to have my LapBand surgery.

    Any advice for someone that is hopefully just a couple of months from having it done?



    The best advice I can give you is to use this time to start learning the new habits that you are going to need to carry with you for the rest of your life to remain successful. I also had to wait 6 months and initially I so discouraged for it. But looking back, it was really the best thing. During that 6 months I started working on some of that 'head stuff' that is necessary to deal with. Let's face it, we are all fat for a reason. Dealing with that is so important to your sucess. I also used that time to quit smoking, and I gave up soda. I think I miss the soda most of all but I am not willing to risk the pain to try it. I also used the time to learn to eat without drinking anything. That one was challenging. I have always been a water guzzler...and now I cant possibly do that. It was good to get used to it before surgery. Making these things a habit before surgery really helps you when you are in that post-op period. Best of luck to you!
  • mSquared77
    mSquared77 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm almost 7 years post-op and was the best thing that I've ever done for myself. Certainly not a panacea, but has made a huge difference in every aspect of my life.
  • FelizMi
    FelizMi Posts: 79 Member
    2 1/2 years. I started working out on my own summer of 2006. Over a couple of years I had lost 80lbs then hit a plateu, then gained back 30. When I could lose anymore, I decided to get banded. I lost about 20lbs on their 3 month pre diet and about 10 on the 2 week liquid diet. I lost 70lbs since surgery, didn't go to my doctor for a year and gained 20lbs over that year. What drew my back to my doctor a month ago was I was having bad acid reflux. They found out I stretched my pouch which tilted my band, so they took out all my fluid. And I go back Friday to see if my band is back in place so I can get a fill and hopefully get back on track.

    I noticed I did lose better when I tracked everything on here. So I'm back to that, and fortunately, because of tracking and being mindful of what I eat and burn, I don't think I've gained any since having my band emptied. I think I might have lost a couple pounds. We will see Friday!
  • klhacker23
    klhacker23 Posts: 3 Member
    I will be four years out this month. It was the best decision I ever made. I was my biggest at 287 and have lot about 120 lbs (I think). I have done a pretty good job keeping it off thus far, but I think I have gained a little back. I joined here to try and lose the last few pounds and tone up before my wedding in September!
  • acrealizm
    acrealizm Posts: 6 Member
    I was banded in 11/2009 at a weight of 400lbs. I lost 100lbs the first year, but then plateaued and started figuring out ways to eat around the band. I didn't lose any more weight but I didn't gain any either. Recently I had to have my gall bladder removed and before surgery they removed all the fluid from my band. As a result, I splurged and gained 25lbs in 3 weeks! So taking the advice of some other people with similar experience, I joined MFP yesterday and I'm excited to get back on the wagon. I'm here looking for support, motivation, accountability, and ideas. I have a long, rough road to travel but I'm encouraged and excited.
  • soupy218
    soupy218 Posts: 6 Member
    I had lapband surgery on May 8, 2012 I have lost @ 30 lbs so far and feel good about myself.
  • heres2anewme
    heres2anewme Posts: 35 Member
    I had my surgery on Jan. 24, 2011, so I am almost 17 mos. out. I have lost right at 80 lbs since RNY. Had lapband in 2007 and lost 30 lbs but gained most of it back. I love my RNY and would do it all over again. I'd like to lose 30-50 more pounds. If I do I will be happier, but I am also very happy with what I have done so far. Blood pressure, normal without the meds, diabetes is fine with no meds and an A1C of 4.8, Trig is also fine as is my cholesterol. Knees and lower back still bother me some but not like they did and I know I am full of arthritis from being heavy for so long.
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    I always advise those who are going to have bypass surgery of any kind to be certain to take lots of pictures. I have only one because I didn't want to get in front of a camera. Sound familiar? Well let me tell you, I regret that. I wish I had more of me when I was a big girl. That and be sure to measure. And,,,,, take pictures and measure all the way down. Not only does it help you stay on track but it is so boosting to the ego. So get those measuring tapes and cameras out and get busy. You will not regret it one bit. Happy if I helped anyone at all today.
    You are inspirational! I had mine 18 months ago & lost 80lb in the first year as did not really get into dieting just ate less & did not do too much exercise. Now I have lost my surgery weight I am trying to get into the proper diet stuff (late but better late than never!) & have lost another 10lb. Feeling better for the exercise. Scary to hear how people have managed to put on after surgery so I am going to keep going.......
  • ldturner
    ldturner Posts: 5
    Hi! I just found this board, and I feel at home here! I am coming up on 5 years since I had my sleeve gastrectomy. I never did get to "goal" weight, but found a comfortable zone. I have had to work hard to stay at that weight, and fluctuate up and down 15 pounds or so. I finally feel determined to get to that goal weight after all this time, and keeping track here seems to motivate me. Best wishes to everyone!
  • tiffanystearns1121
    tiffanystearns1121 Posts: 3 Member
    I am only 12 days post-op from VSG
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    I had RNY on 12/15/09. I weighed 296 day of surgery; my lowest weight was earlier this year at 151. I had skin removal surgery on 11/16/11. I ended up gaining a little back...went up to 175 and am now down to 160.
    I've started working with a trainer who is amazing and is kicking me back into gear!!
    I've found exercise to be extremely important. There were days I was eating too much and getting into old eating habits but still working out hard 5-6 days a week. I'm positive if I hadn't continued exercising my weight would've gone up a lot more. Now that I'm eating healthier again I feel so much better both physically and emotionally.
    Having the RNY was the best thing I have ever done for myself!
  • Butlavie
    Butlavie Posts: 46 Member
    Congrats to everyone on the new lifestyle change. I had the RNY 5/14/12 and so far I have lost 25lbs I started at 235 and weigh 210. I'm still eating a soft diet and sometimes I go back and forth to protein shakes. I'm so grateful for this board because a lot of things I'm going through I found out are common. I exercise everyday even when I don't want to. LOL The reason for my surgery is Congestive heart failure and diabetes; my ac1 has been 11.1 for over a year. By the grace of God I didn't go into renal failure, the doctors were amazed. Glad I took the leap of faith.
  • mnjhowell
    mnjhowell Posts: 11 Member
    I had lap band surgery May 2009. I lost 150 pounds, I just had a baby 3 weeks ago so I am now on a goal to lose the 35 pounds I gained by Aug 4.
  • ldturner
    ldturner Posts: 5
  • pavshop
    pavshop Posts: 48 Member
    RNY 2/20/12 (4 months). Feeling great. Down 82 pounds (20 pre surgery). Feeling good.
  • Hi I'm Laura I got my bypass in Sept and was 232 and now I am 135. It must be hard and scary to have weight to take back off. Some suggest that for a week you go back on the liquid diet you were on after surgury so your stomach will get a bit smaller?! I't also be suggested to do the cottage cheese test to see where your pouch is at. I'm not sure if these are any of your issues or concerns. The one thing for me is when I slip up I start right back on that moment. I have's too easy for me to say screw it I blew and I'll start tomorrow. Don't give up. I'm sure in no time it will come off if you follow the basics..well that's enough out of me