Help with my EatMore numbers. Don't make sense to me.

Based on suggestions in the EatMore forum, I found out my tdee from, and my BMR. People said I should eat at least my BMR, and more likely TDEE minus 15% to be healthy. That seems like I'm stuffing myself, and doesn't make sense. Here's my numbers:

I do weights, abs and cardio 3-4 times a week. I started that about 2 weeks ago, when a doctor checkup suggested I was obese and needed to lose some weight.

I weigh 233lbs, 6 ft, 51 years old.

BMR = 2099
TDEE on workout day = 3659
TDEE non-workout day = 2983

My first week with MFP I was eating about 1700 calories, lost 2 lbs, then I found the EatMore posts. It suggested at 1700 I was dangerously starving myself, and it would have bad consequences.

Yesterday, trying to eat a little more, I had:
fried egg sandwich
turkey meatloaf, grilled veggies
two McDonald's double cheeseburgers
a bowl of rice krispies, and spoonful of peanut butter after workout

According to MFP, all of that equaled 1292 calories. If a healthy goal is TDEE-15%, that's 3110 for me. So check it:

I ate 807 calories under my BMR, and everyone says that's crazy dangerous or something.
I ate 1818 calories under my TDEE-15%.

That lineup of food above is the same I was eating a year before when I gained 20 pounds and was considered obese. What gives? Granted, I'm exercising now, but I worry about eating MORE than I did when I gained the weight.

I just got started with fitness and I'm excited, but worried about making this eat-more change. If I eat those meals above, I would have to put down another 807 just to meet my BMR. How in the world can I add another 807 when I'm avoiding fatty hi-calorie foods, much less come anywhere close to tdee-15%.

Any tips appreciated. This a fantastic community, I'm so inspired by all those I see getting fit in here.


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member

    First up I love the Health-calc calculator. It's a bit high though as a starting point. I usually only recommend it for those with high amounts of muscle or those who have a higher BMR than the norm.

    I'd go run your numbers through the Scooby calculator and use those to start with. If that doesn't work within a few months- then take another look at the health-calc one.

    Also- I don't know how fast you gained the weight but I know for me- food wasn't the problem. I had a bigger problem of not moving in general let alone working out. I'm eating the same as I used to when I gained weight but this time I'm actually using the energy I'm putting in.. It makes a difference.

    Hope that helps
  • donrua
    donrua Posts: 11
    Thanks, Gemi. That's one thing I was wondering, if the calc has my numbers off a bit. The eatmore rationale makes sense, till I plugged in my numbers from that original calc. Also, I have a low normal metabolism, very calm, low blood pressure.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Yeah- for starters definitely head to the Scooby site. Should give you more attainable numbers.

    Be warned- You will have to get used to eating healthy fats though- just a heads up lol It helps and really lubricates the joints. I can tell if I miss one day of fats- my shoulder will let me know loud and clear!
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    also make sure you select the foods that have multiple people stating they are correct.. Your cal count seems off to me. 2 dbl cheeseburgers and the fried egg sandwich alone should have put you close to 1200 cals (if not over)
  • donrua
    donrua Posts: 11

    Ah! that's a good point. I hadn't thought about that, but it did seem like the number was awfully low for eating McD double cheesburgers and the like.

    I just checked, and yes, there's an entry in MFP for McDonald's double cheeseburger for 180 calories (the one I used), when the McDonald's menu says it's 440 calories each. Huge difference. I'll have to double-check my entries.

  • donrua
    donrua Posts: 11
    Using advice from a couple posts in this thread, I ran the numbers on the scooby calculator

    BMR 2084
    TDEE 3231

    Calorie target to lose fat: 2584

    I then adjusted my numbers from yesterday, to add the accurate cheeseburger calories.
    I then found another fried egg dbase entry that had more calories, (320).

    That left my Friday intake, with 3 pretty un-lean meals, plus a bowl of cereal and spoon of peanut butter at 1947.

    That's still 637 calories under what Scooby recommends I eat, and I'm at the level of the scooby calc that lets me get away with the least amount of calories.

    This seems a bit crazy to be hunting for more calories every day, trying to hit a number much higher than if I just had 3 reasonable meals a day.
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    welcome to the group! There is a learning curve and it does take some time and getting used to. Alot if us are eating 5 to 6 meals outer day ib order to get our calories in. Also, not that you can't have the occasional treats, but you will respond much better if you are eating about 80% clean calories. There are so many great suggestions on here! Definitely work on those healthy days, they really help get our calories up in a healthy way.
  • donrua
    donrua Posts: 11
    Thanks all. I definitely have plenty to learn about choosing the right foods for the prescribed calorie intake.

    As things stand, tonight, I'm looking at another 800 calories I need to intake before bed, after having 3 normal meals plus two snacks. (2 eggs, can of chili, two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on wheat, american salad with grilled chicken, half a can of mixed fruit, half a banana...still way short.)

    I almost dread salads, cause I know there are so little calories that I think "now I'm going to have to eat a couple more times to get my required calorie intake". Not sure I can afford to eat this many calories.
  • donrua
    donrua Posts: 11
    momofmyfivekids --- btw, 103 lbs lost is incredible! Everyone is such an inspiration, and you obviously have learned a great deal along the journey. Thanks again.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Just from a quick look at your posts, I'm not sure you are counting your calories accurately. Just form the list you noted of foods (and still needing 800 calories), it seems like a good amount of calories.

    2 eggs (150 calories, not counting any oil/spray/butter to cook)
    Can of chili (based on the brand and type, a can of chili can be 400 cals)
    2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (100 calorie per slice of bread, 50-100 calories for jelly per sandwich, 100-200 calories for peanut butter per sandwich) - 800 calories (or so)

    American Salad with chicken - this is highly variable based on what's in the salad, the amount of dressing - 500-1500 based on what's in it and the size
    1/2 can of mixed fruit - this can vary based on if the fruit is mixed with syrup or juice - about 75 calories
    1/2 banana - 55 calories

    So, based on the above and not knowing the other variables of size/portion/how something was prepared, your calories of the food you listed could be anywhere from 2000-3000 calories...
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    Don, you will need to get in the habit of measuring and making sure you are accurately recording your food intake. It takes some work at first, but they you will eventually be able to be less reliant on the measuring devices to get accurate portion sizes.

    It's extremely important to do this right now so you learn what you are consuming.

    You also need to set your macros to 40% carb, 30% protein, and 30% fat.

    make sure you get your portein in, that is what will keep you full and satisfied. but without accurately recording your foods and measuring you won't know what your actual calorie intake or if you have reached your macros
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Also, once you have been doing this for a while it won't seem like so much food.

    I was so full the first couple weeks and then my metabolism started catching up to the food and now I am hungry all the time! I eat about 2000 every day and I could totally eat 3000.

    Try to select foods that are whole grains, full fat versions of dairy and really try to get those healthy fats in. A TBSP of olive oil is over 100 calories.

    You can make a nice healthy smoothie that has over 700 calories in it! But they are calories that your body will use efficiently from the dairy, protein powder, a bit of oil in, fruit, greek yogurt, a spoon of PB.

    A handful of nuts can have a couple hundred or more calories and it won't leave you feeling stuffed, and they are nutrient dense. Your body will use those calories much more efficiently than a double cheeseburger.

    Try to make a homemade chili...we make a GIANT pot of chili and then freeze into meal size portions.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Hi!! Welcome to the group! You will feel like it's a whole lot of food in the beginning but your body gets used to it that is for sure....Also, with the database just make sure that you double check any nutritional labels with what the dbase says b/c I do this b/c you never know what someone else is putting in there....Sometimes I have to add a whole new food to the dbase to make it correct....Another great snack that I use which is calorie dense and full of good fats is Nuts...Any kind really but I like just unsalted or a mix of lightly salted peanuts - Depending on what your sodium levels are....But a serving or two of these a day will really put some calories in there for you...I hope this helps and Welcome again!! Best of luck!! :)

    ETA: When you put eggs or anything that you fry make sure to add the butter or oil that you use as well b/c this really adds up and you may be getting more calories than you think....
  • donrua
    donrua Posts: 11
    Thanks everyone. Sounds like I need to keep learning more about the foods.

    You can imagine my confusion, I thought that was the best part of about MFP, that it was going to plot those figures for me. Once I get the right foods in my favorites, and get used to checking labels, should be better.

    I've tried to use precise brand names where I could. When frying an egg, I include the Pam, etc.

    I'm going to try to post a picture of a day of my eating, straight from the MFP database with specifically named foods.

    This still leaves me 290 short of 2100, my BMR. I'm short 1421 from my TDEE per scooby calculator.

  • donrua
    donrua Posts: 11
    Good suggestions, HeidiHo. Need to get me some nuts, slip in a spoonful of oil now and then. Thanks again.
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    Thanks everyone. Sounds like I need to keep learning more about the foods.

    You can imagine my confusion, I thought that was the best part of about MFP, that it was going to plot those figures for me. Once I get the right foods in my favorites, and get used to checking labels, should be better.

    I've tried to use precise brand names where I could. When frying an egg, I include the Pam, etc.

    I'm going to try to post a picture of a day of my eating, straight from the MFP database with specifically named foods.

    This still leaves me 290 short of 2100, my BMR. I'm short 1421 from my TDEE per scooby calculator.


    Hi and welcome to the em2wl family!!!

    How about adding some healthy fats like olive oil and full fat cheeses & cottage cheese. Greek yogurt (also a good protein source). Add some brocolli to a pan and saute in some healthy oil until tender crisp, add some sea salt and/or garlic and enjoy. Nuts are also a good source of healthy fats and fiber. This is just to name a few.

    Also checking out peoples diary can give ya some good ideas. Mine is always open for people to look at.
  • donrua
    donrua Posts: 11
    Thanks again to everyone who offered thoughtful advice. I really appreciate your care and help for each other.

    I'm getting more in the swing of getting my calories up. I've also added a jug of whey protein drink, to slip between meals and after workouts. Some of the food suggests are foreign to my lifestyle, ( I don't know a full-fat cheese from a plastic square with some slices of yellow inside).

    I'm continuing to drop weight modestly. I'm going to start slipping in cardio-only in between my weight lifting days, per doctor checkup. I'm still just hitting my BMR, nowhere near TDEE, but don't see any problems so far.