Where are my little ladies at?

nixirain Posts: 448 Member
Is anybody else using this group for support? I haven't seen much activity on here outside the goal weight post. Lol. We all know that we want to be smaller but how are we doing it?

So here is a new post about....exercise!

What are you doing to shed those LBS!?

I will start. I started The New Rules of Lifting for Women and started eating more last week. Right now it consists of eating 1750 calories a day and lifting 3 days a week. I love it and can't wait to to see the results!

What are you doing?

P.S. I would love to add some little lifting buddies, feel free to add me!


  • charlottey22
    charlottey22 Posts: 71 Member

    whats helping me is cutting down the junk (but not completely getting rid of it! seriosuly couldn't)
    drinking more water

    excersise wise however, i like to have a weekly plan of what im going to do eg:
    monday- pilates class
    tuesday- (weather permitting) 3km run to the gym - 30 mins of cardio then some weights/ mat work
    wendesday- as above if not however 5km run round the village (wp)
    thursday- 1hr kettlersise class
    friday- rest day
    saturday- on the go - if i have time ill go gym (following tuesday plan) tho am hoping to start park run soon so that'll be 5km run
    sunday- weigh in then go gym/ running with my MIL

    id go mad if i didn't plan it out like this Lol :laugh:
  • katara74
    katara74 Posts: 65 Member

    I'm doing Jilian Michaels 30 Day Shred along with 2 fitness classes (Zumba and/or Aerobic Weight Training). On the days that I dont do classes, I also get on the elliptical.

    I also try to drink lots of water and watch my sodium levels. I tend to always go over!

    12 pounds gone so far:smile:
  • kryscallarman
    kryscallarman Posts: 114 Member
    Monday - weight lifting
    Tuesday - cardio
    Wednesday - weight lifting
    Thursday - Interval/ circuits
    Friday - weight lifting
    Saturday - pilates/yoga
    Sunday - rest (but usually go for a walk)
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    I cut out pop all together and now drink about 13 glasses a day of water.

    Still working on the exercise but. But a little cardio, strength, core, upper and lower body. My main one is walking right now.
  • softballmom33
    softballmom33 Posts: 128 Member
    I do the Leslie Sansone walking videos. They are really more than that they include Cardio, Strength Traing and Arobics.
  • ttomlinson
    ttomlinson Posts: 22
    Jillian Michaels 90 day body revolution plus staying within my calorie range by using MFP to log all my food and exercise. I also find that the support on MFP is helping me tremendously.
  • mgoetsch1982
    mgoetsch1982 Posts: 392 Member
    I am doing 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels for the month of June with another group on here. It is an amazing program and it is only 20 minute workouts! Once I finish this, I am either going to do her Extreme Shed and Shred DVD or Turbo Jam. My only issue is keeping my sodium in check. The past few days have been very high numbers for sodium and I don't need any extra water weight.
  • angelaraedesigns
    angelaraedesigns Posts: 68 Member

    whats helping me is cutting down the junk (but not completely getting rid of it! seriosuly couldn't)
    drinking more water

    excersise wise however, i like to have a weekly plan of what im going to do eg:
    monday- pilates class
    tuesday- (weather permitting) 3km run to the gym - 30 mins of cardio then some weights/ mat work
    wendesday- as above if not however 5km run round the village (wp)
    thursday- 1hr kettlersise class
    friday- rest day
    saturday- on the go - if i have time ill go gym (following tuesday plan) tho am hoping to start park run soon so that'll be 5km run
    sunday- weigh in then go gym/ running with my MIL

    id go mad if i didn't plan it out like this Lol :laugh:

    omg. I love your (charlottey2) profile picture! That'd be in Bombay Blue too! oh and your plan sounds great, I'm on a similar path, and I have to plan as well to stave off madness. :tongue:
  • angelaraedesigns
    angelaraedesigns Posts: 68 Member
    As for my exercise plan. I'm all about developing some muscle tone. Just read JimKaras Petite Advantage, and I agree that muscles are a petite's best friend.

    I also read a free e-book by John Walker (not as in Whiskey as in the computer programmer tycoon). Book is called Hacker's Diet.
    He illustrates a 'rung' style of workout plan.
    Just started that this morning. Will do 7 days a week.
    What appealed to me, it's 15min and you work at your own pace and you don't need a gym. which is stay-at-home-mom friendly.

    I'm also doing strength training with weights twice a week.

    Got a picture of Kelly Rippa's ripped arms for inspiration.

    Wondering if anyone else had read the books, I mentioned. And if so, what are your thoughts on the workout plans.

    (i'm currently accepting friends, check out my profile and friend me if you think we'd click motivationally and support wise)
  • Sfulcher05
    Sfulcher05 Posts: 8 Member
    It is hard to be short and carry weight because it has fewer places to go. I am finding that my midsection and my rear are the hardest areas for me to conquer. I do like having junk in my trunk, but I also think that's what contributes to me looking larger than I'd like. Any tips?